Chapter 6

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Cartman: "Princess Kenny! How badly did they rape you?!"
Kenny: (shrugging) (It wasn't that bad.)
Chloe: (rolls eyes)

Craig: (trying to open JIMMY'S ROOM) "I can't get through! The door appears to be enchanted so I can't turn the knob!"
Cartman then goes up to the door to try to open it.  It doesn't work so he begins to bang on it.

Jimmy: (other side of the door) "Yeah, I can. I have the Stick of Truth which means I control the universe, and I say holding the doorknob is okay."
Cartman: "UGH, can he do that??"
Craig: "He has the Stick of Truth, he can do what he wants."
Cartman: "DAMMIT! There's GOT to be another way into this room!"

I looked up to where the attic door was.
Chloe: "What about up there?"
Cartman: "Good thinking Douchebag, but how are we supposed to get up there?"
I looked up see an elf up there holding up the rope. I told Kenny to see if he can charm him. Kenny then starts doing it, which made the bring the ladder down, and Kenny smacked him over the head.

We then climbed up to see that there are way more elves up there. When we defeated them all, I found a hole that leads to Jimmy's room and I jumped down. I looked around to see I was in his room, I then turned around and opened the door for the rest to come in.

Cartman: "You've nowhere to run, Bard! Give me the Stick of Truth."
Jimmy: "Take it from me if you can, W-Wizard King. Step forward now, and fulfill your de- de- and fulfill your de-de-de... Step forward now and fulfill your d-d-d-destiny!"

Cartman: "You are no match for a Grand Wizard!"
Jimmy: "The Stick belongs with us! And I shall use every bardic power in my class to keep it from you!"
Cartman: "Fine. You wanna throw down, brah? Kick his ass, Douchebag."
Chloe: "Umm.."

Jimmy: "Who is Douchebag?"
Cartman: "That's Sir Douchebag to you! And he is about to teach you some manners, Bard."
We then began to fight him, until he was out of breath and we finished him off. Cartman goes up to the Bard and takes the stick.

Cartman: "The Stick is ours!"
ALL: "Yay!"
We then started back our way towards Cartman's house, where he then put the stick back where it was. He then turns towards me.

Cartman: "The Stick of Truth is back where it belongs!" (walks outside) "Great job, men! Douchebag, for your heroic deeds and valiant self sacrifice at the great Battle of The Giggling Donkey, I hereby make you an official member of the Kingdom of Kupa Keep. Welcome to the KKK!"
Chloe: 'Man they really need to come up with a better name. That name is just so fuckin stupid.'

Cartman's Mom: "It's getting late. The Grand Wizard needs to go night-night."
Cartman: "Okay, Mom, thanks for pointing out bedtime for everyone."
Chloe: (giggles quietly)

Cartman's Mom: "It's a school night, hon. You and your little druid friends need to-."
Cartman's Mom: "Oh, that's it! You're going to bed. The rest of you better get home too."

I said good bye to rest and I started my home. When I got there I closed the door, took off my hood and I let my long hair down.
Chloe: (normal voice) *sighs*
Dad: "Well, there she is!"
Mom: "You make any new friends, sweetheart?"
Chloe: "Yea! I actually did!"
Dad: "Good for you."

Mom: "It's late, sweetie. Go on up to bed, and I'll be up there to say goodnight."
Chloe: "Alright!"
I run upstairs, and got dressed and crawled into bed.
Mom: "Goodnight sweet heart. I hope you're as happy as we are. Everything is going to be better now that we're in this quiet little mountain town."

I then started to fall asleep. Until an hour later I saw this strange light outside my door. I opened my door to see aliens taking my dad somewhere. I quickly grabbed my hood, and I began to follow them. They soon lead me to this space ship, where I began to sneak on aboard.

As I was walking, everyone was getting probed, but in the most disgusting way possible.
Chloe: (mumbles quietly) "Well my childhood is ruined.."
I began to look in some rooms, until I spotted someone alone. He looked over to me.
???: "Hey Kid! Could you help me out here!"
Chloe: (boy voice) "Um.. Ok.."
???: "Alrighty thanks! My name's Randy, I'll tell you what to do just listen what I say and we can get out of here."

Chloe: "Uh, ok."
I then began to explore more of the space ship, where I had to keep pressing all of these panels until I was able to find the right one to be able to free Randy.
Randy: "Ah! Oh! Oh you did it! Thanks, kid! I don't know who you are or if you're real, but consider me... your friend. Until we meet again!"
Chloe: "Weirdo."

I then began to find a way out of this place. When I opened the door, that I thought was the way out, I saw that it was the cock pit. The pilots turned around and they saw me. We soon started fighting and at the end I won.

But without anyone flying the ship, it began to go down.
Chloe: (normal voice) "OH SHIT!!"
The ship soon crashed down at the mall. And I began to black out, but before I did, I saw a shadow.
Chloe: "Huh?" (Blacks out)

*Somewhere else*

A phone then starts to ring, and a man starts to go up and answers it.
???: "Yes? ...At what location? How many people in the town? ...Get in there and cover it up. This could change everything. (he hangs up and talks to a GUARD behind him) Get everyone moving. We've got another UFO crash."

To Be Continued~

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