Chapter 20

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We chase after the guy as he swings the stick around trying to figure out how it works.
Guy: "Er... damn thing! How does it work? Show me how it works!" Stan scoffs and says.
Stan: "Yeah, right."

The government guy looks at the Stick then at me.
Guy: "Chloe, why should we be on the opposite sides? Join me, Chloe. Rule by my side. Rule... and you can have THIS all to yourself, FOREVER. I can offer you all! Just get me safely out of here, you can rule with this once again."

Chloe: "Umm... but-." I tried to say but I got interrupted.
Guy: "Join me, and you'll never have to feel like your invisible to anyone again." He then began to hand me the Stick. I looked at the boys who looked scared at the decision I'll make.
Chloe: "Thanks" He leaned in, but I pushed away the stick. "But no thanks. Even though I feel abandoned I still have some friends who now can see who I really am!" As I looked at the boys with smiles on their faces, including mine.

Stan then begins to step forward.
Stan: "You've underestimated the character of the fighters of Zaron! What binds us is MORE than that relic."

Kyle: "AND you've failed to recognize the character of our alliance." Kyle said walking forward next to me.
Cartman: "Yes, and that friendship is more important to any of us than even the Stick of Truth." Cartman said stepping forward.

Then Kenny walks forward to the government guy.
Kyle: "Dude, where're you going?" Kyle ask as Kenny walks beside the government guy and takes the stick.
Kenny: "HA HA HA!" Cartman gasps and said.
Cartman: "Princess Kenny!!"
Guy: "At least one of you has some sense."

Kyle: "You'd sell us all out?!" Kyle ask.
Stan: "But why, Princess Kenny??" Stan ask.
Morgan: "Because Princess Kenny was born a half-orc." Morgan Freeman walks out from behind some crates.

Morgan: "Whose entire village was wiped out by humans and elves."
Kyle: "Morgan Freeman?"
Morgan: "You see, when humans and elves lived together in the forests of Hollow Falls, an elven queen fell in love with the orc known as Dandar, the first one to possess the Stick of Truth. They loved in secret and had a child, a beautiful little girl, a girl who watched a everyone she loved was killed in cold blood. And that is why she waited... and plotted... all this time. To take the Stick from you. For Princess Kenny is the true heir to the Stick of Truth."

Cartman: "Wow, that's pretty cool." (Aw cmon they like his backstory more than mine? XD)
Kyle: "Just one thing, Morgan Freeman. How come every time something convoluted needs explaining you show up?" Kyle ask.
Morgan: "Because every time I show up and explain something, I earn a freckle." One freckle appears on his face before he leaves.

Kenny: "MMRMM MM MRMMPH!" Kenny said before running off with the government guy.
Cartman: "Princess Kenny, you come back here!!" Cartman said chasing after him with us following.

We walk onto a deck where the government guy and Kenny are.
Cartman: "Give us the Stick Princess Kenny. You don't want to go down like this, brah." Cartman said.
Kenny: "Mrmm mmrm! Mrmmmphm mrmmmm mrphrmm mmmm!"
Guy: "Yes! Go Princess Kenny!" We pull out our weapons and attack Kenny killing him.

Cartman: "It's all over, Princess Kenny. Douchella is too powerful for you." I gave him a glare as he just innocently whistle to himself. Kenny picks up a vial of green goo and uncaps it.
Stan: "What's she doing?" Stan asked.
Kyle: "No, Kenny, don't drink that!!" Kyle said, but it was too late. Kenny stuffs the stick in her dress top and drinks the vial, then transforms. Kenny speaks in German.

Cartman: "Aaagh! Nazi zombie Princess Kenny!!"
Kenny: "AAARRGH!" Nazi zombie Princess Kenny screams and charges forward.

Cartman: "This is it Kin- err Queen Douchebag! The final battle! Your buddies stand with you! I will just stand over here." Cartman said standing on the side as Stan walks up to fight by my side first.

Guy: "Use your rainbow attack, Princess Kenny!" The government guy said, making Kenny throw a rainbow at me which I was able to block. I change hit to stab causing him to bleed.

Cartman: "If you kill Princess Kenny, I'll let you hold the Stick of Truth for a couple of minutes." Cartman told me.
Chloe: "Oh really?! Wow such an amazing motivating speech." I say sarcastically.
Guy: "Hit them with the zombie vomit!" Kenny threw a vomit at Stan, but he blocked it and attacked her.

Guy: "Princess Kenny! Call upon your beautiful Nazi unicorn!" Kenny called her unicorn. When it got to close, Stan jump at it and cuts off its head.
Guy: "Shit, stupid fucking unicorn!" The government guy said as Stan walks over to the side.

Stan: "My sword hand's got a cramp, I need a minute." Jimmy walk up next to me. I pull out my bow and kill Princess Kenny.
Stan: "Oh my god! You killed Kenny!" Stan said in shock.
Kyle: "YOU B- oh no wait he's back." Kyle said as Kenny stands back up.

Cartman: "She looks more dead than she was before! Kill her again!"
Jimmy: "This gives me an idea for an epic poem. It's about a bard and his trusty Dragonborn sidekick." I gave Jimmy a glare before getting back to the fight.

Guy: "Give these vermin a taste of their own medicine, Princess Kenny!" Kenny called rats to attack, but Jimmy calls them away with his flute.
Guy: "No! Where are you going with Princess Kenny's rats?! Damn you!"
Jimmy: "Hoo. I better c-catch my breath." Jimmy said walking off to the side as Butters walks up next to me.

I killed Kenny again, but she stood up again.
Cartman: "I think all the dying is making her tired! Keep killing her!"
Guy: "Death comes for you, Dragonborn! You'd better pray for a miracle!"

A Nazi zombie death appears.
Butters: "Oh hamburgers!!" Butters said running away leaving me alone.
Stan: "So much for that." Stan said then Professor Chaos stomps in.
Butters: "WUHAHAHAHA! Foolish Princess Kenny! Do you not know that Death is the servant of Chaos??" He blasts Death away easily.
Guy: "How can this be?!" Butters walks to the side as Kyle stands by my side. I turn to him and smiled as he smiles back at me.

Butters: "All that chaos energy's making me a little woozy." After a few hits Kenny started drinking that goo.
Guy: "Yes, drink your goo, Princess Kenny! You'll be invincible!" Kyle brings out Ike.
Kyle: "Oh no you don't!" He kicks Ike into her breaking the vile. Ike runs away crying with Kyle following.

Guy: "A lucky shot, but no matter. Princess Kenny still has lots of tricks up her puffy sleeves." Kyle return to the side.
Kyle: "Ow, I hurt my leg. You better go on without me."
Cartman: "Shit, I guess I'm the only hope! Alright, it's you and me now, Douchebag. For the fate of humanity!"

I charge in attack Kenny, but he block all of my attacks.
Stan: "Hang in there, Queen Chloe!" Stan told me. Kenny threw a vomit at me, but I block it.

Jimmy: "The girl we knew as Princess Kenny is dead." Jimmy said as I pull out my bow and shot her only damaging her a little.
Butters: "Hooray, Queen Douchebag!" Butters cheer.

Kenny threw a rainbow at me. I wasn't quick enough and I got hit. The impact send me to the ground, I struggle to get up.
Kyle: "You're gonna pay Princess Kenny! Come on, Queen Chloe! You've got this. I believe in you!" Kyle said. The words really hit me and made me blush, but I still had trouble standing up.

Cartman walk over to me and helped me up.
Cartman: "Come on Queen Chloe, your not dying on me now! Fight it!" I looked at him shocked and I nod with a determined look.

And we killed Kenny a 3rd time. But she still stood up again.
Stan: "She doesn't stay dead!! We can't beat her!" Stan said.
Kyle: "Dude, we're fucked! There's no way!" Kyle said.
Cartman: "There's is one way. The power that's inside Chloe, she can use it to destroy Princess Kenny."

Chloe: "ME?! But I can't, I don't even know what to do?! I didn't even know I had powers until an hour ago!" Cartman than grabbed my shoulders.
Cartman: "It's the only way, you have to find a way to do it, or else we're all fucked!"

I looked down and breathed in and looked back up and nodded. I go up towards Kenny, I put out my hand and closed my eyes and focused on my power. I began to feel a force around me.

Stan: "Cmon Queen Chloe you can do it!"
Jimmy: "Kick some a-ass Douchebag!"
Butters: "Yeah Chloe! You got this!"
Cartman: "Do it Douchebag, or we're all dead!"
Kyle: "You can do it Chloe, we believe in you!"

I then opened my eyes as I began to float up and suddenly, some pony ears and my hair began to grow on me. I then blast at Kenny causing a huge explosion as Kenny screams.

To Be Continued ~

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