Chapter 11

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We started our ways towards Clyde's house, the whole way there Cartman kept cussing under his breath about Clyde, while I was in the back looking at the ground. I then heard someone slowed down and come next to me. I looked up to see Kyle looking at me.

Kyle: "So your in our class, how come I never seen you."
Chloe: "W-Well, I look way different than this.. and no one really knows I'm there anyway.. hehe.."
Kyle: "Well then, I have to keep an eye out then to see you."

Chloe: *sighs* "I highly doubt it.."
Kyle then looks at me in concern.
Kyle: "What do you mean?"
Chloe: "You wouldn't get it.."
I then started to look down again in disappointment.
Chloe: 'What is wrong with me? I just want to tell him so badly of who I am.. but I just can't.. ugh I feel so WEIRD!'

We soon arrived at Clyde's house, Cartman then went up to the door and started to bang on it, until Clyde's Dad opened it.
Clyde's Dad: "Oh hello boys!"
Cartman: "Can we speak to Clyde, please?!"
Clyde's Dad: "Oh Clyde's out playing in the backyard with his little friends."

We all started to head towards the backyard, to see a fortress. It had fire everywhere, and as I looked up, I see Clyde holding the Stick Of Truth at the top of the tower.
Clyde: "Come and get it losers! Ha ha ha haa!"

Cartman: "You can't do that Clyde! You're lost in time and space!"
Clyde: "No I'm not."
Cartman: "Yeah you are, asshole!"
Clyde: "Army of Darkness! Defend the fortress!"

Just then a whole bunch of kids came out in a fighting stance, and most of them were Vampire Kids. When I looked I see Craig stand next to Clyde.
Chloe: "Um.. Cartman, you might want to look up."
He looks up to see Craig.
Cartman: "Craig... ? Craig you're on my side!"

Craig: "You don't have authority anymore, the keeper of the Stick said so."
Kyle: "This can't be happening."
Clyde: "Sorry, warriors and wizards, I'd love to invite you in to my fortress of darkness, but I'm afraid you're too LATE!"
Stan: "Too late? What'dya mean we're too late?"

Butter's Dad: "There you are, Butters! Do you know what time it is mister?! It is WAY PAST YOUR BEDTIME!"
Chloe: "Wait!!What?!"
Cartman: "Oh shit it's past our bedtime?"
Kyle: "Dude I'm gonna get it!"

We then started to run home, before our parents knew. I over heard Clyde's conversation while I'm running too.
Clyde: "Hahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Clyde's Dad: "Clyde -- it's past your bedtime!"
Clyde: "HAHA -- Kay, coming dad. HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAA!"

I soon reached for my house as I pull down my hood and took off my pony tail, and I just felt exhausted.
Mom: "Well, hello hello!"
Dad: "You missed the news! Looks like we're gonna have the country's largest taco bell in our new town!"
Mom: "Mommy and Daddy spied on your Facebook page and saw that you're making lots of friends!"
Dad: "Why don't you tell us about them?"

Chloe: (normal voice) "They're great!"
Dad: "Would you mind telling us their names?"
Chloe: "Well there's Cartman, Butters, Jimmy, Stan and... Kyle...."
Mom: "Okay, well it's late, sweetie, head on up to bed and I'll be there to tuck you in."
Chloe: "A-Alright.."

I started heading upstairs. I get to my room and started putting my pjs on and brushed my hair and teeth and I jumped in bed.
Mom: "Goodnight, my little gumdrop. Hope you're enjoying all the peace and quiet in our new home as much as we are."

Chloe: "WAIT MOM! Can I talk to you about something real quick?"
Mom: "Sure sweetie, what's up?"
She goes over to me and sits on my bed next to me.
Chloe: "W-Well you I been having these strange feelings..."
Mom: "Uh Huh, and what exactly have you been feeling?"

Chloe: "Well, I cant really explain it. But when ever I get close to someone, I start to feel nervous around them, I start to blush a lot from when ever he gets close, and I just can't stop thinking about him!"
My mom then begins to giggle at my behavior.
Chloe: "W-What? Is it something I did?"

Mom: *giggles* "No sweetie, what your experiencing, is a crush!"
Chloe: "A crush?"
Mom: "Yes, it means that you really like someone, more than a friend!"
Chloe: "You mean.. I might be in love with him!?"

Mom: *giggles* "Aww, does my baby like someone?"
Chloe: *blushes hard* "I-I don't k-know! T-That's what I-I trying to f-find out!"
Mom: "Well, you do hun."
Chloe: "W-Well that's all I wanted to ask mom! Thank you! Goodnight!"

I then started to push her out, and I shut my door fast. I go over to the mirror to see my face was beat red. I sighed.
Chloe: "So... I'm in love with Kyle... ugh!!"
I then ran to my bed and covered my face with my pillow and screamed into it.

Chloe: "This sucks!! He doesn't know that I'm girl!! And he just knows that I'm a boy!! So he'll never feel the same way!! UGH!!"
I then roll over to my back.
Chloe: "Ugh, forget it. I'm just going to go to bed and just forget about this whole situation."

Just then I started to hear my parents talking each other through the vents. I start to lean in and listening in on what they're saying.

Mom: "I just sometimes feel like we should tell her the truth."
Dad: "Why?! So she can relive it all in her head? It's better that she can't remember!"
Mom: "But, if she really has this 'gift' s-she's going to discover it again on her own anyway."

Dad: "And then they'll try and use her for her gift and she'll become a weapon. They WON'T stop looking for her - we have to keep everything secret, even from her."
Mom: "I'm so frazzled. Will you just... make love to me?"

Chloe: "GROSS!! I'm not listening to that anymore!! But what are they talking about?? Who will get me and what gift?"

I soon just shrugged it off and went to bed.

To Be Continued~

Yes I know I'm uploading a lot. But to be honest I just want to get this story over with, so I can move on to the next one. Anyways hope you enjoyed!! Bye!!

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