Chapter 18

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  Mr. Slave: "Oh, look! He's all small." Mr. Slave said looking at me making everyone else look at me.

Randy: "Wow, this kid is just FULL of surprises! Quick! Get up there and disarm the snuke! Hurry!" Randy said.
Mr. Slave: "Oh, be careful. I might have also put some bats up there the other night."
Chloe: "I'm already regretting this, don't make it worst." I said walking to him, only for Kyle to block my path.

Kyle: "Wait I'm coming too. Mr. Slave put a lot of stuff up there and I just want to come with you."
Chloe: 'Aww' "Ok, I'll shrink you then." I said getting Cartman to glare at Kyle after I shrink him.

Cartman: "I'm coming too." He said walking up.
Kyle: "Why do you want to come fatass?"
Cartman: "Just to make sure you don't try anything with the new kid, now shrink me!"
Chloe: *rolls eyes* "Ok" I shrink Cartman and we climb into Mr. Slave.

Cartman: "And now we boldly go where many men have gone before." Cartman said as he enter. We were about to walk forward when a frog block our path.

Frog: "New Kid, you must find a way out of this place or you will surely die. The way behind you is blocked by the large sphincter. Make haste to the large intestine! All will be made clear to you then!" He said then fades away.

We walk on till our path was block by semen. I cut it down as Cartman says.
Cartman: "Dude, what's that sticky stuff?"
Chloe: "You don't want to know." I told him and we journey on seeing more and more semen.

Chloe: "Couldn't we had enter his body through the mouth instead?" I ask and we went on to see even more semen.
Kyle: "Dah, that sticky stuff is gross." Kyle said trying his best not to touch it.

We climb on a hat puppet and enter a area with a phone that was ringing.
Mr. Slave: "Oooh! Jesus!" I heard Mr. Slave say outside. I walk up to the phone and answer it.
??: "Hello? Hello? Slave honey? You better not be tied up somewhere you silly goose! Huh. Where is he?"

We came across the exit that was blocked by a bat. But luckily a flashlight was aim at him. I climb on the flashlight and press the button, but nothing happened.
Kyle: "Bad batter connection, maybe?" Kyle suggest as I jump down.

We found a battery and replace it.
Cartman: "Now, If only the flashlight was turned on, maybe we could see if that worked."
Chloe: "Yeah, no shit Sherlock."
Cartman: "HEY! WATCH IT DOUCHBAG!" As Kyle chuckled at what I said. I climbed on the flashlight again.

I press the button turning on the flashlight blinding the bat who flies out.
Mr. Slave: "Ooh! Jesus Christ!" Mr. Slave said again and we continued on to a passes where a bird appeared blocking the way.

Bird: "I am the Sparrow Prince. Like you, I was once used for pleasure as an anal plaything, and thus perished in this place. Now you must defeat my angry spirit in order to move forward. I know, I don't really sound that angry, but trust me, I am." I pull out my weapon and attack.

He got a few hits on me, but I was able to defeat him.
Bird: "You have proven yourself in combat, young anal plaything. You may journey forth. Find the snuke's trigger and save the outside world. Farethee met and farethee well." He disappears and we enter the area where all the poop is stored. (Gross XD)

We soon came across a vibrator.
Kyle: "Hey, that looks like Cartman's moms." Kyle said, Cartman walked ahead of him and smacked him in the back of the head. We walk closer to see our path is block by poop.

Kyle: "We can't get by, there's too much shit here." Kyle said. I looked at the vibrator and turn it on. As it digs a way through making Mr. Slave say .
Mr. Slave: "Oooooooooooh! Jesus Christ!" We walk through the hole to see 2 guards up ahead.

One guard sighed and said.
Guard 1: "I didn't join the company for this."
Guard 2: "We've got our orders."
Guard 1: "Yeah, but how come we always get the shit jobs? Go clean out the barracks. Go round up civilians in their homes. Go up a gay man's butthole and guard against intruders. Fuckin' sucks!"

The Frog king and the Sparrow Prince appear beside me.
Frog: "Armed guards? What are they doing here?" The Frog king asked.
Bird: "Whoever seeks to blow up the city clearly doesn't want anyone stopping the." Sparrow said.
Frog: "You must get pass them, New Kid. Go fuck em up." And they disappeared.

We quickly defeat the guards and move on to the stomach. I make my way to the fish.
Fish: "Hello, New Kid. I.... am Catfish. The trigger of the thermonuclear device lies before you. I have tried to solve its riddle, but I have been unable to disarm it. There are only moments to spare. Find a way to disengage the trigger, or all will be lost." I walk up to thermonuclear and gave it a abortion.

Mr. Slave then cough us up and the 3 spirits appear before me.
Fish: "Great job, New Kid." Catatafish said.
Bird: "But your journey is not yet complete." Sparrow said.
Frog: "Yes, but should we ever need your services again, we will call." Frog King places the crown on my head. And leans on my ear.
Frog: "And good luck, make sure to tell them the truth sooner or later Chloe."

Chloe: "Huh?" Before I could question it, we return to our normal size.

Randy: "Great job! You disarmed the snuke. South Park is saved." Randy said.
Cartman: "Yes. Now let's finish this, New Kid. Let's beat Clyde once and for all, and take back the Stick of Truth!"

I look at Mr. Slave who said.
Mr. Slave: "If you ever want to go back in, just ask!"
Chloe: "Once is enough."
Randy: "It was very brave, what you did in that man's butthole." Randy told me trying to make me feel better for going up a guy's butt.

To Be Continued ~

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