Chapter 7

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I began to slowly wake up. I looked around to see that I was in my room again.
Chloe: "Huh? How did I get back here?"
I stretched and jump off my bed. I then got dressed and did my hair. I put it up and then put my hood over it.

I then began to walk downstairs to the kitchen to see mom and dad.
Dad: "Morning sweetheart!"
Chloe: "Morning Dad!"
I grabbed a piece of toast off the plate and began to eat it.
Mom: "School's been cancelled for a few days, sweetie. Go check it out on the news!"

I gave her a questioning look. I then heard a knocking on the door.
Mom: "Can you go get that sweetie?"
Chloe: "Sure mom!"
I head towards the door and I opened it, to find Cartman freaked out.

Cartman: "AGHGH!! MY GOD!! They came outta nowhere!"
He then decided to just barge in.
Chloe: (boy voice) "Dude, what the hell?!? You can't just barge in!"
Cartman: "There's no time! There was a huge earthquake and then, and then there was burning in my yard! Didn't you hear about it?! It's all over the news! Here look!"

I looked at the tv to see the news man talking.
News man: "...and that a large earthquake and several fires in the South Park area last night woke many residents from their sleep. Here with a report is a midget in a bikini."

Bikini guy: "Tom, government workers here are assuring everyone nothing out of the ordinary has happened. They claim that the only reason huge tents have gone up to cover this area is to mask the construction of a new Taco Bell which will open sometime later this month."

News man: "Thanks, Midget, I do love me some Taco Bell. The mayor of South Park states that last night's tremors and fires are under control and that hopefully schools and businesses can open again soon."

Cartman: "It's horrible. You don't understand. The elves... THEY TOOK THE STICK! And it's BULLSHIT, because that is TOTALLY CHEATING! We specifically said no trying to take the Stick at night! Elves are DIRTY LITTLE LIARS! And we have to lay waste to their ENTIRE BASE!"
Chloe: "Woah Woah!! How do you know it was the elves?"

Cartman: "Because it's what they do Douchebag! You have some incredible quality to make friends quickly, Sir Douchebag. I'm sending you on a quest to go out into the lands of Zaron and recruit a whole 'nother FACTION to Kupa Keep. Find the goth kids and give them this letter."
Chloe: "What?! But the goth kids hate me!"
Cartman: "Well just try to do what they ask you, then maybe they will."

Chloe: "Ugh! Alright, just give me the list." *takes the list*
Cartman: "Get them to join our kingdom and we shall lay waste to the Drow Elves once and for all! (Begins to walk out) fucking cheaters..."
I then start to walk out of the house, I see Butters there waiting for me.

Butters: "You ready Douchebag?"
Chloe: (nods)
We then start our way towards the school. When we get there we start our ways to the back, where the goth kids always hangs out at.
I then go up to them, but I was way too nervous to say anything.

Pete: "Who's that?"
Henrietta: ": I think it's that new kid people are talking about."
Michael: "Beat it, New Kid, this area is strictly for goth kids."
Chloe: "Um.... I have a letter.... for you guys..."

I then hand to one of them. They start to pass it to the leader.
Michael: "What's this?"
He then starts to read it.
Michael: "Join the Kingdom of Kupa Keep to battle the wicked elves. All recruits welcome. Sorry, Frodo, we don't play Dungeons and Douchebags."
Pete: "Yeah, beat it, New Kid."

Chloe: *sighs* "Alright.."
Firkle: "Aw, come on, let's do it. We never do anything."
Michael: "No WAY! We can't do what this kid asks us to do! He's a conformist! Look at his clothes and his hair!"

Pete: "Yeah, tell you what, New Kid. Get the right clothes and some cigarettes and coffee and then talk to us again."
Michael: "Yeah, if you wanna prove you aren't a conformist then you need to look exactly like we do. Then MAYBE we'll consider hanging out with you."

Chloe: "Oh, ok."
We started our way to the Store It where we saw a homeless guy selling the clothes we need. I bought them and we were then searching for the sixth graders, since we heard they had cigarettes.

We found and we started beating them up, and took one of their cigarettes.
Chloe: *sigh* 'I'm so not going to have healthy lungs anymore..'
We started our ways to Tweek Bros Coffee. We went inside and we bought a Dark Roast.

We started our ways out, but we then got ambushed by elves.
Elf 1: "Hey there he is! New Kid!"

Elf 2: "New Kid, the Elf King has requested your presence."
Chloe: "The Elf King?!?"

Elf 2: "Yes now, you can either come quietly or you can fight. But I warn you, fighting this fight at this point in the game is a complete waste of time and you might as well skip it and just come with us."
Chloe: "I won't fight, I'll come with you don't worry.."

Elf 3: "You chose wisely, New Kid. Come with us."
He then starts to tie my hands up, as we began to walk ourselves to the elf kingdom.
Chloe: 'Oh man, what have I gotten myself into..'

To Be Continued~

Eeehhh I'm so excited for the next chapter!! It's probably going to be one of my favorite chapters on here, for now!!

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