Chapter 15

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We went into Canada and we started our ways to the prince and the princess to see if they knew anything about the letter. When we entered the throne the prince soon sees and us and calls the guards away.

Prince: " Well, well, what have we here? A hero from the south? Not just anyone can pass the guard at the great border. You must have beaten the odds and obtained... a passport. I am the Prince of Canada and this is my lovely wife."
Princess: *queefs*
Prince: "How can I help you?"

Chloe: "Um, I was wondering if you could help me translate this note."
I then handed him the letter while he reads it.
Prince: "Hmmm... sorry, but I don't know what this says. I've seen this language before, but I believe it is only spoken in a specific part of Canada. I suggest you travel west of here and seek out the Earl of Winnipeg. He can tell you where in Canada they speak this freakish tongue."

Prince: "But I warn you: the wilderness of Canada is filled with Dire Wolves! You know what Dire Wolves are, right? They're like wolves... but they're DIRE."

Chloe: "Um, ok thanks.."
Me and Kyle were about to leave when suddenly something jumped out at us.
Chloe: "Eep!"
The scare cause me to bump into Kyle and made us fall down and I was on top of him.

Chloe: *blushes super red* "AHH! I-I'M SO S-SORRY KYLE!"
I then got up quickly and helped him up.
Kyle: *blushes a little* "It's ok new kid, it was an accident after all."
Chloe: "Hehe, y-yeah..."
I then turned around to the guy that scared us.

Chloe: "What the hell man!"
???: "Sorry about that, but here are your photos with the Prince and Princess. Would you like two 8x10s or six 5x7s?"
Chloe: "Um.... I-I guess 5x7s?"

Photo Guy: "All right, there you go. You can exit right through there."
Chloe: "Ok, thank you."
Me and Kyle soon left and he turned to me.
Kyle: "Aw, I would've picked the 8x10s."
Chloe: "Well, you should of said something." (Jokingly)

Kyle: "Hmm.. I'll keep that in mind."
He then smirked to me, which caused me to blush more at it. I began to smile to myself as we went on our ways to the west of Canada. When we get to Weinberg, we went up to Earl as I hand him the letter and asked about the language.

Earl: "Ah yes. This writing is definitely Canadian. But why should I help a foreigner when Winnipeg is completely overrun with Dire Bears? Tell you what -- kill off all the dire bears in the north of town and I'll help you however I can."
Chloe: "W-What?! But we're just kids, why can't you get someone else to do it?!"

Earl: "Do you want my help or not?"
I was about to say something else, but Kyle began to whisper in my ear.
Kyle: "Don't worry new kid, we can handle them, we need the Earls help if we want to know about the letter."

Chloe: "Ugh! Fine we'll do it!"
Earl: "Great! Now get going!"
We set our ways to where the Dire Bears are and we defeated them and you get the drift. XD
We gave the Earl the pelts and he got excited.

Earl: "By jove you've done it! Look at all these dire bear pelts! Now I can finally make a dire robe. Alright, give me that document."
I handed him the document again as he read on.

Earl: "Hmmm... yes. This is actually written in the language of Eastern Canadian. The Minister of Montreal can translate it. But I'm afraid the prince has imprisoned the Minister of Montreal in the caverns of Quebec. I will speak with the prince. Return to him and he should let you speak with the minister. Boy oh boy, I will have the most dire robe in all of Canada. "

I then roll my eyes and I grabbed Kyle's hand as we began our ways back to the prince. When we were half way there, I noticed that I was still holding Kyle's hand, which caused me to blush and I quickly let go. I looked at the ground sad the rest of the way there.

Prince: "There you are! I understand you wish me to release the Minister of Montreal. I'd like to help you, but I think this might be another ploy by the Bishop of Banff to have Montreal allowed back into the kingdom!"
Chloe: "What?"
Guard: "Some Canadians think our nation should be united again, my Lord."

Prince: "SHUT UP! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! Listen, it's all because the Bishop of Banff is a liberal. He does these things just to make life difficult for me. I must ask you to perform another noble quest: go to Banff and kill the Bishop."
Princess: (gasp) "Kill the Bishop of Banff?"

Prince: "Shh. You. Shh. Kill the Bishop of Banff for me, and bring me his balls as proof. Do this and I shall allow you into the Catacombs of Quebec. Make haste!"

I sighed and started our ways over the Bishop. I didn't notice, but Kyle was looking at me worried.
Kyle: "Are you ok new kid, you look irritated?"
Chloe: *sighs* "Yes.... it just... all the adults here are just so fucking stupid!! And I guess they finally got on my nerves..."

I looked down sadly, but then I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up towards Kyle.
Kyle: "Don't let them get to you new kid, you'll get used to it after awhile." He was rubbing his neck nervously.

Chloe: *similes lightly* "Yeah... sorry, we should get to the Bishop so then we can get back to the rest!"
Kyle: "That's the spirit! Cmon new kid!"
He then grabbed my hand as we started our ways. And the whole time, I couldn't stop blushing.

I just wish I can tell him the truth about my true identity. But if I do, he wouldn't want to talk to me ever again. I don't want to lose them, they've been the best friends I've ever had in my life.

To Be Continued ~

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