Chapter 14

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I saw 4 officers pointing their guns. I then started to hear screams.
Agent: "What the hell is that?"
???: [Speaking German]

Agent: "Mathers... where did you find the alien goo?"
Solider: "Broken vials were in the trash can, sir."
Agent: "What could have come into contact with it in the trash can of an abortion clinic?"
Soldier: "Oh my God..."

Just then a German Zombie Baby burst through the door, killing all of the soldiers. I backed away slowly to the wall in fear. I then heard some rattling in the vents. I looked up to luckily see Butters.

Butters: "I'm here for you, buddy!"
He then started to climb down, but he slipped and fell down.
Butters: "God dammit."
I quickly went over and helped him up.
Chloe: "Are you ok Butters?"
Butters: "Yea.. thanks new kid. Hey you're really good at making a fake girl voice."

Chloe: "Hehehe.. yea.. thanks...."
Butters: "Look at that little fella! Are those little babies sucking blood?"
Chloe: "Maybe, let's get out of here fast."
We tried to make our way out, while fighting off with some of those weird German Babies.

When we finally made our way out, I opened the door to where the exit is. I see a soldier and some dead bodies.
Chloe: "OH....GOD!"

Soldier: "That's it, that's it! The area is secure. Code Green."
Doctor: "It's not secure..."
Soldier: "Tell all units the outbreak has been contained."
Doctor: "It's not contained!"

Soldier: "What the hell are you talking about?"
Doctor: "It's not contained. Y-you don't understand... Khloe Kardashian was in here this morning. She had... the biggest abortion I've ever seen..."

Just then a huge German Baby came into the room, killing the soldiers in mere seconds.
Me and Butters had to fight it off. Which was really difficult, but we were able to fight it off.

I went back to Annie to go back to the girls. But since they know I'm girl, she decides not to put a blindfold on and we just went and began to walk back to their "lair".

When we got there, they gave me back my original clothes. And I went and changed into them and went back in front of Wendy.
Wendy: "Chloe, the girls are very thankful for you texting us the abortion records."

Bebe: "We are one step away from finding out which girl among us is a two-faced bitch."
Wendy: "Unfortunately, the record keeper at the abortion clinic is from Paris and so everything is written in French."
Millie: "Whoever this two-faced skank is thinks she can outsmart us!"

Wendy: "We want to help you and the boys play your game, but we just can't have a two-faced bitch out there on the loose. Just get these documents translated for us, and we PROMISE we will join your army. Sparkle."
ALL: "Sunshine!"

I waved goodbye to them all and I put my hood on and hid my hair. I began my way towards the Elven Kingdom to see if any of the boys knew anything of it. As I made my ways over I handed the letter to Kyle.

Kyle: "What's this? Council, gather around! This must be something the new kid needs our help with."
Everyone begins to gather around us, and Kyle handed the note to Stan.
Stan: "Cinq femmes ont sobi un avortement... what language is that?"

Chloe: (boy voice) "They told me it was some kind of French."
Cartman: "It's some kind of strange Orcish. I've seen this language before... In the Kingdom to the North."
Butters: "Oooh, the Kingdom to the North..."

Stan: "Whatever is written on these documents is somehow the key to us recruiting the girls to our army - is that what you're trying to tell us, new Kid?"
Chloe: "Yea, they said it was the only way for them to be able to join.."

Cartman then went over to a box full of stuff and started searching for something.
Cartman: "Getting that document translated isn't going to be easy."
He then pulled something out and started his way over to us.

Cartman: "To breach the kingdom to the north, you will have to assume another identity. Your name is no longer Commander Douchebag. It is now 'Larry Bobinski', from Cleveland."
He then handed me with a fake passport without the picture, but with the name.

Kyle: "The quickest way to the Kingdom to the North is through the Lost Forest. Head north, then north again. North... a-and then north."
Chloe: *giggles really quietly*
Stan: "You'd better get a real passport photo first or you won't make it past Border Control."

I nod and I started my way towards the photo-dojo. I opened the door and I went up to the counter.
Chloe: "Hi, I'm here to get my pass port photo taken!"
Photo Guy: "Just head into the room there and we'll get started."

He held the door open for me and I went in.
Photo Guy: "Step between the lights, please."
I went over to the green screen and looked at the camera.
Photo Guy: "That's great. OK, smile!"

I began to smile.
Photo Guy: "Um... do you have anything else you can wear?"
Chloe: "What?"
Photo Guy: "Could you try something else on?"
Chloe: "Ok.... could I put on a hat?"

Photo Guy: "Whatever, sure."
I took off the cloak and quickly put a winter hat on and covered my hair enough. I just had my green jacket, the white t-shirt and my blue jeans.

Photo Guy: "Uh, no... Tell you what, how about just no shirt at all. Let's try that."
Chloe: "Ok! NO! IM NOT DOING THAT! Are you even a photographer?"
Photo Guy: "Yes yes! Now just take off your shirt!"

Just then, some beat up guy came out of a couple of boxes.
???: "You sick son of a bitch! Stop him!"
Photo Guy?: "You'll never take me alive!"
Ok so now I'm fighting this pervert that was pretending to be a photographer and I soon beat him.

Real Photographer: "Wow! Good job, kid! You're quite the fighter. Alright let's get this over with. Say cheese! Congrats, kid, you have your first passport."

I grabbed it and I got my cloak on and hood and started heading towards the woods and headed north just like Kyle said. I finally made it and to my surprise, Kyle was waiting there for me.

Chloe: "Hey! Didn't know you would show up."
Kyle: "Yea well, I didn't want you to do this mission alone."
Chloe: *blushes* "Well... thank you.."
Kyle: "Don't mention it, it's what friends are for."
Chloe: *whispers* "....Friends...."

I began my way towards the gate, when the guard stops me.
Guard: "HALT! This is as far as you go, buddy! Ahead of you lies the great kingdom of Canada! It is accessible only to the most noble and valiant of people."
Chloe: "Oh! I have a passport here."
Kyle: "And so do I."

Guard: "Ah, I see you kids have passports! All right, hand it over."
Me and Kyle then handed our passports over to him.
Guard: "Papers appear to be in order. Very well, I hereby grant thee access to the great nation of Canada! OPEN THE GATE!"

We stood there and looked at each other weirdly.
Guard: "Oh, I'll do it. Hold on. There we go."
He goes over and opens the gate and we started our ways towards Canada.

To Be Continued ~

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