Chapter 21 {Final}

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Everything return to normal after that. The town starting putting itself back together.

Me, Cartman, Kyle, and Stan are at Stark's Pond as the sunset set before us.
Kyle: "You guys sure about this?" Kyle ask as we look at the Stick in Cartman's hand.

Cartman: "There's no other way." Cartman said sadly.
Stan: "It drove our friend to madness and nearly killed us all." Stan said. Cartman tosses the stick into the pond. Once it sank, the game was finally over.

Cartman: "So what do you guys wanna play now?" Cartman ask.
Stan: "How about Dinosaur Hunters?" Stan suggested.
Kyle: "Or Pharaohs and Mummies!" Kyle suggested. Which made me smiled a little, but looked down feeling ashamed I'm never going to be friends with them anymore.
Cartman: "Let's ask Chloe! What do you wanna play next dude?" Cartman ask.

I looked up at them surprised to see them all looking at me.
Chloe: "I-I thought you guys wouldn't want to hang around anymore, after I lied to you.."
Cartman: "Well we talked over it, and you seem pretty cool so-" Cartman starts to, but was interrupted.
Kyle: "That you can still hang around us!" Kyle said.

Chloe: "Really! You guys are being serious!"
They all nodded at me.
Stan: "So, have any ideas?" I started to smirk.
Chloe: "Well I was thinking..."
??: "Chloe." I turned around to see my parents.
Mom: "It's late sweetie, say goodbye to your friends." Mom said.
Chloe: "Aww ok mom. Sorry guys, I have to go, but we can play tomorrow after school."

Stan: "Sure dude bye." Stan said.
Kyle: "See you tomorrow." Kyle said.
Cartman: "Later Queen Douchebag!" Cartman said as I walk over to my parents. But before I left, I looked back at Kyle and smiled and waved at him while blushing and left with my parents.

Chloe: 'I hope we can become something more soon.'

3rd Person POV

The boys watched Chloe leave with her parents. Stan then turned to Kyle and smirked.
Stan: "Dude, she was totally checking you out!"
Kyle: "What are you talking about?" Kyle asked.

Stan: "She was looking at you the whole time, and she even waved at you!"
Kyle: "So.. it could just be a friendly gesture."
Cartman: "Yeah! And what kind of girl would ever fall for a Jew?"
Kyle: "Shut up fatass, who would fall in love with you either?"

As they were arguing they began to head back while Stan just kept thinking.
Stan: 'I can tell that Chloe has a thing for Kyle. I hope he can see it too.'
They went their separate ways, and that's the end of their adventure.

The End!

Yes! I'm finally finished this story! I'm sorry for all the late updates, but the problem is school, practices, and my job. But I hope you guys enjoy this anyways! And yes I'll definitely make another one for the next game so stay tuned! Thank you all again for your support in this!

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