Chapter 9

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When we get to the construction site, I saw that there were tons of people and soldiers there. It was all shut off, with a banner saying there was going to be a new Taco Bell.

Agent: "Folks, there's nothing to be concerned with here. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary is going on. We're simply getting ready for the grand opening of a new Taco Bell."
Everyone began to stand blankly at him.

Agent: ": New Taco Bell opening soon, very big Taco Bell. It's gonna open in a few weeks. Thank you."
Guy: "Ah, will this Taco Bell be serving enchiritos?"
Agent: "What?"
Guy: "Well, is it gonna be a full menu Taco Bell, or is this gonna be one of those Taco Bell/KFC combos?"

Agent: "We got a guy out here asking a lot of questions."
He begins to talk on his walkie talkie.
Agent: "But he wants to know if the Taco Bell will have enchiritos or not, sir."
Agent: "Yes sir."

Guy: "Look, it's a simple question. If this is gonna be a huge Taco Bell, will it serve enchiritos? I think we have a right to know-."
The Agent then went ahead and shot the guy in the head. I gasped softly.
Girl: "Mark?"

Agent: "Folks, we know you're all very excited, but for your safety we ask you stay clear of the construction site."
Everybody then began to clear out. We looked to see 2 guards guarding the front entrance.

We made our way to the back of the building, to see that there was ladder that leads to the roof. We climbed it and see a ventilation system, and we began to climb our way in.

We crawled around, when I stopped I saw the meeting room, but when I did Stan ran into me.
Stan: "What the heck dude?"
Chloe: "Sorry, but look."
He looked over to see the meeting room, we listen closely to see what they are saying.
Agent #1: "...but so far we have been unable to stop the UFO from leaking the toxic waste."

Agent #2: "We've contained all we can but there are no guarantees an outbreak will not occur."
Governor: "And does the alien liquid appear to have the same effect as... last time?"
Agent 1: "I'm afraid so. When the alien waste reacts with organic material on Earth it turns things into... Nazi zombies."

We looked over to see a zombie like person, wearing a German symbol wrist band in a cage.
Nazi Zombie: (Speaking German)
Agent 3: "Here we go again."

Governor: "Goddammit. I am so tired of Nazi zombies. It's so overused."
Agent 1: "If the wrong person gets their hands on that green toxin, it could totally spread and... we have a big problem."

Governor: "Alright, we're going to have to completely obliterate EVERYTHING in a three block radius. Find locations for the bombs and bury it all. Then make up a fake story about an earthquake."
Governor: "We can contain the outbreak this time if we act quickly enough. Let's MOVE!"

Agent 1: "Everything we've just talked about has been recorded onto this tape. I'm going to leave it alone here for a few minutes, then come back later and have it encrypted and locked away so nobody ever hears what was said in this meeting."
Agent 2: "Yes. Good idea."

After they all left, we began to climb out of the ventilation. I then went and grabbed the tape and made our way out of the building. But when we got out, we saw tons of Nazi Zombies out the building.

We then began to make our way towards the Community Center, to give them the tape. When we get there, I head towards the table and handed the tape towards Randy.

Randy: "What's this? It's a recording! There's data on here..."
Shiela: "Did they say anything?"
Victoria: "What kind of Taco Bell is it going to be?"
Mr. Mackey: "When are they gonna be finished building it?!"
Randy: "Shh! Shh!"

He the presses the tape to play the audio.
Governor: "Alright, we're going to have to completely obliterate EVERYTHING in a three block radius."
Mr. Garrison: "What??"
Governor: "Set charges underground to blow up the area and bury it all. Then make a fake story about an earthquake."

Victoria: "They're gonna just blow up three blocks?"
Randy: "Sons of bitches. YOU SONS OF BITCHES!"

Mr. Garrison: "What gives them the right?"
Randy: "I knew there was more to this. It's not a simple Taco Bell we're dealing with. It's the most massive Taco Bell ever built. You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want."

Victoria: "Well, not here! Not in our town!"
Randy: "You've done well, New Kid. We're not going to let Taco Bell win. I'll take that picture you wanted now of you with the PTA."
Chloe: *sighs of relief* "Thanks..."
I then hand him the phone and we soon took a picture of all of us with the sign.
Randy's: "Nice. I'll send it to you."

We start to make our way towards the back of the school. I then hand the goth kids my phone and showed them the picture.
Pete: "Whoa, he did it."
Henrietta: "Nice."
Michael: "Yeah, but he's still not goth. He'll have to pass the final test. You may LOOK goth, Frodo, but can you DANCE goth?"

I began to dance like a goth, while smoking and drinking coffee. It was so gross, but I kept it all together until after the dance. When it was over I began to spit out the flavor of the coffee and the smoke.

Pete: "Whaddya think?"
Michael: "He's pretty goth."
Pete: "He's pretty goth right?"
Henrietta: "Yeah. That was pretty good."
Firkle: "I felt his pain."
Pete: "Alright, New Kid, you have officially proven yourself."
Michael: "Yeah. Just tell us where you need us and we'll be there."

I gave them a thanks, as I began to walk in front of the school Stan began to stop me.
Stan: "So who are you planning to choice?"
Chloe: "What do you mean?"
Stan: "Who are you planning to take the goths to?"

I began to think. I had to either choice Cartman or Kyle as my sides. I mean, Cartman did get me in the game, but the whole time he's been a real bitch. And with Kyle, even though I just meet him, he actually listen to me and everything.

When I thought I began to blush again. UGH WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!! I then turn towards Stan.
Chloe: "I think I made my decision.."
Stan: "And?"
Chloe: *smiles brightly* "I'm choosing Kyle!"

Stan gave me a smile back and we started our ways towards the elven kingdom. I started to feel weird again, like I was nervous to see the elven king again. I should really check with my parents to see what's the matter with me.

To Be Continued ~

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