Chapter 8

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We started our ways towards the kingdom, to be honest I was nervous and scared of what they're going to do to me. We entered to the backyard to see the kingdom, to be honest, the kingdom was beautiful.

I look up to see an elf on patrol, he looks down at us and he begins to climb down. I then started hearing drums being played as we were making our way towards the leader. We soon arrived at the throne I slowly looked up to see a cute boy wearing a red robe, green hat and a crown made out sticks.

Chloe: *blushes* 'W-Whoa..'
Kyle: "So... you're the new kid everyone is talking about. What's your name?"
Chloe: "Um.. I-I' (pinches herself secretly, to snap her out of it) I'm Chris... but they call me Douchebag back there..." 'What is wrong with me!!'

Him and the other guy began to look at each other in suspicion. The king then made his way towards me.
Kyle: "You're playing for the wrong side, dude."
Chloe: "H-Huh?"
He then walks behind me.
Kyle: "What did Wizard fatass tell you? That we broke the rules and took the Stick last night? He's lying."

Chloe: "Lying?"
Stan: "Cartman is the one you should be fighting against. He's hiding the Stick -- which is cheating -- and acting all betrayed and sad to get you to recruit more people for him."
Chloe: 'I did hear that he does this to people a lot..'
Kyle then goes up to me again.

Kyle: "We tracked a Twitter raven who says you are currently trying to recruit the goths for the Wizard. Go recruit them -- but bring them to US. Then we can ransack Cartman's stupid kingdom and get the Stick back once and for all. I'm trusting you to do what's right."

He then began to untie me, our fingers kept touching a little, which is somehow making me blush more and making me feel weird.
Chloe: 'Seriously!! What is happening to me?!"

Kyle: "And kid..."
He started to say which snaps me back in reality.
Kyle: "If you betray us, we'll tell everyone you're a butthole. I am sending our best ranger to help guide you. The Bard is also at your disposal now. Don't let Cartman use you."

Me and Stan started our way towards the school. But I still can't get the elven king out of my head, I need to ask mom what is going on with me. We head towards the school to the goths. I head for the bathroom to change my clothes and fix my hair so it cans look boyish with the hat.

We then went behind the school towards the goths.
Michael: "Oh joy, it's Butthole the Barbarian from the Dungeons of Dumbass."
Pete: "You got to admit he looks better."
Henrietta: "Yeah, he's almost a goth."
Michael: "Being goth isn't just how you dress, it's a frame of mind. It's time for you to prove that you go against society's rules."

Firkle: "Yeah."
Michael: "There's a big PTA meeting happening right now at the community center. You need to walk right into the middle of that meeting and tape this sign to their table."
Chloe: "Alright, I think I can do that.."

Pete: "Yeah, THAT will prove your individuality."
Michael: "Go on, beat it. And don't come back until you have a picture of that sign taped to the PTA table."

I grabbed the sign, and we started our way towards the community center. Stan decides that he should wait, and I said that's alright. I then start to go in to see all the adults in town arguing.

Gerald: "It isn't right, I tell you! Out of nowhere this huge Taco Bell is being built, and now our children are missing precious school time!"

Victoria: "Parents, we've been assured by the builders that they are working to fix whatever problems they've encountered and school should be able to resume soon."

Stephen: "Resume soon?! Who do they think they are? They think we're gonna see a Taco Bell as being more important than our kids' educations?"

Randy: "What if it's not really a Taco Bell we're dealing with?"
He then starts to look at me.
Randy: "Thank you for coming, New Kid. Everyone, this is the kid whose family just moved to town. We've become very close friends. His name is... what's your name?"

Chloe: "Um.... Chris?"
Randy: "Well anyway, Chris and I witnessed something last night, and I'd like you to hear his story. Go ahead, Chris."
Chloe: "Ummm.... well....."
Randy: "Tell them, you know, about all the-- go ahead. Tell 'em. Tell 'em that stuff."
I go silent, I don't really know what to say.

Stephen: "This is a waste of everyone's time! If the PTA isn't going to do something about Taco Bell taking over then the rest of us parents will!"
ALL: "YEAH! THAT'S RIGHT! Let's go!"
Stephen: "COME ON!"

I start to get nervous, I go over to the table to hang the sign, but then Randy snatched it from me.
Chloe: "WHAT THE HELL?!"
Randy: "Look, I know how you're feeling, ok? But this isn't gonna solve anything. We've got to get inside that "Taco Bell" and find out what's really going on. Help me with that and I'll help you with this."
Chloe: "UGH!! FINE!! I'll help you." 'Wow I'm becoming more of Cartman.'

Randy: "Awesome! I saw you on the ship - you have pretty good control over your farts. Meet me in the bathroom. It's time for you to learn some REAL power."

I start to head for the men's restroom.
Chloe: 'Ugh, this is not going to be pretty.. 😩'
I opened it to find Randy in a karate outfit.
Randy: "I can tell you have potential, but you are undisciplined."

He then taught me how to be able to do sneak attack with our farts.
Randy: "Very, very good. Now, use what I've taught you to sneak inside that Taco Bell. Find out what they're up to and report back here. And no matter what happens, never fart on anyone's balls. You got that? All right, now go."

I gave him a nod as I went out and left. I went outside to tell Stan the plan, he gives a nod and we then made our way towards the construction site.

To Be Continued ~

I guess you guys found out my favorite character right? Hehe :3

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