Chapter 10

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We made our way into Kyle's backyard, when I see him I began to blush more and I began to get nervous. I then go towards him and he began to turn around and smile at me.

Kyle: "A Twitter raven has told me of your success in recruiting another faction. Simply call them here, and your dedication to the Drow Elves will be complete! Climb up into the treehouse and summon your allies."

I nod at him and then I made my way towards the treehouse and I began to climb it. When I made it to the top, I got my phone out and started text them to join the elves and I began to lift it up to be more dramatic while I giggled at it.

I climbed down and began my way towards Kyle. I stand next to him as he began to talk to his elves.
Kyle: "New Kid, I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I hereby make you a member of the DROW ELVES OF THE FOREST!"
Everybody began to cheer for me, while I began to blush.

Kyle: "New Kid, you have our friendship. I hereby level you up to the rank of: Commander!"
We then began to stare into each other's eyes, until Stan ran in to snap us out of it.
Stan: (running up) "My lord! My lord! We know where the humans are hiding the Stick!"
Kyle: "What? Really?!"
Stan: "We just intercepted their messages on Twitter!"

Kyle: "Ah! Y-you shot down their message raven!"
Stan: "Right, right, we shot down their raven -- and the evil Wizard King has hidden the Stick inside his desk at school!"

ALL: "Huzzah!"

We all then made our way towards the school, where Kyle began to do his little speech as I began to smile lightly at him.
Kyle: "Defenders of freedom! We thank you for your courage in joining our fight! Tonight, we are no longer elves or goths! Tonight, we fight as one!"
Michael: "I feel like SUCH a homo sapien right now."

Scoot: (from upper window of school) "THE ELVES ARE HERE!"
Kid: (blows horn)
Kyle: "They have blown their war horn! Blow ours, Stan!"
Stan: "Kay." (blows horn)
Kyle: "Elves! Flank left! Goth kids! Prepare to attack from behind!"

I started to run to the back to see the goths took care of some of the kkk. Jimmy then began to open the handicap door that leads right in the school. As we walk in the speakers began to come on.

Cartman: "Attention Elf King. The building has been fortified, and the armies of Christ shall never surrender. You will all die in this place."
We began to make our way towards the basement as we fought off some humans on the way.

As we made our way down we saw Kyle blocking off something. I made my over, but then he grabbed my hand to stop me which caused me to blush.
Kyle: "Stay back you guys! Something is seriously wrong with the hallway monitors!"
???: "Help... please..."
Stan: "Dude, that's Gary Nelson!" (runs over to him)
Kyle: "Be careful, he can still bust us for not having hall passes!"

He then let go of my hand, which made me feel upset. I then go over to the kid to see that there was green goo all over him.
Gary: "We came to school the morning after the earthquake to report for duty. (coughs up green liquid) We didn't know school had been cancelled. (coughs) We heard a sound from down here, found this... green goo, it was everywhere. It... changed the other hallway monitors. (coughs)"

Jimmy: "Well it kind of serves you right for being a p-p-patsy ass hallway monitor in the first place."
Chloe: "Leave the kid alone, looks like he's been through a lot!"
I then hold him trying to get him up, I then hold him over my shoulder.
Gary: "Something in the goo... it... it..."

He then started to twitch, he then pushed me away from him which caused me to fall down. Kyle went over to help me up as we looked over at him in horror.
Gary: [Speaking German]
Kyle: "AAGHGH! Somehow that green goo makes hallway monitors even lamer!" (he runs away up the stairs)

We started to fight off the hall monitors until they were all dead. We made our way towards the back to see the exit. When we made it out the speakers came on again.
Cartman: "Douchebag, if you're listening, I know you've been tricked. But I forgive you. Join me again and together we will rule the land as master and slave."
Chloe: "Ugh, I hate him so much!"

When we made into the lobby, Butters and some guards began to fire at us with fire. As we fought them all off, Butters ran off and we began to follow him.
Butters: "Well if it isn't Kyle's lapdog, the traitor Douchebag."
Chloe: "Whatever Butters." (Rolls eyes)

We began to fight Butters, I felt really bad about it to. When we finished him, I whispered sorry to him, before we went our way towards the 4th grade classroom. We reached the front door to see Kyle and everyone else already there.

Kyle: "Fatass is in there with the Stick. Commander Douchebag, lead us to victory."
I then opened the door for everybody and waited for them all to head in before I did.
Kyle: "Back away from the desks, Wizard Fat Ass!"
Cartman: "You're a traitor, Douchebag! How could you?"

Kyle: "Because he knows who the COOL KIDS are. Go ahead and kick Cartman's ass, New Kid."
Cartman: "I brought you into the game... I made friends with you before anybody else would..."

Kyle: "He doesn't wanna play with CHEATERS."
Cartman: "I understand the elves have clouded your mind. Fight it, New Kid. Come back to the light - attack Kyle."
Kyle: "What are you waiting for, dude?"
Cartman: "Punch him right in his smug little lying face."
Kyle: "Get him, New Kid."

Chloe: "Aah!"
I then started to swing my sword, which lucky did hit Cartman.
Cartman: "Oh you mother fucker! I KNEW you were a fucking douchebag!"
We then started to fight each other, and it was actually pretty easy. He was laying down all bruised.

Chloe: *mumbles quietly* "Ha, he got beaten by a girl!"
Kyle: "The evil wizard has been defeated! Great job, New Kid. Goth kids! Take the Stick from inside his desk! Victory is ours!"
The goth kids then went over to the desks.

Chloe: 'Hm.. weird... I didn't know our desks have insides..'
Pete: "Hey, wait a minute. Our desks don't have insides."
Kyle: "What?"
Michael: "Desks at this school just have tabletops."
Kyle: "But... T-Twitter said that..."
Henrietta: "Look over here! This desk has writing on it!"

We go over to the desk to see a message on the outside.
Pete: "Check my locker."
Kyle: "Whose desk is that?"
I look to see that it was..
Chloe: "That's... that's Clyde's desk..."
Cartman: "Wait a minute, how do you know that?"
Chloe: "I go to this school, and I'm in this class."

They look at me in suspicion, which causes me to laugh nervously and sweat a little.
Kyle: "Cmon guys, if this is Clyde's desk then let's go to his locker."
We then ran to his locker.
Chloe: 'Oh my gord... that was a close one..'

When we get there, Stan opens it and finds a laptop in it. He opens it up to reveal a video of Clyde with the Stick Of Truth.
Clyde: "Greetings, Humans and Drow Elves of Zaron!"
Stan: "Clyde!"
Cartman: "HE took the Stick!"

Clyde: "While you have all been busy fighting amongst yourselves, I have built a kingdom beyond your comprehension! I prayed for a way to destroy you all and the solution came crashing down from the heavens!"
He then turns the camera, to reveal more of the green goop in a container.

Kyle: "Oh no it's more of that green stuff!"
Clyde: "With what I have found, I shall raise an army of the dead!"
He then scooped some of the green goo and he then began to pour it on a cat. The cat started to wake up and transformed into a Nazi Zombie.

Clyde: "I shall raise an entire army of darkness and kill the earth!"
Stan: "Clyde... but why?"
Chloe: "Because Cartman here, banished him to be lost in space and time -- now he's all pissed off."
Cartman: "Ugh, whatever."
Clyde: "So you see, FOOLS, I control the stick AND the future of the Earth."
Clyde's Dad: "Clyde do you want a sandwich?"

Clyde: "Not right now Dad I'm making a ruler of darkness video. Whoever controls the Stick controls the universe -- and my first deed is that I hereby DENOUNCE the human and the elf kingdoms! And strip both kings of all their power! HAHAHA HAHA HAHAHAHAHAA!"
Cartman: "Mother fucker!"

To Be Continued~

So for the next chapter, instead of the whole sex thing and the gnome scene, since I don't feel comfortable writing all that. I decided for Chloe to be able to talk to her mom about her feelings and set the scene for the next day. If that's ok with you guys.

Anyways thanks for reading and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!! :)

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