How they met

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Jungkook walked the halls, his head hung low, with a black hood over the top of his messy black hair. Below the hood lies a fair boy with red watery eyes, with dark circles which lay underneath them. A few red scratches on the left cheek which looked recent and a bruise on the right cheek which had swollen up. His pink dry lips busted and oozed out with blood.
Jungkook looked a state hence why he put a hood over his head to protect him from peoples glares.

The bell rang...

Jungkook quickly ran to his first class. English. Jungkook loved English because he sits at the very back next to the window with no one sitting next to him. Jungkook doesn't have friends, he's too socially awkward, he doesn't like talking to people anyway so he is quiet, so quiet no one ever really notices he's there. So due to him not really talking to people he didn't mind where he sat.
He grabbed his ear plugs out of his bag and placed them straight in his ears.

All of a sudden the classroom door swung open with a staff member and a boy. Jungkook was so engrossed in his music he didn't notice anything. He continued to stare out the window, humming along to 'Impossible' by James Arthur.
"Hello Miss Yang sorry to interrupt but we have a new student...this is Kim Taehyung" the staff member states.

"Hello Taehyung, I'm Miss Yang and I will be your English teacher for the next year" the staff member bows, closes the door and leaves.

"Right now introduce yourself and tell us about yourself to the class" Miss Yang gestured.

"Hello my name is Taehyung, my friends call me Tae though. I come from Daegu. I hope I make many friends." Taehyung spoke fairly confidentially.
All the girls giggled and clapped supportively.
Other than Jungkook. Jungkook was doodling in his rough book, still not noticing what was happening but that was about to change.

"Okay Taehyung please go sit next to Jungkook, at the back right hand corner, just get out your book and your pencil case and we will start our lesson" Miss Yang continues.

Tae look at the right hand corner and saw a boy with hair which hung over his fair face with a black hoodie. Tae started to walk over.
'I don't think he's even noticed me. He must love his music' Tae thought to himself.

Taehyung pulls the chair out from underneath the table as quietly as he could so he wouldn't disturb the lesson. He opens his bag and gets out all his supplies and placed them on the desk. He started writing everything which was written on the white board. But he got this slight feeling that someone was watching him. It wasn't a feeling that girls were looking at him because he knew that already, it was coming from the person sitting next to him. Jungkook. Taehyung slowly turned his head. He looked up and made eye contact with soft brown eyes which looked swollen and glossy. As soon as they made eye contact Jungkook looked away.

'He's so cute but there's something about him which I can't put my finger on. I mean why is he wearing a big ass black oversized jumper in the middle of June. It is hot, it's certainly not cold. So why is he wearing such a big jumper which covered his face' Taehyung wondered.

Jungkook noticed a handsome brown haired boy slowly walking to the seat next to him. He had never seen this mysterious person before. Jungkook watched carefully as the boy got all his supplies out of his bag and how he placed them gently on the table to not create any noise. All of sudden the boy turned his head and made eye contact. Although Jungkook was so mesmerised with how beautiful he looked. He knew if he looked any longer this boy would see all the bruises and cuts on his face so he quickly looked away and carried on doodling.

'He's so cute. I don't even know his name. But he won't like me and never will. He's probably gonna mix with the popular kids. I mean the girls are drooling all over him' Jungkook scoffed in his head.

Two hours later...

Class was over.
"Okay everyone pack away, I wont be setting any homework today but next lesson I will be setting a project. Have a nice day and see you all tomorrow" Miss Yang says.
Everyone stood up, packed away their things and started to leave.
Taehyung looked over his shoulder to see Jungkook putting his back pack on slowly, very slowly. He didn't understand why but Jungkook started wincing.
"Hey are you okay?" Taehyung quickly asked.
Jungkook shot his head up and looked at Taehyung.
"O...oh um y...yeh I'm f...fine thanks" Jungkook stuttered.
"Okay, I'm Taehyung by the way but call me Tae"
"Oh, I'm J...jungkook, n...n one has a nice nickname f...for me just call me Jungkook." Jungkook says embarrassingly.
"Well hello Jungkook did you wan...." Taehyung started to ask but got interrupted by someone calling his name...
"HEY TAE, come and have lunch with us" Bambam calls over.
"Oh um sure hold on" Taehyung replied with a smile.
He looked down to carry on talking but noticed Jungkook wasn't there, Taehyung turns around and sees Jungkook bolt out the door.

'Well hopefully I will talk to him later' Taehyung thought.

Taehyung walks over to the boy who called him and his group.

"Hey I'm Bambam"
"Nice to meet you Bambam"
"Well we are the popular ones... and we thought it would be great to have you in our group, so what do you say?"
"Ummm I'm not sure yet as I don't know many people"
"Fine but don't keep me waiting for too long" Bambam says with aggression
"Don't worry I won't" Taehyung says gulping. Bambam grins.

They got up and left the classroom with Taehyung following behind. Bambam and 2 others say they have to go somewhere. So Taehyung decided to tag along with the rest of the group. But just as they leave he sees Jungkook walking down the corridor....

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