The bell ⚠️

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"Hey Tae come on, we are going to the lunch hall" Taemin calls.
"Oh yeh sure" Tae quickly snapped out of his thoughts and followed Taemin to the canteen.

"Hey Jungkook, or should we say FAGGOT" Bambam called running up to Jungkook.

Bambam swung his snake like arms around Jungkook's neck and pulled him into his chest. Whilst the other 2 boys cleared the corridor. 

As soon as Bambam saw that the corridor was clear, he shoved Jungkook into the row of lockers. Jungkook crashed into them and winced but he didn't fight back. He couldn't. He was weak.

"Awe is poor fat bunny wincing, does it hurt, are you going to go home and cry to your eomma" Bambam teased.

Jungkook's eyes started to fill up with tears. They gently leaked down his face, and the cuts stung as they did. He couldn't show his tears so he just used his sleeve to wipe them away.

"Awe baby kook is crying" Bambam called out, pointing at him with a smirk.
Soon after Jackson stepped up to Jungkook and slapped him around the face, punching him in the stomach so hard Jungkook coughed up blood.

"Wimp!" Yugyeom shouted.

He grabbed Jungkook's wrists together, holding them tight, slamming him to the floor. Jungkook fell to the floor with a thud. He tucked himself into a ball and hid his face in his legs. Jackson, Bambam and Yugyeom finished Jungkook by kicking his back and ran off laughing.

When Jungkook saw they had gone. He burst into tears. No one was in the corridor. No one saw what happened. No one will help. Jungkook tried to stand up but instantly fell back down again. Every inch of his body hurt. But this was an every day occurrence for Jungkook. He had no one he could tell, no one which would help. He was stuck.

"I'm sorry Eomma, I cant do anything" Jungkook whispers under his breath.

Eventually Jungkook managed to pick himself up and go to the cubicles. He looked at himself in the mirror and cried... cried until he couldn't breathe.
He finally got some paper towels and put them under the cold water. He carefully wiped his face which was covered in blood. He didn't have enough time to see the rest of his body but he new it wouldn't be good.
He got up and walked out of the bathroom. Yet again, his head hung low, so no one could see he was in pain.

The bell rang...

Jungkook walked to his last lesson of the day which is music. He loved to sing although he didn't sing in public. But he felt a connection with singing as it would take him away from all of his problems.

He walked in, no one was there other than his music teacher Mr Jong. No one else liked music so Mr Jong would always send the other students into the computer room next door. But the student which Mr Jong liked and actually taught music to was Jeon Jungkook. He thought Jungkook had an amazing singing voice.

"Hello Jungkook how are you today" Mr Jong asked with smile on his face.
"I'm okay thank you" Jungkook respond quietly.

Although Mr Jong asked if he was okay he new something was up but he never asked why.  He didn't want to interfere.

"What song do you want to sing today?" Mr Jong quickly asked trying to change the subject.
" um Impossible by James Arthur" Jungkook replied.
"Okay great, let's go" Mr Jong pointed to the piano.

Jungkook dropped his bag on the floor and stood next to the piano. Mr Jong started to play the piano and a voice of an angel sings...

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