Don't worry ⚠️

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Tae's convo on the phone with his eomma...

" Hey Eomma, how are you?"
"Hello Taehyungie I'm lovely thank you, how are you?"
"I'm good thank you"
"The school tells me that you went home early with a boy earlier today"
"Oh yeh um that was Jungkook..."

Tae turned and smiled at Jungkook, Jungkook returned the smile, showing his bunny teeth leaving Tae standing there cooing...

"... he got beaten up so I took him back to ours"
"Oh really, I hope he is okay"
"He's feeling a bit better thank you, can I ask you something now you mention Jungkook please?"

Tae looked at Jungkook and notices his cute little bunny smile turn into a worried look... so Tae went and sat next to him on the bed, lifting his arm up quietly, signaling Jungkook to crawl under into a hug. And that was what he did. He laid his head on Tae's chest. While Tae has one hand holding the phone to his ears and the other playing with Jungkook's hair.

"Of course! Is everything alright?"
"Yeh everything is fine. It's just that... (he looks at Jungkook and he just nods) Jungkook is being abused by his father at home and I don't want him going back... so are you okay with Jungkook living with us? Please?"

Tae still fiddling with Jungkook's hair and Jungkook fiddling with his fingers waiting anxiously for an answer...

"Eomma are you still there?"
"Oh right yeh I'm still here, I was just really shocked. I was not expecting that. But of course he can. Me and your father are very happy for him to be with living with us. And we are looking forward to meeting your friend. He can move into the room next to yours"

A huge smile plastered across Tae's face. Jungkook looked up and saw that he was smiling. Which meant that he could stay.

"Thank you so much! This really means a lot mum. One last thing do you mind ringing school telling them we won't be in school tomorrow? Because we want to get all of Jungkook's stuff without being noticed and everything"

"Yes of course I will, but please be safe. If you need it there is a small gun in your fathers chest of draw, the top draw underneath his blue sweater. Just in case"
"Thank you so much. Love you" Tae sung.
"Love you too Taehyungie. We are so proud of you and will talk soon. Bye"
"Bye mum"
And with that they ended the phone call.

"Looks like you can stay" Tae said with a huge smile on his face.

Jungkook jumped up, giving Tae the biggest hug someone could ever give.

"Thank you Taetae" Jungkook excitedly squealed.

Tae just looked at Jungkook in uwu's. Tae knew he was falling in love with Jungkook. But he wasn't sure if Jungkook felt the same. (Author: basically what I thought for every crush I've had) 

"Here, go have a shower, I will get you a clean towel and a spare change of clothes" Tae smiled.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hassle you in anyway" Jungkook replied.

Tae shook his head. He stood up from where he was laying. He grabbed Jungkook by the hand, intwining their fingers and Tae led him to the closet. Tae gave Jungkook a navy blue jumper and a pair of track suit bottoms. Tae placed them on his shoulder. He then walked to the bathroom with Jungkook. Hands still intwined, Tae placed the clothes on the counter and then got a long, warm black towel out, placing it next to the clothes.

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