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"Kim Taehyung, this way please" the Doctor called
Taehyung stood up and followed the doctor to his office.

"Okay so fortunately Jungkook suffered minor injuries. He has a broken arm. He did have a fractured rib but we fixed that. He has many bruises all over his body, but they will fade. We had to give him stitches on his arm. Something went pretty deep, but that should be okay in a few days. He can be released out of hospital tomorrow morning"

"Thank you so much Doctor" Tae cried.
"no worries, your lucky you saved him when you did, because things would of been much worse. You can go see him now, but he hasn't woken up yet but you can stay with him"
"lovely thank you, what room is he in?"
"Oh yeh he's in room 321, floor 4"

Taehyung stood up and walked out the door. He quickly hopped into the lift until he reached floor 4 and scanned the rooms.

" 319, 320... 321" Taehyung mumbled
He quietly opened the door and shut it behind him. He noticed there was a chair and blanket right next to his bed. So Taehyung walked over and settled down as it was 3am. But he couldn't sleep. So he moved the chair closer to Jungkook and took his hand. He held it and never let go. 

The next morning...

Taehyung never slept. He stayed sitting next to Jungkook with there hands intwined the whole night. It was about 7am and Jungkook had finally woken up. He felt the warmth from someone else's hands. He blinked several times quickly trying to adjust to the light. And there holding his hand was Taehyung.

Jungkook started to move his body slowly. Taehyung shot up when he felt Jungkook's leg move.
"Ah" Jungkook squeaked as he began to move his arm.
"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" Tae whispered.
"Mmm I ache a lot" Jungkook mumbled not realising it was Tae.

All of a sudden Jungkook realised who it was.
"Taetae?" Jungkook questioned the person.
"Yes baby"

Jungkook started to cry a lot.
"Kookie don't cry please" Tae asked worriedly, he then stood up and sat next to Jungkook on his bed. Without warning Jungkook shot his arms around Tae into a hug, not caring how much his arm ached.
"Calm down Jungkookie, I'm not leaving you ever again"

" I.... I was s...scared Taetae, I thought I was never going to see you again. I...I missed yo-u" Jungkook sobbed.
"Please don't cry! You're safe now, they've arrested the bastards and I'm never letting you out of my sight again. I missed you so much, I'm so happy your back" Tae soothingly said to calm Jungkook down.

A while later...

The door opened slowly and in came the doctor...
"Jungkook you can be discharged now, we can get your stuff and you're free to go home. We've given you medication and for now just take it easy" He then walked back out the room.

Jungkook looked up as he was hugging Tae. Tae looked down. They stared in each other's eyes until Tae moved closer and connected their lips. It was a kiss filled with love and support. They soon pulled away and Tae stood up from the bed.

"Right Kookie, shall we go home"
Jungkook just nodded.
Tae grabbed Jungkook's clothes which were next to him. He draped them over his arm and quickly went to Jungkook's side to help him up. Jungkook was still wearing the hospital gown. So Tae placed the clothes on the bed. He looked up at Jungkook and he just nodded.

Tae carefully untied the gown from the back, while Jungkook carefully stuck his arms out straight, he lifted the gown up and over Jungkook's head. Jungkook stood there ashamed and embarrassed, although he still had pants on he was worried that Tae would find him fat. Tae cottoned on that Jungkook was getting shy. So walked around and stood in front of him. Jungkook had his head hung low. Tae placed a finger under his chin and made him look up.

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