complete panic ⚠️

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'It's been 2 days.... 2 days without my Kookie! I can't stand this anymore! Where is he? What's happened to him?' Tae kept thinking!

Out of nowhere his phone started ringing... he looked down and saw it was Bangtan police. He swiped accept quickly and brought the phone up to his ear!

"Hello is this Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook's boyfriend?"
"Yes, yes I am"
"Oh hello sir, I'm Officer Kim Namjoon, I'm ringing you to say that we think we have located your boyfriend and we want you to come to the police station right now and come with us to get him"
"REALLY! I'm coming right now" Tae quickly ended the call, he grabbed his shoes and flew out the door. He drove as fast as he could to Bangtan police station. He parked his car outside the station and ran in.

"Hi I'm Kim Taehyung! Officer Kim Namjoon just rang me about my boyfriend!"
"Oh yes, I'm Jung Hoseok, come this way please sir"

Tae followed Hoseok to a room, with 5 other people.

"This is Taehyung" Hoseok announced.
" Hello Taehyung this is the Bangtan investigators. I'm Namjoon, this is Seokjin, this is Yoongi and this at the end is Jimin. We all will be going to find your boyfriend."
"So the last time he was seen was about 30 minutes away from the shop. He was with two men and he was seen getting taken to an abandoned building." Yoongi stated.
"so we will all go in the van and go there right now" Jin said.

Everyone followed Jin to the van and got in. Taehyung sat nervously next to Jimin.
"Don't worry we will find him!" Jimin said softly.
"Oh... thank you"

They had finally arrived. They all jumped out the van. They were all kitted up other than Taehyung who was standing behind Yoongi. They slowly crept in and heard Jungkook crying. Tae's face turned into complete panic. They ran in to see....


Jungkook sat there crying, 2 days had already passed and he really didn't know how long he had left to live. His arm was still covered in blood and he knew that it was infected.

The three men walked up to Jungkook. Bambam looked to face Jungkook's dad with a smirk.
"Is it time?" Bambam laughed
"I think it is" Jungkook's dad grinned.
Jungkook's stomach dropped, he knew something was going to happen but he didn't know what...

"Right Jackson untie his legs from the chair..." Jungkook's dad instructed.
Jackson ran to Jungkook and untied his legs.
"Bambam now go pull his trousers and pants down" Jungkook's dad smirked.
Bambam ran to Jungkook and gripped on his trousers and yanked them down.

Jungkook filled the whole room with screams and cries with terror. His dad started walking up to Jungkook and slowly unbuckling his belt. Jungkook couldn't do anything, he sat there dead. Hoping someone would save him. His dad walked right up close to him and started to pull his trousers down. He gripped onto Jumgkook's wrists and then he,


Jungkook's dad quickly got off him and pulled his own trousers up. The three men were just about to bolt, until Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok ran and jumped on them pulling them to the ground. With that being done Namjoon and Jin quickly followed running to them and handcuffing them.

Namjoon signalled to Tae to get Jungkook. Tae sprinted to his boyfriend in floods of tears. He ran to Jungkook and before doing anything, he pulled up Jungkook's trousers and untied the rope. The minute Jungkook had been released at the hands he grabbed hold of Taehyung and cried. He didn't care how much his body hurt, he just wrapped his arms around Tae and cried. Tae just stood there, with eyes tearing up. But he then wanted to check Jungkook.

He stood back whilst holding Jungkook's hands. He started from the top of his head.

He saw that Jungkook had a massive, bloody bruise on his forehead. He then had many cuts and bruises all over his face. Under his eyes were massive circles and he had blood shot eyes. He started to trail down his body to see Jungkooks arm with a massive hole in the sleeve with blood covering the whole side of the shirt. He then noticed all his clothes ripped up and masses of cuts and bruises pocking through the holes. After seeing some of the injuries Tae pulled him into another hug.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you Jungkook. I'm never leaving you on your own ever again. I missed you so much!" Tae whispered.

Hoseok came running over to Jungkook and Tae. He notices that Jungkook looked very weak and in a really critical state. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and called an ambulance.

" I've just called an ambulance, it's on its way!"
Tae looked at him and smiled, mouthing him a thank you.

Jimin, Yoongi and Jin took the three men to the van. They quickly got in the van and drove back to the station to be arrested. Namjoon and Hoseok stayed with Tae and Jungkook and they rode in the ambulance with them.

Jungkook was wheeled straight into operation.
Whilst Tae was waiting he thanked Namjoon and Hoseok for everything.
"Thank you so much for finding Jungkook and saving him. I really don't want to know what would of happened to him if we hadn't of found him right there and then!" Tae cried
"It's our job and we wish the very best for you and Jungkook"
"Thank you"
With that being said Hoseok and Namjoon left the hospital and headed back to the station, leaving Tae waiting for Jungkook to come out of surgery.

Tae was sat on his phone scrolling through Instagram until he got a call from the Doctor
" Kim Taehyung, this way please" the Doctor called.

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