Chapter 3- You Don't Want Me?

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As Rafe lead me down more halls, I looked down each one, trying to see if there was an exit. Each intersection was met with more halls and more doors. I was beginning to feel trapped, and my wolf started to grow anxious and confused.

She knew that we had found our mate, and she was confused as to why I wanted to get away from him. All she knew was that we belonged together, but I knew the stories. How was I supposed to explain to her that our mate was a killer, that he was the thing of nightmares?

The hallway finally dumped out into what appeared to be a den. There was a group of teens sitting on a couch playing video games, others around a pool table, and some just sitting in chairs talking with each other.

They all stared as I passed them on Rafe's tail. I saw the first door leading to the outside world since I had ended up inside this place.

I wondered if this place was their pack den, it looked a lot nicer than the one in my pack. People actually wanted to be in this one. I had really been the only one to hang out inside the den back home, it had been a run down room that looked like it hadn't had care in years. It was a place where I could go and be alone by choice instead of having the loneliness thrust upon me.

We kept walking, not even taking a second to look around. He led me down a short hallway and opened a door. I looked into a decent sized bathroom.

"You can clean up and take a shower. I'll have one of the girls bring you in a set of clothes, she'll leave them on the counter by the sink.

I nodded silently and he walked away.

I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. I turned the water in the tub on, letting it heat up before I started to undress. I looked in the mirror at my dirt caked, tan skin and the leaves and bits of earth that were knotted in my long, matted brown hair. I could see the bruises blossoming across the left side of my face, and over my eye. They would be gone shortly though. My brown eyes were wide and scared, I looked more like a rabbit about to flee than a predatory wolf.

I shook my head and stepped into the shower, letting the pressure and hot water pound out the tightness in my muscles. With the high pressure it felt like a massage from the heavens.

As I rubbed the second round of shampoo into my scalp my brain broke through the fuzziness and focused on what had just happened.

I came to the realization again that my mate was Rafe. The Rafe. The Blood Alpha, bringer of death, all things we learned to fear. I was standing among his people, I was in his pack's house, I was in their shower.

I really shouldn't be there, and yet I felt like I was exactly where I belonged. There was no way I could stay though. I couldn't possibly stay with Rafe and his pack, it would be unthinkable. It wouldn't be good for me.

How could I possibly consider staying? I thought to myself. No, how could I possibly consider leaving? The other voice inside me asked. I knew they were both valid questions, for one had my personal safety and well being in mind, and one had my ingrained desires and needs. They were something I couldn't fight.

When I stepped out of the shower I saw a set of clothes lying on the counter. I slipped on the baggy t-shirt and long shorts, towel dried my hair, and stepped into the hallway. I padded down the hall back into the den looking around for someone to tell me where I was supposed to go.

After a minute, a little boy came running up to me. He looked up at me with his blue eyes and a large smile.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"My name is Katarina," I said with a smile. Already I had had more attention then back home, even if it was from a scary Alpha mate and a small child.

"Where did you come from?"

"Quite a ways away," I said to him.

"We don't see many people from the outside," the kid said.

My smile dropped at his words. They echoed my worry that those stories had all in fact been true. I made the decision then and there, that if this man was who my pack had claimed him to be, that I would leave.

I didn't care how much it pained me to be apart from him, I knew I would be safer as far away as possible. For my own personal interest, I couldn't be with someone like him, not unless I wanted the unthinkable to happen again.

The kid ran off as Rafe came back into the room and walked toward me. I looked up at him and he motioned for me to follow him.

He took me down another hall, and here he led me into a room. I saw the large bed, dressers, mirror, and closet.

"This is where you'll be staying," he said.

I looked around at the items that were already in the room. It looked like someone was already living in it. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head when I realized that it was Rafe's room. I was supposed to sleep in his room.

"Are you sure that it's okay for me to stay here? I mean..." I paused for a moment, taking a step back. "I can take a spare room or something."

"But you're my mate," he said, his voice low.

The hair on my arms stood on end at his words and the sound of his voice. His hand reached out and touched my arms, the sparks went through me.

"That means you're supposed to be with me."

"But I don't know if I can," I said, my voice shaky.

He stepped closer, his nose tracing along my jaw, his lips brushing my neck. I closed my eyes as the feeling of him consumed me.

"Are you trying to say you don't want me?" He whispered in my ear.

I couldn't possibly say that, because in that moment I wanted him. I wanted him very much, and he knew it. He could smell it on me, my desire. But I didn't know him. I knew of him, and that scared me.

I heard a low rumble in his chest and his arms reached around me, picking me up before sitting me on the dresser behind me. His mouth was on my neck and a small sigh escaped my lips as he nipped lightly.

I was conflicted. I knew that I shouldn't be all over Rafe, he could be dangerous after all. But that voice was in my head telling me there was no way he could possibly harm me. If he was going to, then he would have done it already.

That reasoning calmed my mind and let me give in to the moment and I pulled Rafe in closer, wrapping my leg around his waist feeling him press harder to me. Right then, I didn't care if I didn't know him because there was a fire consuming me and I wanted to burn.

Rafe pulled back and looked into my brown eyes. "How is it that you know my name, but I have yet to hear yours?" He asked, his voice thick with desire.

"Katarina," I whispered. "Katarina Reynolds."

"Katarina," Rafe said, testing my name out a slight Spanish accent slipping out with it. A shiver ran down my spine and I pulled him back in, putting my mouth on his.

His hands slid up my shirt, touching every inch of skin they could and I felt like I was going to combust. How could just a simple touch feel so good?

The moment was cut short by a sharp knock on the door.

"It's time for our meeting, Rafe." A man said from the door. I recognized the voice as the man who had stopped Kyle from whatever it was he was about to do.

I felt the vibration in his chest as he let out an irritated growl.

"I have to go, but this is far from over," he said with a wink and a half smile.


So there was that. Lol.

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