Chapter 26- On the Road

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We had decided to leave early morning, just after everything had gotten underway in the pack. Rafe had gone off to see if anymore information had been gathered, and the rest of the pack had started going about their normal day. 

It had seemed odd to me that even when the pack had some information, granted not much but some, about what was going on, they were unfazed. No one seemed worried at all about the rogues wanting to destroy their pack, they had all the faith in the world in their Alpha to keep them safe. I had never seen a pack so secure in their leader. Sure, that's how it was supposed to be, but people always doubted. Not these people though, not this pack. 

I slipped away to wait for Nolan, he had said he would join me as soon as he could. I had managed to leave without any of Rafe's people noticing me, and I figured it wouldn't be nearly as challenging for Nolan. He didn't have people constantly watching him like I did, and even if people watched him, they weren't the right hand men to the Alpha. Not after the interrogation was over at least. 

I was sitting on a stump wondering if this was really the right decision. I knew I shouldn't be going behind Rafe's back, but I had asked him to take my advice. He had decided against it. This had to at least be worth a shot, right? I just hoped that Rafe wouldn't go off and attack while I was out there trying to convince the rogues to stop everything before it started. 

I wished for a moment that all of this could just end. I had agreed to be Rafe's mate, his Luna, and yet ever since then we had never had the chance to be together. Sure we were with each other everyday, or we saw each other at least, but we were never really together. I still felt like I knew as little about this man as I had the first week I had been there with him. 

I heard someone coming up behind me and I whirled around, my heart pounding. The only thought in my mind was that I had been found, Ty or someone had actually seen me leave and they were coming to see what I was doing. 

But when I turned around I saw Nolan's wide eyes staring at me, his hands in the air in surrender. "Whoa, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

I let out a sigh and relaxed. "It's okay, I guess I'm just a little nervous."

"Are you sure you really want to do this? We can still turn around, it isn't too late. This could be dangerous. What if they don't listen to you?"

I just nodded. "We need to try something else, war can't always be the first solution."

Nolan nodded slightly and we set off through the woods. I told him the general area we needed to go, we hadn't gotten any specific locations, but we knew right about where they were. Once we were deeper into the woods, we shifted into our wolves, letting them take us there. It would be faster to travel on all fours, and it was going to take us a more than a day as it was. 

As we ran I worried about what would happen when I didn't show up tonight, when Rafe went to our room and I wasn't there, when he would search the whole pack for me and find me missing. I knew it would only be a matter of time before he figured out what I had done and go looking for me, I just hoped we would have enough of a head start. 

Nolan and I didn't really say anything until we stopped to make camp as the sun was going down. He had slowed down and shifted back and dressed in the clothes he'd fastened onto himself, wandering around the small space. 

"We're going to want to start setting up for the night. It will take a while to make up camp, we don't want to do anything in the dark."

I nodded and shifted back got dressed as well. "I'll go get some firewood."

I wandered around for a bit, looking for good pieces of wood, trying to find the driest. It took a while, most of the stuff around was still wet from rain and fresh with life. It wasn't going to burn well. After what felt like more than an hour, I had a pretty good load. I took it back to where we had stopped, and dropped it off. 

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