Chapter 9- Pack Member

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I had chosen to take up a room of my own. Not that we hadn't decided to agree to disagree the night before, I mean I was still a little angry with him about the whole thing, but we had essentially put that aside. I just told Rafe that I would feel more comfortable if I had my own room for the time being.

It just felt weird sleeping in the same bed with a guy I had just met. Sure, I felt like we belonged together and everything, and waking up with his arms around me had felt pretty darn good. But my mind just wasn't at ease with it.

Rafe still refused to share other information with me about the meeting. I was technically a rogue, I ran away from my own pack, and that made me a liability. I hadn't been thrilled with his words or decision, but even I had to admit that it made some sense.

After I grabbing an apple and wandered around the den, I decided to go see Rafe. I strolled into his office without knocking and plopped lazily down on a chair with my legs over one of the arms, my back resting against the other.

Rafe's head lifted, his eyes looking over the glasses he was wearing and straight at me. I wasn't sure why he was wearing them, but damn was he cute in those glasses.

"Can I help you, Katarina?"

I took a bite of the apple, taking time to chew and swallow before answering him. "Yeah, you could."

"And how may I do that?"

"Make me part of the pack," I said through another bite.

Rafe took his glasses off, setting them down before looking back up at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, I thought he would be happy with those words. I was essentially saying that I wasn't going anywhere, and yet he seemed like he was millions of miles away.

"Make you part of the pack?"

I nodded and started kicking my legs, swinging them back and forth. "Yup."

"And why do you want that?"

"Well it seems sort of inevitable doesn't it? I mean we're mates so that kinda means I have to stay here. Otherwise your pack will go a little out of control wouldn't it? A pack run without a Luna to their Alpha only works for so long." I shrugged and turned the apple over in my hands. "You need me, and I kinda need you. Shouldn't we just bypass all the struggle and settle in for the long haul?"

I thought I saw Rafe grin out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn't be sure. He wiped his hand over his mouth before I could really look, and when he removed it, all traces had vanished. Why was he such a serious person? He looked adorable when he smiled.

"So you want to stay?" He asked looking at me seriously.

"It's not exactly a matter of want, but this seems like a good enough place. I mean I was just looking for a new home, why not make it with one of the most powerful packs around? And you know; two birds, one stone...or something like that," I said motioning toward the both of us.

"That kind of thing isn't exactly easy, to just install another pack memeber, it takes time."

"Well, I have nothing but time. And I trust you know what you're doing, being the Alpha and all. Not to mention you seem to do this on a semi regular basis."

I rolled myself gracefully out of the chair and walked to the door before turning.

"I'll see you around."

"Where do you think you're going?" Rafe asked.

I just shrugged my shoulders, fiddling with the door. "Dunno, somewhere." I disappeared around the corner and made my way outside to watch pack life.

I was having a relatively nice time until one of those snobby girls came up again.

"What do you think you're doing here slut? Your kind isn't welcome, we don't take in strays."

"Excuse me," I said with wide eyes. Why did these bitches keep popping up, it was like they were everywhere.

"You heard me, we don't need any rogue sluts like you in here. Run along and find some desparate pack. There's nothing for you here. The men here are spoken for, and the ones who aren't wouldn't whore around with someone like you." The girl's nose wrinkled in disgust as if I were some dirty object that needed to be thrown away in the trash.

"Bitch please, I am far from a slut."

"And that's why you begged Kyle to sleep with you?" She scoffed.

"As if I would even touch him with a ten foot pole!" I retorted. If I never saw Kyle again it, would be too soon.

"Right, I'm sure. That's why you were trying to whore around with our Alpha too? Just so you know, he's taken."

At that my jaw dropped. Rafe was taken? What the hell was she talking about? Who did this bitch think she was?

"That's right," she said. "He's taken. You aren't going to get anything from him, so just take your little slut self back on the road and go find someone who wants you."

I lost it, I completely and totally lost it. Without even realizing what I was doing, my balled fist swung forward, nailing her square in the jaw. The girl screamed, her platnum blonde hair swinging as her head whipped to the side. I shook my hand as the pain shot through it.

"What the hell, bitch!" She screeched. "Now you are so going to get it!"

The girl went to lunge for me but was stopped short as she was grabbed from behind. She angrily whipped her head around to see who had restained her, her anger quickly turning into feigned hurt and flirtation as she saw it was Rafe.

"Baby," she purred. "This bitch just punched me." The girl turned her head showing the red mark where my fist had made contact with her jaw. "Do something to her please."

The girl slid her hand up Rafe's chest and under his shirt. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He was with her?! Rafe was with that freaking psycho? The girl's eyes turned toward me, I could tell what she was trying to say. You are so dead.

Little did she know, I was dead, but not in the way she was thinking. I felt like I had been shot, right through the heart. Rafe, my mate, was with some other girl. I turned around and started running. I didn't know where I was going or where the hell I really was, but I needed to get far away from them. Away from Rafe and away from that psycho bitch. I needed to get away.

"Damn it, Aphrodite," I barely heard Rafe say as I ran away from him.


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