Chapter 20- Luna

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I rolled onto my back, stretching and sprawling out on the bed, my eyes still closed. It felt so nice to be in a bed again, wrapped in silky sheets and a comforter. Apparently Rafe had already gotten up for the day-

Wait a minute.

My eyes shot open as my brain adjusted. I had accepted Rafe, I had just slept with-mated with-Rafe. I sat straight up, keeping myself covered with the sheet. I couldn't believe that I had actually taken that step. It seemed like there were a lot of things I couldn't quite believe.

A small smile spread across my lips and I made my way to the bathroom in Rafe's room. I turned the water on hot and stepped in, letting the steaming water pound against my back, relaxing my muscles. It was strange, I didn't feel different at all. Was I supposed to feel different? I wasn't quite sure how it all worked.

In just a few hours, I had become a member of a new pack, accepted my mate, and slept with him. I was in the final stages of becoming a Luna. I was going to be side by side with the most powerful man in the pack. I would assume almost as many responsibilities as he himself had.

I would be versed in the affairs of the pack, I would be there to plan with Rafe any and all military action that would be preformed, I would decide punishment for those who broke pack law, and I would be their balance.

Children would look up to me, men and women would depend on me.

My heart felt like it was going to pound right out of my chest. I didn't know how to do any of this, I had no idea how to operate a pack. What if no one took me seriously?

I got out of the shower, basking in the warmth and steam that surrounded me. I grabbed a house coat off the door and tied it around my waist before going back into the bedroom. I pulled a drawer open that had a few articles of clothing in my size.

I towel dried my hair, leaving it unbrushed as I padded down the hall and into the kitchen. I rummaged through the drawers until I found some cereal that sounded appealing, pouring it and the milk into a bowl before munching away. I stood at the counter, facing the wall as I ate and thought about the future.

I wondered what it must have been like for Rafe, growing up and becoming the Alpha for his pack at a younger age. I wondered if growing up in an Alpha household had truly prepared him for the responsibilities he had ended up taking on. Was it enough to know how to care for his people? Or were his parents part of the reason he had been corrupted by violence?

Warm arms snaked around my waist and I jumped until the electric sensation put me at ease. Rafe leaned into me, his chin resting on my shoulder as his arms held me tighter, refusing to let go; like if they did then I would disappear.

"You have no idea how incredibly difficult it was to leave the bed this morning," Rafe whispered in my ear.

I smiled through a bite of cereal. "Then why didn't you stay?"

"If only I had. I could have watched you sleep for hours."

My stomach did little flips at his words. I was amazed at how relaxed I felt around him now when over a month ago I had feared this man. The stories that had been told about him, his threatening presence, the men he had for patrol. Everything about him had appeared to be so frightening at first, and now I craved him next to me.

"I've gotten the new members settled into their permanent homes," Rafe said, moving to stand next to me. "The ceremony will be tonight to announce all new members of the pack."

I nod slightly.

"Including you," he said looking pointedly at me.

Oh, he was going to be introducing me to the pack tonight. They were all going to have a name to go with the face that some had seen hanging around the house, the same face that had thrown Aphrodite around the den. They were going to find out who I was; who I was to Rafe, and who I was to the pack.

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