Chapter 7- Pack Business

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"We need strategies," someone said from inside the room.

"We have stratagies, we've dealt with this type of issue before. Why can't we take care of it the same way?" I heard Ty ask.

"We were only dealing with one pack at a time before, now they are uniting. They aren't happy," the same voice said.

"No one's every been happy with us, they just don't understand." A shiver went down my spine as I heard Rafe's voice. "I say we stick with the plan. Or we could simply jump them earlier."

"We know when they're planning to attack?" Someone else asked.

"Not at the moment, but that can be found out easily enough. We can find out when they plan to attack and just beat them to it. Do you really think these individual packs could withstand us on their own?"

The room muttered agreeance with Rafe. They knew separately that no pack could take them on. They had gathered the best of the best over the years, their fighters had been trained either by Rafe or his father. If the stories were true, which apparently they were, that team would be unstoppable.

Would they be unstoppable against united forces though? It appeared they weren't sure.

I was starting to wonder who the united forces were. Could it be my old pack and the others that had surrounded it? Word had started to spread that they would be going after The Blood Alpha and his men.

I had been so wrapped up with the thoughts turning in my head, that I hadn't noticed the room fall silent. The door in front of my face yanked open, and I was face to chest with Rafe. I looked up into his rage filled eyes.

Something flashed through him, something that seemed to be giving him mixed signals. I could tell he wanted to relax, but he stayed tense, glowering down at me.

"This is a closed meeting. You will turn around and leave right this minute. This concerns the pack and only the pack."

"But I'm your mate," I protested.

"But you're not a member of this pack. Now go."

The door slammed shut in my face and I felt like I had been slapped.

It seemed like no one was going to let me forget that I didn't belong, but I hadn't expected it from my mate as well. He should have been the one to make me feel like I belonged.

I had to figure out who they were talking about in there, I needed to know if they were talking about my old pack. Even if none of them remembered me, or even knew that I'd existed, I didn't wish the wrath of Rafe on them. I would never wish that on anyone, not with the stories I had heard.

And my parents were back there, I couldn't possibly let them be in harms way. I still loved them.

I stormed down the hallway and out of the pack house making my way past the homes and straight toward the woods. My wolf had been itching to get out. She had become restless with everything going on, and I had kept her in for a while.

I tried to get Kali out more, I hated keeping her locked inside, but I had no time to let her out recently. With my anxiety building, hers had been too, the only difference was she doesn't feel the same way I did. She doesn't have the same sense of danger around Rafe. She just felt the bond, the connection we shared.

When I got to the woods, I let go, shifting into my wolf. Where I had been standing was a tall, brown wolf with piercing yellow eyes.

Kali started taking us through the woods at high speed. I felt her anxiety slowly falling away the futher into the woods we went. I was glad to feel her at peace again, or as at peace as she could be with everything going on.

I had no idea where we were. Everything had stopped looking familiar a while back. I just knew that Kali knew where we were and I was perfectly alright with that. I used the time to slip back into my thoughts. Wondering about the meeting Rafe was in, my family, my old pack. I couldn't help but think what would become of them if Rafe were to walk in there with his pack of warriors. The Blood Alpha would strike again.

My thoughts stopped suddenly as Kali brought us to a screeching halt. Something had crossed our path, or rather someone. I could tell who it was immediately, the way he stood like he owned the place—that was probably because he did.

Rafe was just a few feet in front of us, his black wolf with electric blue eyes staring me down. Kali whimpered and jumps around. She wanted to go to him, to be close to him. She wouldn't listen to me when I tried to explain to her that he was angry, and possibly dangerous. She didn't see what I did, she just saw her mate, the one person—and wolf—we were supposed to be with. When looking through her eyes, it was hard to remind myself who the person was and what he'd done.

Kali went up to Rafe's wolf, nuzzling up close. The same sparks shot through, giving that electric feeling. As much as Kali wanted to stay, and as much as I wanted to as well, I begged her to turn around and leave him.

Kali reluctantly agreed, stepping back from the large black wolf. We heard him whimper slightly as we retreated, apparently he wasn't angry any longer. We ran through the woods as fast as Kali could carry us. When we neared the edge of the forest, I slipped back into myself, got dressed again and made the rest of the trip on foot.

My mind was racing, the thoughts I didn't want were already there. Was there something that I could do for Rafe? Was there some way that I could help make Rafe a better person, or was there only darkness?

If there was only darkness in him, then what did that mean for me? Our souls were meant to be together, would one of us consume the other? Was my life meant to turn into a black hole?

You couldn't have Yin without Yang, my mother had always told me, her voice rang clearly in my head. Was it possible that we could be like that? Or would the darkness just come out so we matched each other?

I had to believe there was hope for both of us, that something could be done. All I knew was that I couldn't walk away from Rafe now. Kali would suffer if I did, I would suffer. We weren't meant to be apart. Whatever happened now, it would happen with Rafe. I just had to hope for the best.


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