Chapter 6- A Fair Shot

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"What do you mean he's not that bad?" I asked.

"Well," Ty started. "For one, he actually takes great care of his pack. He doesn't let a single person go without something. If someone needs something—anything—Rafe will do his damnedest to make sure they get it. If there's someone threatening the pack, he deals with it."

"How can that justify for all the horrible things he's done?"

"It doesn't really."

Was this seriously his pitch? To tell me how great Rafe was as an Alpha and then agree that it didn't make up for his behavior?

"I never said that he was perfect," Ty said again. "I said he wasn't all bad. He has his flaws, but so does everyone. He's an Alpha, he has the pressure of this entire pack on his shoulders and sometimes that makes him do some things that may not be right, but he makes the tough decisions."

I thought about what it must be like to have an entire group trusting you with their safety and well being. Even now as we walked around I could tell Rafe's pack was large. It was many times larger than the one I'd come from and yet it seemed better taken care of.

"Rafe has killed and he's destroyed. He isn't perfect but neither am I. I saved you the other night because I knew it was the right thing to do, I would never leave someone to the mercy of Kyle. There are pleanty of us in this pack that have strong morals. We aren't a bunch of animals despite what we are. We live by our own code."

Ty led me near a playground where small children ran around giggling and chasing after one another. The place seemed odd given what I had heard about the man that led the pack. I would have never imagined happy families living within the territory of The Blood Alpha.

"As I've said, Rafe has brought down other packs, but it has never been without reason. I'm not saying that his reasons were completely justified, and I'm not saying that there couldn't have been another way. But he believed it was in the best interest. We don't kill everyone. Women and children are protected, they can join us or they can make their own path, and men who don't cross us are given the same option.

"We actually try to kill as few as possible, it's why our pack is so large. These people don't live in fear of their Alpha, they know what he does, but they also know that he won't do anything to harm them. He will only serve them."

Ty knelt down next to a little boy and girl as they passed by.

"Hey there kids, what do you think of Alpha Granger?" He asked.

"He's great!" The little boy shouted with an enthusiastic grin.

"He helped my mommy get better when she was really sick," the little girl chirped.

Ty smiled and ruffled their hair before standing, letting the kids run off and play.

"I'm not saying the guy is perfect, in fact he has many flaws. I've had to pull him back before to keep him from doing things even more sinister than the stories you've heard. The only problem is, I'm not necessarily enough. I'm his Beta, I help keep him in order, but I'm not enough. He needs someone else to help him realize what's right and what's wrong."

I couldn't agree more with what Ty was saying. It was evident that Rafe had some issues, he needed help, but if his own Beta wasn't able to do that, who possibly could?

"I'm not saying you have to say," Ty said. "I'm just asking you to give him a fair shot. I think the person Rafe needs most, the person that can really help him reach his full potential as Alpha is you."

Me? How in the world was I supposed to help Rafe? I knew nothing about the guy! Ty was expecting me to put Rafe in his place. How was I supposed to do that?

Ty could see the horror in my eyes at what he'd said. "You're his mate. You are literally the only thing that can get through to him. To the rest of us, he's the Alpha, the person who tells us what to do. He will only agree to what we have to say if he wants to. With you, he can't possibly have as much resistance. You can show him the better path. You have that power."

I wasn't sure if I was able to do all the things Ty thought I could. I may have some pull with Rafe eventually because I was his mate—apparently—but I wasn't sure I'd be the one to change Rafe's ways. I was more concerned that he would change me.

"Like I said, just give it a shot. That's all I'm asking."

I didn't answer as we walked through the little stores, past the school and little homes before looping back around. I couldn't answer him, I didn't know how to. I had already decided that I needed to give Rafe a chance. Rejecting your mate is a serious thing, something you shouldn't just do on a whim.

Rafe and I both deserved the chance, and who knew, maybe I could help Rafe along the way. Or he could destroy me...

We went back to the pack house and sat in the den. There were other people hanging out, playing video games again, a couple playing chess, and others that were just talking. They were all looking at me as I sat next to Ty.

"So," Ty started. "Do you have any questions about the place?"

I twirled my hair around my finger as I looked around at everyone in the den. Was there anything I wanted to know? Not that I could think of at the moment.

I shook my head and watched as the girl that had been talking about me the day before started walking up to us.

"Hey, Ty," the girl said in an obnoxious voice as she slid her hand over his muscular biceps.

"Trish, I'm a little busy at the moment," he said refusing to look her way.

"What? With that slut? Just leave her and come with me. I'm sure we can have more fun," she said with a wink.

My jaw nearly dropped to the ground. I couldn't believe she just said that in front of me. I felt my wolf jump inside, wanting to lunge at her and tear her throat out. I swallowed the feeling down though.

"That's enough, Trish. Go away," Ty growled.

Trish pouted at him, trying to change his mind, but it didn't work. She finally gave up and stormed off.

"Bitch," I whispered under my breath.

I saw Ty's head whip around to me and I flinched. I hadn't thought about the possibility that he could be Trish's mate. If I had just insulted her in front of him, that could potentially be bad.

Ty relaxed and nodded, rolling his eyes. "She is definitely a handful, that's for sure."

"Is she your?"

"Oh gods no. No, she just thinks we're a thing."

"Thinks?" I asked.

"Yeah, we dated a while ago for a while. I broke up with her, but she refuses to accept that."

I nodded. Seemed typical, the snobby girl gets a good guy, doesn't appreciate him so he leaves. Then she realizes she's down a man and tries to take it back. I had seen it many times back in my old pack.

"Ty!" I heard Rafe yell from down the hall. "Get in here now! We're having a meeting."

"And that's my cue to go," Ty said as he stood. "It was nice talking to you."

"Yeah, thanks for showing me around."

He nodded and ran off. I wondered what sort of meeting they were having. Rafe had disappeared to one the night before, and now another. I didn't remember them having so many meetings in my old pack. Then again, Rafe probably had more enemies than friends the way he took care of business. I decided to go listen outside the door to see what they were going to talk about. I was fairly certain they wouldn't mind.


So she's going to eves drop on the Alpha's meeting. Hopefully she doesn't get into any trouble.

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