Capter 31- Recovery

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When I woke, I was staring right into a bright light. My head felt like it was going to split right open and like my eyes were going to pop right out of my skull. I shut my eyes tightly, only causing more protest from my head and I groaned. 

What was this light? It didn't look like the sun, it was too close for that, too blindingly white, and it wasn't giving off any heat. I opened my ears, listening around, I heard a hum and knew we were inside somewhere, but the question was where?

Had the rogues come back and captured us all? Last I knew I had been next to Rafe out in the middle of the woods. How had we gotten inside? Where was Rafe?

I shot upright instantly. I needed to find Rafe, where was he? I needed to make sure he was okay. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and my head whirled around seeing Ty next to me. Okay, so unless Ty was working with the rogues too, which seemed doubtful, we hadn't been captured. 

"What's going on?" My voice came out hoarse, my throat felt like it had been rubbed raw. 

"We're back," Ty said. "You passed out, it's been three days."

Three days? I had passed out for three days? What in the world had happened?

"What happened?" I croaked.

"We don't know, that's what we were trying to figure out. But we can't seem to find anything. 

"What about the pack?"

"The pack's fine. There were still a few rogues here when we got back, but we were able to handle it easily enough."

"Rafe?" My voice started to sound stronger. 

Ty kept silent for a moment, causing my mind to think of the worst. He was dying, he was dead, he hadn't even made it back to the pack. 

"Rafe will be okay. He had started healing before we even got back which had caused some complications. Things weren't healing the way they should. The doctors had to go back in and open everything again. It was a bit touch and go, but he's alive."

I sighed with relief and in that moment a man in a white coat walked into the room. He walked about with assurance, checking charts, and the machines I was hooked up to. He muttered a few things to himself before sitting on a stool and sliding near me. 

"You should be lying back Mrs. Granger."

"Reynolds," I corrected the man. 

"Right, of course."

I slumped back in the bed and took in a sharp breath as I felt the pain in my back. All my nerves were starting to awaken and I realized I was in pain—everywhere. 

My mind played everything over again, every last bit that I remembered, every kick and punch I had received. Every snap of bone I had made, and even the moment I had ripped Ria's heart out of her chest. I shuddered, which sent another wave of pain through me. It was hard to believe I had actually done all of that, that I had killed two people. I looked down at my hand, but it was clean now.

I knew that it was inside of me, it was the part I tried to keep buried. I didn't want anyone to know about that side, but there were times when it slipped out and I just couldn't stop it. I didn't necessarily feel bad about killing either of them, they tried to kill Rafe, I was just not happy with the fact that others had seen me do it. 

The truth was, Rafe had scared me, he was a powerful Alpha, who had no problems with killing to get what he wanted. But what had scared me more when I had found out that we were mates, was the effect it would have on me. I did everything I could to keep my violent side under control, it rarely surfaced, only in extreme cases. But I had been scared that having him for a mate could possibly trigger it. I was worried what The Blood Alpha would do to me, to that side. And now I had found out. I would indeed go to that side in order to save him. 

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