Chapter 19- I'm-

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I padded down the hall and hesitated a moment with my hand on the doorknob. I just wasn't sure I could enter the room right that second. I stood there for a moment longer before finally opening the door and stepping inside and into the darkness. I looked around the room, and it looked exactly the same as it had the first time I had stepped through the doorway.

I walked around, my hand running along the smooth wood of the dresser, the nightstand, the silky sheets.

I had come back to the pack, I was now officially a member of the pack, and I was going to be their Luna. It felt weird to stand in the room. I had shared it with Rafe once before, but there was no point in separate rooms any longer. Not unless I was going to reject him, and I knew I wasn't going to do that.

We may have started out on a rocky path, but I couldn't condemn him forever.

I caught my reflection in the mirror and noticed even in the dark how dirty I was. I'd cleaned up in the streams while I had been out there, but nothing really beat the hot water of a shower.

I went into the bathroom that was within Rafe's room and turned on the hot water before taking off the dirt caked clothes.

When I stepped into the tub and let the steaming water wash over me, I sighed. I looked down and saw the brown from the dirt wash down off me and down the drain. I scrubbed at my scalp, feeling sandy particles as they washed out.

"Katarina," Rafe said, his voice low and sounding more like a question.

I turned toward the door, the curtain for the shower standing between me and Rafe.

My pulse quickened now that he was just a few short feet away from me again, but now I was naked, bare of all things.

Rafe pulled the curtain to the side and his dark eyes were locked on mine. I could see everything clearly on his face. Desire pulled at him just as it did me. I felt it deep in my belly.

My hands reached out to him, my fingertips blindly finding the hem of his shirt and I pulled it off, running my hands along his arms, chest and stomach. The dirt on him turned to mud, smearing in the path my hands took.

He responded quickly, undressing himself the rest of the way before stepping in with me. He closed the curtain and the cold air was cut off. We were enclosed in our box, the steam filling up again. Steam and hot water that matched the boiling blood we had rushing through our veins, boiling from the need and desire to be with each other.

I turned us around so Rafe was the one under the water's stream, my hands running over him to help wash the dirt away. My eyes trailed along his body as his trailed along mine, his strong hands on my arms, my waist, my back. I couldn't get the feel of him out of my mind.

I stepped closer, my hands moving up until my fingers went into his hair. My nails scratched at his scalp to get the bits and pieces of the forest out. I had to stand on my tip-toes and we were flush against each other. My breath hitched and I felt him pressed against me.

His eyes stared deep into mine and suddenly our lips were locked in a fierce, deep kiss. My fingers curled around his hair as I pulled him down to me.

His teeth grazed my lip and sparks flew through me and my belly clenched. I groaned slightly and I felt him respond to the sound.

We were hungry for each other.

Rate took over the kiss the way only he could and I was consumed by everything that was him. His smell, his feel, the passion that flowed from him straight into me and I knew that there was not a single thing I wouldn't do for this man, and not a single thing he wouldn't do for me. We were made for each other and whatever that meant for us, we would figure it out as we went.

Rafe fumbled around with the handle behind him, turning off the water. He pulled the curtain to the side and the cold air hit us causing a shiver to run down my spine. Rae's lips locked with mine again and his hands ran over me causing the cold to fade away into bursts of heat.

He picked me up, causing my legs to wrap around his torso. I could feel the effect I had on him being pressed so close. He walked us out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom setting me on my feet.

"Katarina," my name passed his lips in a gruff whisper and I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle.

Rafe's hands ran over my body again as he backed me up to the bed. Everywhere our skin touched a fire burned within me. It consumed me. In that moment I wanted him more than anything.

I was hyper aware of him pressed against me and I bit my lip. Looking into his dark eyes I could see his desire.

His mouth was on my neck, his teeth grazing the skin. I let out a moan and I could feel his body react to it.

He pressed harder against me and slowly slid a hand down, leaving a tingling path in its wake.

"I want you to say it Katarina," he said.

I felt his hand stroking me and I bit my lip. There was no doubt I wanted more, and he wanted to give it to me.

"Say what?" I asked, my voice strained as I tried to hold my composure.

"You know what," he said as his mouth worked expertly at my neck.

I moaned again and I could feel him smile. I couldn't remember the previous arguments with him. I couldn't remember why I had been so afraid of him in the beginning. This was my mate and there was nothing he would do to cause me harm, never again. The way Rafe took control of the situation had my brain unraveling.

"Rafe, I'm-"

As my voice trailed off, his hand and mouth tortured me. I was about to burst with the pleasure he was elliciting in me. This was only a height that could be reached with your other half, your ture mate, and this wasn't even as high as I could go.

"You're what, my dear Katarina?" He asked, slipping that accent that appeared only with my name.

"I'm yours," I whispered.

I could feel him smile against my skin. He moved us back and onto the bed. His large, muscular body completely covered me, his lips moving back to mine kissing me softly as I felt the full extent of his hardness pressed against me.

My legs wrapped around him of their own will, pulling him closer and he slowly pushed his way in.

I gasped at the sharp pain as I felt him enter me. He kissed me softly and he moved slowly and smoothly. After a moment the pure pleasure was all that was left. I knew that we were meant to be together, that we were made to be together, but it was like we had made to physically fit together in every way.

Even if we had never been together like this, it just felt right.

Rafe started to speed up and my nails dug into his skin. I could feel it building up inside of me, my pleasure about to reach its peak, and so was his.

We both came down off the high together. I sighed as I felt Rafe pressed close to me, his closeness making me feel completely at peace.

There was a small part of me that couldn't believe what I had done. I had given myself completely to Rafe Granger, The Blood Alpha.

That's what I had intended from the moment I said yes back in the woods wasn't it? I had made the decision to come back, I had signed the papers. But this seemed much more final, like we had just sealed an unbreakable contract.

It was scary and exhilerating all at the same time. The man who everyone had heard of, the man most feared, and I was his and he was mine. We belonged to each other.

"My Katarina," Rafe murmured in that same accent. "My beautiful Katarina."

I felt Rafe's heartrate and breathing slow until they followed a steady rhythm.

"My Rafe," I whispered back.


So there it is. (No, this is not the ending, I promise.) But don't forget to

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