Chapter 11- My Hero

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How about we follow Rafe around for a little bit now. See what's really going on with this whole Aphrodite thing.


 I hadn't been completely truthful with Katarina about Aphrodite. It was true that I was going to stop the ceremony for Aphrodite to become my Luna. It was better for the pack and myself to have the real Luna by my side, but Aphrodite didn't mean nothing to me.

She could annoy me just as any other woman could, and she thought she was better than everyone else. To her, power was something she deserved, it was something she took. And I had no problems with her gaining a little power if it had meant that she would be with me.

Ever since we were younger, she was always the girl—and eventually woman—that everyone desierd and she knew it. She had no problem flaunting what she had. Of course, it was the same with me. I was the Alpha to be and all the girls were throwing themselves at me, Aphrodite included. But where the other girls had been thinking of just one night to say they had spent with Rafe Granger, Aphrodite had always been thinking long term, and I had liked that. Hell, I still liked it when I thought about it.

We had just seemed to fit so well together. Even back then I had a feared reputation, though for slightly different reasons, and she was addicted to it.

That wasn't saying that we were exclusive, not by any means. She was Aphrodite, I was Rafe; we had our vast options to choose from, but we managed to always fall back to one another. It had been that way for years until I became Alpha. I no longer went around to all the girls throwing themselves at my feet. Instead I focused on my work, but there had still been Aphrodite. She wasn't going to back down, not when she had that goal in mind.

To say that I loved her wouldn't quite be right, but we had a connection. Nothing close to the connection I felt with Katarina, but it still couldn't be denied. The best thing for me to do is to just break everything off though, to cut the ties, and that was what I was going to do.

I made my way back into the pack house in search of Aphrodite. I knew she wouldn't have gone too far. She would have wanted to know what I had run after Katarina for, probably hoping I had put her in her place. That was obviously far from the case.

I was right, though it wasn't what I had expected. I had looked in all the rooms, searching for Aphrodite, I had finally given up, reatreating to my room when I found her there.

"There you are, Rafe," she purred, looking up at me from under her long lashes.

"Aphrodite, what are you doing in here?"

"I came to see you of course," she let out a bark of fake laughter.

Aphrodite stood up and stalked toward me, her eyes fixed on mine. "I just wanted to thank you for being my savior." Her hands slid under my shirt, her long polished nails raking along my skin.

"Aphrodite, stop. You can't be doing this." My words didn't even sound convincing to myself. If anyone had a name to match them personally, it was Aphrodite. She turned all men into blundering idots, and as much as I wished to be imune to her charms, and believe me, I really tried; I was not.

She looked up at me from under her thickly coated lashes, a pout on her lips, and lifted up on her tip-toes.

"But I like to reward my heros," she whispered in my ear before nipping it.

"We need to talk about someth-"

Aphrodite cut me off, placing her perfectly manicured nail over my mouth. "Don't ruin it, Rafe."

She pushed me back onto the bed, tearing my shirt off, her nails raking along my chest and stomach again. She yanked my pants off before going down on me. She knew exactly what to do to render me helpless against her. I wanted to fight against it, but she left me a fool, feeling like a little boy lost in a store.

As she worked her way back up, I brought her closer to me, biting her neck, hitting just the right spot causing her to let out a moan. We had been doing this so long we knew just what to do to one another.

We moved together just as we always had but it didn't feel right to me. Everything about it now was so wrong. I could feel Aphrodite reaching her peak though until she tipped over the edge.

I felt her panting as it slowed, her breathing returning to normal. It seemed a good a time as any to tell her since she hadn't let me before.



I felt the vibration of her voice run through my chest.

"You can't be the Luna of this pack." I felt her stiffen before she sat up quickly, her nails at my throat and fire in her eyes as she leaned over me.

"What the hell do you mean? You can't take that power away from me, Rafe Granger." The warning was thick in her voice, impossible to miss.

My Alpha abilities kicked in and I had her on her back, reversing the position so that I was now over her. My fingers pressed hard into her throat, nearly cutting off her oxygen.

"Let's get one thing straight here. You think you have this power, you think you're above it all, but you're not. I am the Alpha. I can take anything away from you. The ceremony hasn't happened yet, and it won't be happening, you will not be the Luna to this pack. I have found my mate. You were nothing but a stand in."

I could tell she wanted to struggle against my grasp on her throat but she refused to look weak in front of me.

"That fucking bitch isn't it?" She spat at me.

"Katarina, yes."

"Should have known the slut was your mate."

My hand tightened. "She is not a bitch, and you will not talk about her that way anymore. Do you hear me?"

Aphrodite's eyes burned with rage as she reluctantly nodded.

I relaxed my hand and felt the sharp intake of breath as she filled her lungs with air again. Her arms wrapped around me and I felt the sting as she drug her nails down my back, breaking skin.

"You and I are far from finished, Mr. Alpha."

Aprodite pushed me off of her and walked around the room, gathering her clothes. She didn't even bother putting them back on before she walked right out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom.

I prayed to the gods above that Katarina was no where near the house to witness a naked Aphrodite leaving my room.


So apparently Aphrodite means a little more than he told Katarina. Or at least she did...

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