Chapter 29- It All Goes Down

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My heart nearly stopped when everything went silent. There was no more fighting, no more talking. 

Nolan and Jon looked at each other, their eyes locked. Jon nodded once before going around and out of the way. 

"She's over here, Rafe!" Nolan yelled. 

I opened my mouth to shout at him, to tell him not to listen to Nolan, but just then Nolan's head whipped around, warning in his eyes as they flashed red before quickly going back to normal. 

I froze in place. What the hell had just happened? What had I just seen? Whatever it was, it had been enough to make me shut my mouth.

Rafe emerged through the trees, standing not thirty feet away. I could see the flash of anger in his eyes as he assessed the situation. He had noticed me sitting on the ground, my hands bound while Nolan hovered close by. 

I heard a low rumble come from him as he shifted slightly, deciding what his next move would be. 

"Careful there Alpha, or she might just get hurt," I heard Ria's voice and I felt a claw slide down my cheek. 

I heard him growl louder sending a chill through me and I was glad it wasn't directed at me. 

Everything turned into a blur. Rafe lunged at Ria, and Nolan lunged at Rafe. I was trapped right next to it all. 

After what seemed like ages, the three backed up, each of them panting, the tension running through them. 

 I jumped when I heard more people approach. Some of them were Rafe's men, but some weren't. 

"You see, here's the thing, Alpha," Jon sneered. "We have you're pack, well, our men are in the process of taking it right now." 

He smiled and took a step closer. 

"You'll never get the pack, your numbers don't matter, we have the best army for miles."

"Compared to other packs, maybe. But we aren't a pack. We're rogues. Many of us aur rogues because of who we are, and what we do." Jon bit off the last word. 

 Rafe's eyes went blank, staring off. I knew he was in contact with someone else, I just hoped it was good news. The corner of his mouth turned up into a smirk and he focused back on the people in front of him. 

"Then I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this plays out, won't we?"

Jon smiled, "I suppose we will."

Jon nodded to his men that had appeared and they slinked toward Rafe's people. Almost instantly the small space was filled with wolves. Sharp, white teeth snaped and they went at each other. It was a loud blur of claws, fur, and fangs, wolves flying all around. 

Rafe stepped forward watching the three carefully as the fighting went on around them. I wanted to close my eyes, I didn't want to see all of this, but I needed to. I needed to make sure that they were going to be alright. 

"Why are you doing this?" I said. 

"We already told you why, now shut up." Jon's heel lashed out, clipping me in the jaw. 

Rafe growled and leapt toward him, I could see the fire burning inside; he wanted to tear them apart. I pulled at the binds, feeling the burn as the mixture burned through my skin. I had felt my wolf weakening throughout the day. She was hanging in there, but what they'd put on the ropes was making her slip away. 

I had to get out of these, if not for Rafe and the pack, then for her. I looked around for something, anything, that would help me cut through the binds, but I couldn't find a single thing. 

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