Chapter 28- Blood on Your Hands

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Some of you were wanting a picture of Kat and I have placed it on the side now. There she is!... or as close as I could find to a picture that matches what I see in my head...


"We should have gotten word by now. The Alpha was supposed to go after her." The man said. "Ria, have you heard anything from our station near the pack?" The man asked. 

"Not a thing. They've gone silent." The woman paced around the small area, arms across her chest. "Should we ready the forces?"

"Let's hold off a little longer, we don't want to be too hasty, but before sundown it will happen."

I was angry, at myself mostly. There was a part of me that had been reluctant to trust Nolan in the beginning, but I hadn't listened to it. There was a part of me that had wondered if maybe Rafe had been right, but I hadn't wanted to believe it. 

I wanted to help, I wanted to be a Luna that could actually help her pack, and look where that had gotten me. I felt completely worthless. 

I watched Ria pace back and forth before stopping in front of Jon. She leaned in and whispered something to him. I tried to strain my ears, to catch what it was she said, but they were too quiet. Jon nodded and they disappeared, leaving me alone with Nolan. 

He turned his head and watch the two leave before looking back at me. I couldn't quite tell what it was that I saw in his eyes when he looked at me, but I was determined to find out. 

"So this is it then? You're just going to keep me here until you destroy everything else and then kill me."

"Well when you put it like that," Nolan started. 

"How else am I supposed to put it, Nolan?" I said, raising my voice. I gestured to my hands still tightly bound behind my back, the pain a constant feeling now. "You have me trapped here, slowly killing my wolf. You're just keeping me alive so I can die at the right moment for you. You never even cared about any of this."

"That's not true. I really did like you, do like you. It pains me when I think about it, but what's more painful is thinking about letting the man who killed my mate run free."

"Why are you doing all of this if you're just going to kill him anyway?" I asked. 

"Oh we're not going to kill him, that would be too simple, too easy on him. We're going to let him live. He will live knowing that his entire pack is gone, and his mate's dead, just like how we've lived. He'll live knowing he was his own downfall."

"Do you even hear yourself? Do you understand everything you have said? You're going to massacre so many people just to get back at one man. Some of those people may have even been in your own packs and you're just going to kill them in cold blood. You think that Rafe is bad? Yes, he's made mistakes, but you are the monsters."

I felt a kick to my back making my cry out in pain and fall over. Jon stepped around me again as I fought to sit back up. 

"Shut up. You don't know anything about us."

"I know that revenge doesn't fix anything," I said. "It isn't going to fill the void, it isn't going to make you feel any better. It won't bring back your pack or your loved ones, especially if you murder the last of them."

"They abandoned us! They were given a choice and they chose to go with that beast."

"They chose to live a life. They chose to start again, and you know what? I saw their faces and I saw joy. They were happy where they were. They were happy with the choice they made, their decision to move on. You saw that too, Nolan."

Jon's hand lashed out across my face and caused me to spit out blood. 

"Just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't make it any less true. You all could have chosen to move on with your lives. Instead you chose to live in hatred. I can feel it radiating off all of you. The heat from your rage. It won't go away. You're going to carry that anger with you for the rest of your life. Only you'll be darkened by your actions here as well.

"You'll darken with all the blood on your hands, the lives you've taken."

I saw Jon walking toward me, his fists and teeth clenched in anger but I didn't feel anything. Instead I could feel Rafe, his realization where I was and how quickly he gathered his own group to go with him. 

Rafe had already left the pack hours ago, in the middle of the night. He was on his way and he had left the pack alone and vulnerable. I was screaming in my head, trying to tell him to go back to the pack, to make sure they weren't unprotected but he kept going, not even stopping for a moment. 

When I focused back in on myself and my own situation I saw Nolan holding Jon back, blood on his hand. I wiped my face on the sleeve of my shoulder. I was done taking the soft way in this, I was going to do what I needed to in order to keep the people who trusted in me, safe. 

"He's almost here. He found out where she really went." Ria said running back. "Are we ready for him?"

"It's a little soon, we'll have to move everyone into the pack now, but we can do it. Have the others nearby ready to go for his arrival."

"You really think you can prepare for him?" I scoffed. 

"We just need to be able to contain him, if we can't do that, well then I suppose we'll have to kill him. It's not the ideal plan, but then he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone else." Jon shrugged. 

I turned my head as I heard Rafe getting closer. He wasn't trying to hide himself, he was perfectly happy letting everyone know he was coming, he never had to worry about the enemy. This time however, I was wishing he would have taken to a little stealth. These people didn't seem ill prepared. They knew what they were doing. 

"Rafe! You need to turn around and go back." I shouted. I knew I should have kept quiet, but I just couldn't.

"You know I can't do that, Katarina."

"They're going to attack the pack. You need to go back."

"There are people there to protect them. I'm coming for you." 

I shook my head. Apparently we would just never agree on things. I was relieved that he was here though, and surprised that he didn't sound angry, at least not angry at me. 

I heard a scuffle and groans as Rafe's people found some rogues. 

"Get the others here quick. We're going to need them," Nolan said as he looked back at me before turning toward the sound of the the fight. 

How many more people did they have ready to come here? How many people had Rafe brought with him? It looked like I was about to find out, and it pissed me off that there was nothing I was able to do about it. 


It's. About. To go. Down!

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