Chapter 1- Leaving Home

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You know those stories where that girl that no one knows about or no one likes finds out their the Alpha's mate? You hear about them as children, they find each other and boom the rest is history. Yeah, well it happened to me, but it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies. What do you do when you find out that your mate is an Alpha, one of the most feared in the world? That's a good question, and I wish I had the answer for you. 

My name is Katarina Reynolds, and this was my brush with danger. 


 I looked over my shoulder one last time as I passed the pack line. It felt weird to leave, but that's all it was. I wasn't sad, in fact I was sort of happy. Leaving my parents was hard, but they had been supportive in my decision. You can't be invisible forever, you can only live in the shadows so long before they eat at you. Well, this was me stepping into the light. 

No one had ever paid me any attention in my pack unless I had caused an accident, no one cared about me, and I didn't have a single connection with anyone besides my parents. I knew there had to be more to life than what was in the pack, and I intended to find it. 

I was now a rogue. I intended to find a new pack. I knew it wasn't easy, and not many allowed it, but I had to take the chance. 

I set off through the woods on human feet, listening to the sounds of life as the small critters ran about their day. 

I had no idea where I was headed, but I knew I was going far away. I knew no matter which way I went I would run into packs. Many Alpha's had come in to discuss business with my old Alpha. Our pack hadn't known much about it. The only thing we knew was that it was about Rafe Granger, the Blood Alpha. 

I cringed at the name. We had heard stories about the man and his pack. Scary stories to make us grateful for the kind of Alpha we had. Alpha Granger was the bringer of death. Not many crossed his path and walked away unscathed. 

He had been painted as the villain in so many stories that parents had started to tell their children, and he had only been the Alpha for six years. I shuddered at the things we had heard about him in such a short time. He was most certainly not someone I would want to meet. 

I stopped for a short time around mid day for food and rest. 

I sniffed the air to gather my surroundings, but I couldn't really smell anything specific. I was in neutral territory. There were scents from other packs, some witches and others that had been around, but they all mingled together. I decided I would keep going until nightfall and see what packs I ended up near. In the morning I would investigate further to see if they would allow me in. 

I was back on my way after the half hour break, continuing in the same direction. I tried to keep myself in neutral territory. I didn't want to give anyone a reason to think I was invading. I didn't pose any threat to them or their pack, and I wanted to make sure they knew that. 

As the day wore on though, the neutral territory shrank. The packs started getting closer and closer, and by the time the sun started setting, there wasn't much left. 

I decided to stop where I was to set up for the night. I knew I was right on the edge of a pack, I didn't think they would have a problem with a lone girl sleeping in the woods. Packs were always weary of rogue wolves, you never know why they're on their own, but I didn't exactly look dangerous. 

I settled in by the base of the tree for the night, the sounds of the forest animals putting me to sleep. Who knew it would be so easy to drift off after wandering through the woods for an entire day?


I was pulled from my sleep by voices. They weren't too far off, and my wolf had alerted me. I stayed perfectly still, and held my breath as I tried to hear what they were saying. 

"We caught scent of something over this way," one of the voices said. 

I heard the footsteps coming closer, and I knew it was me. They had caught my scent. I must have been upwind from them. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen with fear. 

They were directly behind me now, just on the other side of the big tree. I shifted lightly, pulling my feet under me, but I knew they heard it. It would have been impossible not to hear the rustling and crunching of leaves.

I sprang up, sprinting through the forest as fast as I could. 

"There!" I heard another one yell. 

Their feet pounded on the ground as they ran after me. I dodged trees and low limbs, but I could hear them closing the distance. 

"Bitch can run," one of them said. 

My heart was beating out of my chest as my legs carried me faster. I could feel my wolf pushing me, trying to give me the boost I needed to get away, but it wasn't enough. 

One of them pounced, tackling me to the ground. I clawed at the soft earth and tried to wiggle free. The man flipped me over and pinned me down with his body. 

"Well look what we have here boys, she's a pretty one. Too bad she's gunna bite it."

I heard the laughter as two other men stepped into my line of sight. "Sure is a shame," another said. 

My heart was beating rapidly, I thought it was going to burst. 

The man pressed into me harder. "We could always take our time getting you back, couldn't we, sweetie?" He winked at me. 

I felt sick at what he suggested. What kind of pack would allow this behavior for their line guards? To take advantage of those nearby. I spit in the mans face and instantly knew it had been a bad idea. 

The man's eyes flashed with his wolf, and he brought his fist down. I felt it more than saw it, the crack across my face that sent the world spinning. I groaned and tasted the blood in my mouth. 

The pounding in my head was unbearable. And it was only made worse by the laughter of the two other men standing over my attacker and me. 

"That's enough." A man shouted from a ways back. "This is not what we're out here for. We have a job, now do it. Take her to central and report back here. The Alpha will decide what to do with her, may the gods have mercy on her."

The last thing I heard was the low growl from my attacker before he muttered 'bitch' and hit me one more time, plunging me into darkness. 


Our first look at our main character.

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