Chapter 32- Lend Me a Hand

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Some of you were wanting Rafe's POV so you get a bit of that, but there's also some Kat as well... and we even hear from a character that's been silent up to this point. Let's finally get a few answers to the questions in the last chapter, shall we?



I was extremely impatient as Natasha was filling out the forms so I could leave. I needed to see Katarina, I needed to know that she was alright. Herman had stopped in for a moment to tell me she had woken up and I needed to see her. I hadn't heard much about what had happened while we were out there, but I knew that she was part of the reason I had made it back at all, and I needed to be with her. 

As soon as Natasha gave me the go ahead, I flew down the hall and into her room. I stopped, my breath catching as I saw her lying there. I knew she had seen me, and I stepped in, going to her as fast as my feet could carry me. It was finally all over, the rogues were gone, if only for now, and we were both back in the pack. Home. 

Herman had told me the news about Katarina.

I grabbed her hand in mine as I looked around the room. I felt a slight tingle before it died out, leaving only the warmth of her hand in mine. There was no more pull toward her, it was as if she were just any ordinary person lying there in front of me, only she wasn't. 

She was Katarina, my mate, the woman carrying our baby.

"Oh my Katarina." I said looking into her eyes. I could see the glint of tears threatening to break free in her eyes and I wanted nothing more than to make them stop before they even had a chance to start. 

I couldn't imagine what was going through her mind right then, probably even more than was going through my own. I had no idea what was going on, but I knew one thing-

"It's going to be alright," I whispered to her. Katarina nodded and Herman came back in. He asked for Ty and me to leave, and relucantly I did. 

When we were down the hall I looked over at him. "What happened?"

"What do you mean?" He asked. 

"While we were out there, what's up with Katarina, eveything, what happened?"

Ty looked nervously at the ground. "I'm not entirely sure. She killed two of the rogues though, I've never seen anything like it, not even with you. And after the second one, she just collapsed. She was out for three days. The tests came back on the second day showing she was pregnant."

I just nodded silently. She had killed two of the rogues, that didn't sound like her. It made me wonder if I even really knew Katarina at all. I had seen her as this quiet girl, one who didn't know much about running a pack and doing what was necessary when a situation called for it, but she had killed two people. 

"The pull, it was gone."

"Sir?" Ty asked raising a brow. 

"The pull that you feel from the mate bond, the enhanced feeling, all of it was gone when I touched her."

"But she's your mate?" 

"Yes, of course she's my mate, but for some reason the feelings from before have disappeared." I raked my fingers through my hair. 

"She was worried that her wolf was gone," Ty said quietly. 

My forehead creased. Her wolf gone? How would that even be possible? 


The doctor left not long after he came in. He showed me some charts saying everything looked perfectly fine and released me. I had debated about going to find Rafe, but I couldn't face him right then. I needed to figure out what was going on with me. For some reason our bond had been muted, and I wanted to know why. The only problem was, I didn't know who to ask. 

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