Chapter 5- Not a Misunderstanding

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My eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the bright morning light. I saw Rafe next to me, still deep in sleep, his mouth hanging open. I suppressed a slight giggle and tried to scoot out of bed.

Rafe's arm's reach out and grab me, pulling me into him. My stomach did a flip, and my skin flared up with heat. I let out a small sigh as I was pressed to him, his strong arms around me. I was trapped

I heard his sharp intake of breath and felt his mouth move to my neck causing a small gasp to pass my lips. I hit his hand and wiggled.

"Hey now, none of that!" I shouted accusingly at him.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"That!" I said, pointing at my neck.

"But you liked it." Rafe winked at me.

"That's not the point," I said as my cheeks flared red. "The point is, no more of that."

Rafe stared me down with that dark look causing me to look away.

"I'm going to get breakfast." I jumped out of the bed, and walked down the hall to the kitchen.

My mind raced as I searched for something to eat in the large kitchen, finally settling on a granola bar. I wondered if eating was even a good idea with the way my stomach was acting. Both so excited by his touch, yet so unsure with what I knew about him.

I jumped when I hear the cabinet door shut beside me and turned to see Rafe. I sat on the counter as I tried to calm my heartbeat. I promised to give him a fair shot, might as well start by asking him.

"So what's true exactly?" I asked as he poured milk into a bowl.

"What do you mean?" Rafe asked with a mouth around his spoon.

"The stories, what's true?"

"Well, I suppose it depends on what you heard." He shrugged.

"You said it probably all was," I pointed out.

"Well, that's because it probably is. I've done a lot of things, not all of them good. I know I have a reputation, I like to keep it that way," He smiled showing a full set of sharp teeth as if trying to make his point.

I gulped, choking down the bite of granola bar I had in my mouth.

"Invading packs?" I asked.

"I've done it before, sure."

"Killing them?"

"I don't kill women or children."

So he did invade and kill people. Though he left the women and children alone?

"And what do you let them do after you've killed the men?"

"Give them a choice," he said simply. "They can stay there and rebuild, or they can come with us. And I don't kill all the men, just the ones that cross me."

"Wage wars?"

"I have."

I wasn't liking anything he was having to say. Sure he had a large pack, but it was one that had been cultivated out of destruction. He had gone in and raided other packs, killing off their leaders leaving them weak and defenseless.

I felt like I was going to be sick. How could fate give me a mate as cruel as Rafe Granger?

Maybe it was because fate knew what I had lurking deep inside me as well.

He could see my look of horror, he knew how I was feeling about all of this. Somehow he knew.

"Don't you understand? Everything I've done, it's all been for my pack."

"Killing anyone who happens to stray too close to your territory?" I asked motioning toward the bruise on my face. I knew I wasn't the first it had happened to, there had been others before me. We knew no one strayed too close and lived to tell about it.

"That was a misunderstanding. It should have never happened," he said. I could tell the anger was coming back up. He wanted to kill Kyle for what he had done.

"It wasn't a misunderstanding. They did what they always do, they bring you people that stray too close. The only thing that happened to be different was this time, it was you mate," I spat.

His eyes darkened and I suddenly regretted the tone I had used.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. We have rules in place for situations like what happened last night, and doing that is not part of the protocol."

A small group of people froze as they passed the door to the kitchen, looking in the room. They could clearly see their Alpha was pissed and they looked worried for me.

I only knew one thing that would calm him down. My eyes went from the people in the doorway back to Rafe and anxiety built up in my chest. I had no idea what to do. He was pissed and I didn't know how to calm him down.

The only thing I could think to do was get out of there.

I cleared my throat. "Um, I'm going to look around."

"Not by yourself you're not," Rafe said as if there was no room for discussion.

I didn't understand this guy, he was so hot and cold I felt like I was going to get whiplash.

I really didn't need anyone to go with me though, it wasn't like I wouldn't be able to find my way back. But I had little say in the matter. Who knew, I may end up needing help, or restrained if I saw those bitches who had been talking shit about me.

I smiled at the thought of meeting them, and punching one of them in the face. I shook my head scolding myself. I knew I shouldn't stoop so low as to hit them, but I figured it would probably be hard to keep myself from doing it.

"Fine," I murmured.

Rafe sent a text and a couple minutes later Ty walked into the kitchen.

"Would you please show Katarina around? It looks like she might be staying for a while and I think she would appreciate being able to get around."

Ty nodded and gestured for me to step on ahead. I hopped off the counter and passed Rafe as I left the kitchen.

Thank goodness it was someone that I sort of knew, or someone I at least knew wasn't horrible. I could have ended up with someone like Kyle.

Ty led me out of the pack house and out back, and we walked around the homes. It seemed so odd to me that Ty was part of this pack. Other than him I had yet to meet someone that didn't seem terrifying or like a total jerk.

"How is it that you're so nice?" I blurted out on accident.

Ty started laughing as turned to face me.

"It may seem hard to believe, but I'm not the only nice person. Rafe isn't all that bad either."

And that was where I had a problem believing him. Or maybe I could use him to my advantage.


So there we have it. A little snippet into Rafe's personality/anger.

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