6~ Mama ~

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After years of little contact, due to arising problems in his life, Phil Jameson finally visited his mother that Saturday.

Phil was a little frustrated. It seemed that no one had appreciated him as of late, including God. Thinking this way, he felt sacreligious. Then, he repented and, during his repentance, God reminded him of Job, how everything Job loved had been taken away to test his faith.

Phil was determined to defeat this trial.

But, first, he needed to figure out what to do with his daughter's body.

Victoria Jameson's body sat propped at the corner of the stairs for several days. Her eyelids remained open, just a little. It was enough to remind Phil that, very recently, she had been alive. At first, he was confused. When he had brought her body downstairs, he had expected his touch to bring her to life, and he was almost frightened that it would. When it hadn't, however, he had been surprised. After deep thought and fervent prayer, God had told him that it was a conscious thing. It was in his mind. If he wanted to heal, he could. If he did not, he would be unable to do so. He wondered if this would have had the same effect on Fr. Jerome with Mariel -

- thank God that horrible person was dead -

- and his unholy demand to heal the liberal faggot of a priest. While that situation still unsettled him, he felt confident that God had simply had other plans for Fr. Jerome. It didn't matter. What mattered were the issues that had arose from the disobedience of the women in his life.

Kaemon Spears would campaign soon. That meant road trips. Traveling. One could not easily travel with a chained up wife -

- for her safety, of course -

- who was presumed dead. Also, one could not bring a dead daughter on said travels. Phil Jameson felt that he had screwed himself.

Naturally, Hailey Jameson had contacted him to inquire the whereabouts of her sister. Repeatedly, Phil had lied. He had not seen Victoria since she had arrived at the house. Unfortunately, Hailey did not seem to believe him. Instead, she had cursed him each time they had spoken on the phone and then had rudely ended the conversation. However, Phil now felt a concerning feeling in his conscience, a feeling that suggested that -

- cops -

- someone would come snooping around soon. Hence, his concern. What in the heavens should one do with a dead daughter and a chained up wife?

On Friday night, leading up to the successful Saturday trip to the research center with Kaemon Spears and Jason Caravan, as well as the mind boggling reunion with Beatrice Jameson, Phil decided it was time to bid goodbye to his dead daughter.

It had taken hours of prayer, and a trip to the hardware store, but the decision had been made.

Phil Jameson purchased the necessary cleaning supplies, and a new axe. He felt sick. This seemed wrong.

He felt Carolyn's eyes on him as he dragged Victoria's body to the center of the floor. Once in a while, he would glance towards her, and he would find her staring at him as she lay in the fetal position. Sometimes, Phil would look at her with pity. Other times, he would look at her with disgust. As she breathed, he could see her ribs. Still, Carolyn had an assemblance of belly fat and loose skin that, as she lay on her side, flopped loosely to the floor. The whites of her eyes were red, and he could see pale areas of her skull where patches of her hair had shed.

Phil no longer found her attractive. However, the Bible had made it clear. He was not to leave or abandon his wife due to any blemish. Always, he must love and cherish her. So, that Friday night, as he prepared to downsize his daughter's corpse and he assessed Carolyn's malnourished body, he smiled at her. To show his appreciation.

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