1: Rebirth

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A Cabin on Mount Fuji


After the sealing of the worlds

Owikawa was not surprised by the seal BlackWarGreymon attempted to make. No matter, he would find a way to break it. Even now, as he typed his exploits on his laptop, he was plotting. Arukenimon and Mummymon were busy putting snow tires on the Subaru and tuning it up just in case they had to make another run to another hideout.

That's when the tables turned. For Yukio Owikawa was being watched. Watched not by Digimon nor human. But by an intelligence, nonetheless. An evil intelligence, with power that even the Dark Masters could not compare to.

That Intelligence was going to prove very deadly, as it took over his laptop.

At first, Owikawa thought it had crashed, but then, the eye was displayed on the screen. That single, red-glowing eye.

That eye, was now going to turn his whole world upside-down, as electricity surged through Owikawa's body, possessing him, taking over him.

XANA had returned. This time, in the flesh.

And he now had two more worlds to try and take over. But first, he would have to do something about Arukenimon and Mummymon.

# # # # #

Arukenimon was outside helping Mummymon with the Subaru. Luckily, she wasn't having to get her hands dirty under the hood. She just had to hit the gas when Mummymon told her to and check the gauges on the dashboard.

It was after a while of sitting in the Subaru that she saw Owikawa come out of the house.

"Arukenimon, Mummymon! Let me know when you are done with the Subaru! I need to head back into town to get something. Alone."

"Alone?" Mummymon questioned. "But with the digidestined after you..."

"Don't question me!" Owikawa snapped in a dangerous tone as his eyes took on a red glow. "I expect you to be done with the car by the end of the day, so get on it!"

With that, he went back inside. Arukenimon could immediately tell something was off. She would need to keep an eye on her master. Something wasn't right...

Kadic Academy


Six Months later...

"Everyone, I would like to introduce our newest student in class." Mrs. Hertz announced, as she walked into her classroom of waiting students with a young Japanese boy. He wore a punk-style overcoat over a gray t-shirt and black jeans with grunge trainers. "This is Kylumi Yamika."

"Call me Kyle. It's a pleasure." He said with a hint of bitterness. He then picked the only seat available: Second Row, next to Sissy. But he just sat there and acted as if the occupied seat next to him was completely empty. He didn't even acknowledge Sissy's presence. Class went the same way as usual.

Today was Sissy's birthday, and everyone seemed to be trying to kiss up to her. But not the new guy, whom Sissy was curious about. So she decided she would invite Kyle to a party she was planning. But he politely declined, saying he had studying to catch up on. Honestly, he was tempted to tear up the invitation right in front of her, but he just handed it back with an irritated look.

Kyle walked up to the dorm room, which he was now going to share with a student named Jeremie Belpois. Still mourning over the loss of Beelzemon, he walked in and set his bags down on the vacant bed.

"Beelzemon..." He spoke, alone in the room. "...Why?"

Nothing but silence filled the void.

That was when Kyle noticed the complex computer in front of him. He looked at it's strange screen saver. It looked like something straight out of one of the Matrix movies. My roommate must be a real technical savant, he thought. Speaking of which, his roommate still wasn't around, but he saw a note next to the computer that said: Five O'clock, Factory. Meet others. Kyle then looked at the clock. It was that time. He didn't know what the factory was about, but he figured he might just see what was on this computer. He moved the mouse cursor, and surprisingly found it unlocked!

"Hmm... Someone needs to tighten their security." Kyle said to himself, sitting down in the chair.

Kyle began to go through the computer, expecting to find something like a collection of video games or something. Instead, he found all sorts of complicated programs, including some sort of scanner and notes on... virtualization and materialization?

"Virtualization? Materialization? What the heck is this?!" Kyle now thought he was sharing a room with a complete nut. Who was this Jeremie Belpois? Kyle then found his roommate's video diary as he scrounged through the computer's files. He found the first entry. Should I click it? He thought. He might be mad I'm getting into his stuff. Then, he shrugged the thought off. Nothing exciting happened here anyway. So he might as well.

Kyle then nonchalantly opened the first file. It played back it's contents. "Diary of Jeremy Belpois, Kadic Academy eighth grade student, October 9th..."

If only Kyle knew this would lead him back to the digital world, and to vengeance.

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