7: XANA Unleashed

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"Well? Spit it out!" Kyle demanded, his Rebellion sword pointed at BlackWarGreymon. "How were you brought back?"

"...Owikawa." BlackWarGreymon answered. "He reversed the seal I made to keep him away from this world... He made me a real Digimon somehow... Now, I am his slave..."

"Who's Owikawa?" Kev asked.

"Yeah!" Kyle agreed. "And just how do you expect me to believe this pathetic sob story, anyway? After everything you've done, you expect a get-out-of-jail-free card?!"

"Kyle, knock it off and get in that tower with Kev! I've got to get you two out of there!" Jeremie said through the radio link.

"Great." Kyle sighed. "Micheal must not have been able to hold them off." He turned away from BlackWarGreymon for a moment. "What do you want, Belpois?"

"Tell Micheal to give me the access codes to the supercomputer! You don't know what you're messing with here, Kyle!"

"And how would you know that?" Kyle countered. "You know, Belpois, I could have told the whole world about this 'little secret' as soon as I looked over the note you left in our dorm room! I could have told everyone about all the stuff you have been doing, and you'd be questioned, maybe even locked up! Plus, what do you think would have happened to Aelita if I chose to blow the top off this can?!"

"You wouldn't dare!" Jeremie snapped angrily.

"You sure about that?" Kyle challenged. Silence.

"Yeah, that what I thought." Kyle said. "Now you are going to help us! Got it? Now get out of that chair and put Micheal back in the pilot's seat..."

"Oh, you shouldn't worry about them. Soon, they'll have their own problems..." A voice said, walking out of the shadows of the tower. It was a man in an overcoat with long hair.

"Owikawa?!" Davis exclaimed. "But how...?"

"Not Owikawa anymore." The man said. "Now you can call me... XANA!"

Kyle looked at Owikawa. He then saw it! His pupils. They were now red!

"Kev, get to the bike! Let's beat it!" Kyle snapped, jumping on his hover-board. "Davis! Ken! Kari! TK! Take your Digimon and run!"

Kev didn't argue, and was already on the bike. Davis and Ken were confused though.

"Why should we run?" Davis challenged. "It's just Owikawa! Not like he can do anything to..."

At that moment, Owikawa raised one of his hands, and lightning bolts shot out of it right at Paildramon and BlackWarGreymon, engulfing them in a net of lightning!

"Jeremie!" Kyle snapped. "Get Micheal back in that chair, now!

"Not until Micheal gives me the access codes..." Jeremie began.


"Whoa, what?!" Jeremie exclaimed.

"He's right, Jeremie." Owikawa/XANA said, hacking into the voice feed. "I'm back. And yes, I know who you are, and where you are. I also understand not many, not even the government, would believe me on our incidents with the supercomputer, But know this; I now have resources that can equal yours, if not surpass them. I look forward to the day where we can meet in person, so I can end your interference. Permanently. Remember that."

Kari and TK hovered overhead with Angemon and Angewomon, unsure of what to do. Ken and Davis were running towards the XANA-Possesed Owikawa, but Kyle stopped them.

"Keep your distance!" Kyle said. "Get caught in that lightning and it's game over!"

"No, you don't understand!" Davis struggled to get free of Kyle's grip. "I can't just leave him..."

"You must Davis..." Paildramon said, his body writhing in the pain of the lightning. "You have to go! Run! Run and don't look back!"

That set off a trigger for Kyle. He remembered the same time Beelzemon told him that. To run, and not to look back. It was as if he was suddenly reliving that memory. It stung him to the core. Visions of that day, the day he lost Beelzemon were now reeling through his mind. He let go of Davis's arm.

"NO!" Kyle snapped, turning around, and firing at XANA-Owikawa, taking him by surprise, causing him to drop the two Digimon within his electric clutches. He actually managed to leave marks on his face.

"I won't let that happen to anyone again!" Kyle growled, both Ebony and Ivory in his hands.

"Ah, so this has happened to you before, Kyle." XANA laughed, getting up as if wasn't affected by the shots.

Kyle looked over to Paildramon. "Get the kids out of here! This isn't your fight!"

Paildramon did as he was told, scooping up Davis and Ken into his arms, and flying off.

"Time to pay for your crimes and send you packing for home, XANA!" Kyle aimed his guns.

"Oh, please." XANA-Owikawa said, vanishing into smoke. "Home is just a state of mind. Keep BlackWarGreymon, he is of no more use to me..."

With that, XANA-Owikawa vanished into thin air!

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