15: The Last Stand

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Owikawa/Xana stood on the roof of Tokyo Tower's observation level, watching as the worlds started to merge. The landmasses in the sky were a spectacle to see, and were causing mass panic among Tokyo's Residents. News crews covered the chaos as people ran each and every way in panic as random Digimon flew through the skies, equally chaotic, both running from Xana's creatures which the Digidestend were struggling to hold back due to their sheer numbers.

For Xana, this scene was bliss. Perfect Chaos. A masterpiece.

He saw a glint out of the corner of his eye. Of course. The Lyoko Warriors, right on time.

This would be fun. It was time for his Digital Dynasty to begin, with him as King.

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"Jeremie, are you seeing this?" Aelita said as she sent Jeremie a visual while they circled Tokyo Tower.

"Yes, thought I'm not sure I believe it..." Jeremie replied. "That's a lot of monsters."

"Well, if we take Xana out, we stop the whole thing, right?" Kev asked. "I know it sounds bad, but it looks like we don't have much of a choice unless we can lure Xana away..."

"...I don't think he'll fall for it." Kyle said. "He's having too much fun. He won't give this up for anything."

"How right you are, Kyle." Xana said, hacking into the voice feed. "I've come too far to fail this time. Now, my Digital Dynasty is primed to begin. All I have to do is relay my message and terms to the Earth's governments: Complete and unconditional surrender."

"Not happening!" Kyle said, drawing one of his pistols. "Guys, focus your attacks on Xana! Keep them random, don't give him any time to adapt or recover! It's all or nothing!"

The Lyoko Warriors dove in, Kyle and Beelzemon leading the charge with gunfire and gusto! They blanketed the area where Xana stood, causing him to recoil. BlackWarGreymon and Ulrich then charged Xana, Ulrich using his Triplicate ability as he jumped off the overbike! BlackWarGreymon knocked Xana back into one of the Tower's upper supports, then Ulrich sent one of his triplicate clones in for the knockout.

Xana retaliated by shooting an electrical orb out of his hand, causing the clone to dissolve. Unfortunately, he didn't see one of Yumi's steel fans flying for him, and it left a gouge in his shoulder tearing through his overcoat. The spinning steel blades of the fan left a clear mark on the flesh of his host body, drawing blood.

Kyle then joined in, jumping off his Overbike and drawing the Rebellion off his back, heaving it like a boomerang as it flew through the air with such speed it was as if it was a giant surgical blade!

Xana put up an electrical field with his hands, repelling Rebellion back as it continued to slice at the electrical field. He looked at Kyle, who caught the sword with ease.

"Where did you get that outfit? The costume shop, or a thrift store?"

"You're one to talk. That gray colored coat looks terrible on you." Kyle drew his pistols in response, firing them off in concert with Beelzemon's shotguns. Kev added to the barrage with his SMG. Xana was unable to block all the blasts, and flew across the platform from the shot's impacts.

Now it was Sissy's turn to strike. She fired a shot from her rocket launcher, the Kalina Ann, right at Xana, causing an explosion of magnificent fashion.

"Got 'em!" Sissy exclaimed.

When the smoke from the explosion cleared, they saw Xana standing, unscathed! He had enveloped himself in another electrical field.

"You are all wearing my patience thin..." Xana said. A flock of Lyoko Frelyon "Waspters" flew up from below the observation level, heading straight for the Lyoko Warriors lasers ablaze!

"Scatter!" Odd shouted, firing his Laser Arrows into the swarm! He took out several as he rode across the swarm on his Overboard like a surfer riding a wave!

Aeilta charged an energy ball from her hands, and flung it into the swarm. The explosion took out a good number, causing them to disperse and regroup. The tower then shook. Sissy looked down, and saw a bunch of Xana's Krabe monsters climbing the tower's scaffolding, with Tarantula type monsters on top of them!

"Incoming!" Sissy shouted, firing another rocket at one of the Krabes, knocking it and the
Tarantula it was carrying off the scaffolding! The remaining monsters responded with rapid laser fire!

Kyle knew their time was now limited before they themselves were overwhelmed. He had no choice. "Jeremie! Micheal! Upload the anti-viral program to our weapons! We've run out of time!"

"Done!" Jeremie said over the other end of the line.

Kyle then started firing shots from his pistols, the bullets glowing a blue hue. They penetrated Xana's electrical field, leaving marks on his host body's skin as the bullets impacted, sizzling with blue current!

"Augh!" Xana yelled out in pain, clutching one of his wounds. "What is this?!"

"Your going away present!" Kyle snapped, charging in with the Rebellion, Ulrich at his side. They both swung at Xana, cutting through the gray coat and some of the clothing underneath as Xana attempted to dodge the swords!

Xana retaliated with several energy balls shooting from his fingers, hitting Ulrich and Kyle at point-blank range.

"Careful, you just lost half your life points with that volley!" Jeremie exclaimed.

Kyle and Ulrich jumped back, distancing himself from Xana, and drew power up cards from their belt pockets, running them through their Digivices, scanning them through the card reader slot.

"Digi-Modify! VictoryGreymon sword Activate!"

A knight-like sword then spawned in Beelzemon's hands! He gripped it with determination!

"Digi-Modify! Hyper-Wing activate!"

BlackWarGreymon's shield was then replaced with the hyper-wing upgrade!

"Everyone, attack together, just like we practiced, guys!" Kyle exclamed. "Let's go!"

Kyle fired another barrage from his guns, accompanied by Odd's laser arrows. They hit Xana dead on, knocking him back as they Anti-viral upgrades in their blasts started taking effect. Yumi threw her fans as hard as she could, slicing across Xana's body. That's when they noticed a spectre start to leave Xana's body! They were driving him out! The landmasses in the sky were also starting to fade!

"Keep it up!" Ulrich rallied the group to continue on. Beelzemon charged in, slicing the air so hard it sent a force wave rippling through the air at Xana! It hit him straight in the chest. BlackWarGreymon then charged up a few Terra Destroyer shots in his hands, and flung them at the group's enemy with deadly accuracy. The spectre then flew out, revealing Xana's fragile true form as it writhed in the air, unable to cope with the stress!

Kyle didn't waste any time. He held up his pistols as they charged, and fired them with a smile and one word:


The blasts hit Xana's spectre form, as they heard a scream that sounded like a mix between a man and a dial-up modem! The spectre twisted in agony, as it took the shape of someone in a lab coat several times before completely dissipating into the wind! The monsters around them then started to deteriorate, dissolving into nothingness!

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