6: Unexpected Company

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"They're already there?" Kyle sighed. "Belpois must have rigged the mainframe with some sort of alarm program. Estimates on how long it'll take them to get in, Micheal?"

"Five minutes, maybe less." Micheal said as he typed feverishly to finish his input of the encryption keys and changing the supercomputer's access codes.

"Just stay focused, and don't tell them anything they could use to break your encryption!" Kyle said.

"Believe me, I won't tell them squat!" Micheal said, continuing to type. Kyle then walked forward, one of his guns, Ebony, aimed, as BlackWarGreymon struggled to stand.

"You have five seconds to tell me what you are doing alive after whatever happened while I was gone, what kind of damage you've done, and how you were brought back!" Kyle drew his other gun, Ivory. "And you better make it quick, because the more you talk, the less likely it is you'll have my assurance that I won't knock you into the next life, if there is such a thing!"

"...Weren't you going to kill me anyway?" BlackWarGreymon said weakly. "You said... You were here for vengeance..."

"Change of priorities." Kyle answered. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice."

Meanwhile, at the Factory...

Micheal couldn't remember the last time he had typed this fast. His fingers were a blur on the keyboard. He had just finished changing the encryption and access codes, all he needed to do was hit the Enter key...

"Hey! Get away from there!" Micheal looked up to see Ulrich Stern and Yumi Ishiyama climbing down a ladder. Yumi had jumped, and was headed right for him! Micheal slammed his hand down on the enter key. The supercomputer screen then displayed a bar, as it quickly filled, and the word "Locked" displayed on the screen, just as Yumi tackled him out of the chair.

"What are you doing here, Micheal?" Yumi demanded.

"I could ask you the same thing, several hundred times over!" Micheal snapped. "Especially after the whole Teddy-Godzilla incident, not to mention the Killer Music fiasco! The list goes on and on, Ishiyama! Now get off of me!"

The elevator then opened. Jeremie, Odd, and Aelita stepped out.

"Micheal Dubuoi?!" Jeremie then looked at the holo-sphere, seeing Digi-world displayed, then to the mainframe interface console.

"What did you do?!" Jeremie exclaimed. He ran over, and examined the screens. He was horrified. "You've virtualized Kev and Kyle into... Into..."

"Into what, Jeremie?!" Ulrich demanded.
"Into some place besides Lyoko!" Jeremie answered with disbelief. "What were you thinking?! We've got to get them out of there!" Jeremie went and hit a few keys on the keyboard, and a screen came up saying "Access Denied"

"What's going on?!" Jeremie rapidly typed every password he had set up for the supercomputer, but all were denied!

"What's going on?" Odd said. "Why can't you log in, Einstein?"

"Why do you think, you dumb blonde?" Micheal retorted. Jeremie knew what was going on now

"You!" Jeremie pointed at Micheal. "You changed the access codes!"

"Not only that, but I've encrypted all the files and commands on the supercomputer! I'm not letting you pull Kev and Kyle out of Digi-world and interrupt their mission!"

Jeremie grabbed Micheal by the collar. "Have you gone crazy?! You're messing with some very dangerous stuff, Micheal!"

"Oh, and you weren't?" Micheal stabbed back. "Like when you let William get taken by the Schypizoa?"

"This isn't a game, Micheal!" William snapped. "This supercomputer has power you could not even imagine! Not even Jeremie could fully control it!"
"That didn't stop him from trying now, did it?" Micheal said. "It didn't stop him from bringing his precious Aelita to earth, it didn't stop him from trying to mess with XANA at every turn..."

Ulrich lost his patience. He socked Micheal hard across the face.

"Look, punk! This isn't some game! This is serious! We're running out of time, and I'm running out of patience! Bring them back, NOW!" Ulrich snapped.

"Maybe Kyle will listen to reason." Jeremie then sat down in the chair, putting on the headset. "He at least left the communication program unlocked..."

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