13: Verdict Day

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Kadic Academy, 10:15 AM

Kyle was sitting in his English class taking an exam. He was tired, though the coffee from this morning from the vending machine helped somewhat. That wasn't what was bothering him, though. Right now things were so tense with XANA's return that he wanted to scream! He was itching to get back on Lyoko tonight so he and Impmon could go on patrol. This time, they were going to be much more careful, though. He was not going to lose Impmon again. That he was going to make sure of.

He heard a hiss to his left. He looked over, and saw Odd make an evil grin at him out of mockery. Kyle frowned.

"Mister Della-Robia! Sense you seem to be so engaged in this topic, why don't you give us an example of a run-on sentence please?"

Odd looked up. He wasn't making a face anymore. "Uh..."

"Either that, or tell us what is so much more important than learning about run-on sentences?"

Odd tried to think fast. "Um... Melanie?"

The class burst out into laughter, except for Kyle, who just smiled at the circumstances. One moment of justice had just been served. He got back to working on his paper. The rest of class seemed it would go by without a hitch.

Then the glass in the windows shattered, sending shards flying across the classroom. The lights flickered on and off repeatedly, the ground quaking underneath them. Shortly after that, the fire alarm went off, and Headmaster Delmas was heard over the loudspeaker.

"This is Headmaster Delmas! Evacuate the school, I repeat: Evacuate the school immediately!"

The classroom panicked, students running for the door! Desks were turned over, as they made their mad dash out of the classroom, some students climbing over one another at the door!

Kyle immediately looked outside. What he saw was going to turn his whole day upside-down!

Giant, dinosaur-type Digimon were outside, wreaking havoc and destruction on the school grounds!

Kyle Vaulted through the window, followed by Odd. He was thankful the English classroom was on the first floor! He whipped out his cell phone, calling Jeremie. One of the many calls he would have to make.

"Jeremie! We have a problem! Get to the factory!"

# # # # # #

Jeremie and Aelita were sprinting around the Digimon ransacking the school grounds towards the park! They met up with Ulrich, BlackAgumon, Odd, Yumi, Kyle, Impmon, Kev, and Micheal at the sewer passage!

"Everyone's here..." Kyle stopped for a moment to catch his breath. "Looks like XANA's making his move. We'd better see what he's up to."

They removed the sewer grate, and dove into the tunnel one by one. Grabbing their skateboards and scooters, they skated like madmen through the tunnels to the factory!

Kyle's phone rang just as they were getting to the factory grate! It was Davis!

Kyle answered. "Yeah, Davis?"

"Kyle! Something has happened to the sky above Tokyo! It's like the Digital world and the real world are somehow merging!"

The group climbed out of the factory grate, looking up at the sky. Davis was right! There were shining lights in the sky, along with semi-transparent land masses!

"What is XANA doing?!" Aelita exclaimed.

"Whatever it is, we have to shut it down fast!" Kyle said. "Let's go!"

They rushed into the factory, jumping off the entry platform, sliding down the ropes to the ground floor! They rushed to the elevator, Jeremie hitting the key code that would bring them to the Supercomputer's mainframe! Once at the mainframe, Jeremie got to the monitor, sat down in his chair and brought up the holo-sphere display. The situation didn't look good.

"Davis was right! Somehow, XANA's trying to use the power of Lyoko and all the towers to merge the Digital World and the Real World!" Jeremie exclaimed. "All the towers on Lyoko and the few new ones in Digi-world are activated!"

"What?!" Ulrich exclaimed. "Is... Is that even possible?!"

"It sure seems that way..." Micheal said, getting out his laptop and connecting to the mainframe. "Jeremie, I'll stay here to help you manage things. The rest of you get to the scanner room! We need to find XANA-Owikawa and stop them! By any means necessary!"

Aelita gasped. "Does that mean...?"

Jeremie turned to her, swallowing hard. "...We may have to terminate Owikawa."

Everyone went pale when Jeremie said that.

"Oh god..." Kev said. "Are you saying we may have to... Kill him?"

Jeremie nodded. "I don't see any other way right now to stop XANA. I've developed an anti-virus, but unless we can get him onto Lyoko to administer it in Owikawa's body, it won't have much of an effect unless we hit him with concentrated doses."

"XANA's not stupid." BlackAgumon said. "He won't fall for it... We may have no choice but to kill him."

"We will have to worry about that later!" Kyle exclaimed. "Right now, we have to stop those Digimon at the school before someone gets hurt, even killed! Then it's game over, and we won't be able to use the return to the past!" Kyle walked up to the mainframe, getting out his Digivice, hit a few buttons on it, and held it up to the screen. "Digi-port, open!"

The Digivice shot out a light at the computer and a window popped up! It projected a portal out of the screen.

"Impmon, go with BlackAgumon to the Digital World! I set the portal to open at File Island! We'll meet there!"

"Got it, Kyle! We'll be waiting!" Impmon said. He looked at BlackAgumon. "Come on! We got work to do!"

Both Digimon ran up to the portal, and went through, the portal shutting behind them.

Kyle then ran to the elevator with all the group except for Micheal and Jeremie. "Be ready to virtualize when we get down there!"

"Got it." Jeremie said as the elevator door closed. He turned to Micheal. "I wonder what today will be known as. Got any ideas."

"Only one, knowing XANA." Micheal said. "He thinks he's become some sort of judge if I know him the way you've portrayed him. This the day when both Digimon and Humans are judged... This is Verdict day."

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