8: Carthage

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"Great." Kyle sighed. He then went up to BlackWarGreymon, getting in his face.

"What is XANA doing here?! How is he alive?" Kyle demanded.

But BlackWarGreymon was out cold.

"Double Great." Kyle sighed. He then picked up BlackWarGreymon, and dragged him into the tower, Kev right behind him. "Jeremie, are you still there?" He asked.

"Nope. Jeremie just relinquished control of the supercomputer." A familiar voice said. It was Micheal!

"Thank goodness." Kyle said. "Micheal, de-virtualize me and Kev asap. When we get back, I'll open a Digi-port to bring BlackWarGreymon to Lyoko and then we will get some answers..."

"You sure we can have him around?" Micheal asked. "I mean, he did just try to toast you..."

"Don't worry, Mike. I have a plan." Kyle said as he and Kev entered the tower.


BlackWarGreymon slowly woke up, finding himself unable to move. He didn't even have half his strength. His vision was blurred, and he heard voices, as well. Human voices.

"Are you out of your skull?! We can't keep him here! Who knows what he could do on Lyoko!"

"And what do you propose, Jeremie? That we just send him back to Digi-world and let him wreak even more havoc with XANA?"

BlackWarGreymon's vision finished clearing. He saw he was on some sort of platform, his arms and legs restrained by energy bindings. The human children known as Kyle and Kev were there, along with four others: A blonde-haired, cat-human hybrid, a samurai with brown hair and two Katanas, both young boys, a young, pink-haired elf girl, and a fan warrior girl with jet-black hair.

"Well, look who's awake." Kyle said. "Start talking! What do you know about XANA's plans?" Kyle jabbed Ebony in BlackWarGreymon's face, aiming it sideways.

"Not very gentlemanly to shove a pistol in someone's face like a gangster." the Fan warrior said.

"Shut up, Yumi!" Kyle snapped, looking in her direction.

"Hey, watch it!" The samurai warned Kyle. "We outnumber you two to one here!"

Kev sighed. "Ugh! Ulrich, aren't we after the same thing here?"

"I dunno, are we?!" Ulrich, the samurai, challenged.

"Yeah, looks who's talking, Supercomputer-thief!" The cat hybrid added.

"Oh, really?" Kyle said, putting Ebony away. "Fine then! Let's see you get something out of him, Odd!" He then stepped away from BlackWarGreymon, his posture full of attitude. "Well, Go on! Interrogate away!"

"Perhaps you are looking at this problem form the wrong angle, Kyle." The pink-haired elf girl said. It seemed she was the most patient of the group.

"Wrong angle?" Kyle looked confused and annoyed.

"You hacked into Jeremie's computer on the campus, so look at it from a programmer's point of view. Think of it as dealing with a firewall. You can't go through it, but there's usually a backdoor. An alternate route in."

"So what you're proposing is that one of us goes inside his mind. Root out the secrets from there." Kyle said.

"Yes, but only you can do that Aelita, and that's exactly what XANA would expect!" Yumi argued. "This former slave of XANA's probably has some sort of virus that would be triggered by such an attempt! It could take over you completely! Or worse!"

Kyle rubbed his head, sighing. Then BlackWarGreymon spoke up.

"Where am I, and why am I bound?"

Kyle gave him a leer in response. "One: You are in a place where you can't hurt others like you did my Digimon partner, and two: You are bound up so you don't cause any trouble while you are here."

"That's not an answer." BlackWarGreymon said coldly, pulling against the energy bindings.

Kyle then smirked, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"You really want to know? Well, then, I'll tell you. You're on Lyoko, in a tower in Sector 5, otherwise known as Carthage, where XANA used to live."

BlackWarGreymon felt a shudder of fear pass through him.

"Oh, not so invincible anymore, now are we?" Kyle said, noticing his fear. "We may have been on uneven turf in the past, but oh, how the odds can turn..."

"I don't see how the 'odds' have turned at all." BlackWarGreymon replied with bravery and defiance. "XANA is still out there, in Owikawa's body, and he will no doubt wreak as much havoc as he pleases. You should be focusing on him, and not me."

"Which is exactly what we plan to do." Kyle said. "Once we get what we need from you. You were a slave of XANA's, you said so yourself. So why don't you tell us what you learned in his inner circle?"

BlackWarGreymon looked at Kyle with cold eyes. "You really think that XANA would let me in on his plots? He's not that stupid. He didn't tell me anything. You're wasting both our time here."

At that point, they heard something. The group turned around.

Someone else was entering the tower! And it wasn't William, either! It was a man! He was dressed in a black tunic and wore tan robes. He had brown hair, and blue eyes. He also carried a bag.

Kyle immediately recognized the man, and spoke his name in shock.


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