9: The Truth

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"Gennai?" Ulrich questioned.

"...It's a long story." Kyle said.

"Then you should tell them, Kyle." Gennai said.

Kyle looked at Gennai, surprised. "You're serious?"

"Very." Gennai replied. "After all, the trail of hate and blame you left behind led them to the Digital world, just as it has led me here."

"Hate and blame?" Yumi looked curious.

Kyle then started to explain how six years ago, he was on his computer one night at his home in Tsukuba, Japan. He was trying to look up some video game news when he found a strange link. Being curious, he clicked on the link, and the screen glowed with a blinding light. It was the next moment that surprised him the most. There was a Digi-Egg sitting on his desk, along with a D-Power Digivice, a deck of power-up cards, and a note: Raise him well, and fight for what is right. He went on, and explained how he raised his Digimon, keeping it a secret from his parents. Then came the stories of when he went to the Digital world, exploring with his friend. All leading up to the encounter with BlackWarGreymon, right before he was sent to Kadic Academy, and how he had made a vow for vengeance.

"Did that include 'vengeance at any cost'?" Odd asked.

Unfortunately, that comment earned him a glare from everyone except Gennai.

"Tough crowd..." Odd muttered.

"So that's why you reactivated the supercomputer?! To fulfill a vendetta?" Ulrich was furious. "You risked the safety of everything, and everyone, just to get revenge?"

"Wouldn't you?" Kyle asked with a glare. "What would you have done if XANA had taken Yumi instead of William?"

Ulrich froze right there on the spot. He didn't have a comeback that time.

"Think about that for a minute, Ulrich. I'll ask you for your answer later." Kyle then turned to Gennai. "So, what's the update on XANA?"

Gennai looked up to the top of the Tower. "Not good. He's infiltrated Digi-world, and has planted several temporary towers that link him to the power back on Lyoko. He can't survive without a host though. Since he's linked himself with Owikawa, I'm afraid our only choice is to neutralize them both. Assuming you plan to do something about it. But you will need help. From BlackWarGreymon, and the DigiDestined."

Aelita's curiosity perked up. "DigiDestined? Who are they?"

Gennai smiled warmly as he looked at Aelita, "A chosen group of individuals much like yourselves. They live in Japan. Kyle and Yumi's homeland."

"Wait a minute! How did you know I was from Japan?!" Yumi exclaimed.

"We know many things, Yumi. We watch over all. Now back to the matter at hand. You need to meet with the DigiDestined and figure out a plan to eliminate this threat. I shall take you and BlackWarGreymon to them now, and explain everything."

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