Near x blind!reader: Assignment

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This is another highschool AU (sorry).

Near - Nate River
Mello - Mihael Keehl
Matt - Mail Jeevas


Near's pov.

As I had done so many times before, I wandered down the hallway of the school I attended. These classes are pointless. I never learned much of anything new there. If I wished to, I could stop showing up until the end-of-grade tests and still get a perfect score. I only continue attending to refresh my memory.

That last surprise test was particularly easy. We'd gotten the results back in the class I'd just left. Of course, I scored a perfect one-hundred.

"Hey Mihael," I heard one of my classmates, Mail, speak from a short ways away. I glanced that way as he continued chatting with another student; one I knew well. "Are you still mad about getting that one question wrong?"

"Yes! I am!" Mihael snapped. "He always rubs his victory in my face!"

Mail sighed as he removed his backpack from the locker. "He doesn't brag about his victory." He shut the metal door. "You glare at him all the time, and then say he's provoking you when he makes eye contact. You're overreacting."

They both started for the exit as I stopped at my locker. Mail's right, Mihael. That was one of the only times I've ever agreed with the brunet.

If it wasn't obvious enough, they were talking about me. Mihael hates me because he always comes second to me. He believes everything is a competition, a way for him to prove he's better than I am.

Frankly, I do not care whether he beats me or not. I only try harder in order to challenge myself; to find something I don't know, and learn it.

I have yet to find something like that.

I retrieved my things from my locker, closed it, then started for the exit.

Outside, most students were hanging around and chatting. Whether they were wasting time or making plans, I did not care to know.

Someone suddenly bumped into me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I had to step to the side to stop myself from falling over.

"Oh um, I'm really sorry," a feminine voice apologized.

I studied the girl whom now stood in front of me, attempting to put a name to her. I memorized the names of almost everyone in the school. This girl one of my classes.... I knew her name, yet I couldn't remember it. I could practically feel it taunting me, even if that's a ridiculous idea.

"Yes, well, I'm not bothered," I replied, continuing on my way home right after.

"(y/n)," she stated, causing me to pause. "My name. It's (y/n)."

That's right, I remembered. I knew her to be quite good at understanding what people are feeling by their tone of voice, then making quick guesses at why they would feel that way. I hadn't expected her to be able to figure out I'd forgotten her name though. I always believed my tone gave nothing away.

I took a step forward, only to stop again when she spoke up again. "'re name is Nate, isn't it?"

"That is correct."

"Ah, do you know who (f/n) is?"

"Yes, s/he's in two of my classes." I guessed she was about to talk about her/his incredibly obvious feelings for me.

"Well s/he has a strong attraction to you, but s/he's too shy to approach you. I offered to ask what you thought of her/him, so...."

"I have no desire to start a relationship with (f/n)." Or anyone, for that matter. Romantic relationships were entirely pointless to me. What's the point in being close to someone who will only drag you down? Being alone is much easier.

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