1. The Letter

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"Ms. Y/l/n, you've been working so hard. You deserve a break. Take a vacation." My colleague, Brent Smith, a tall man with light brown hair and brown eyes, says taking a seat directly infront of me.

I look up from my patients file "I'd rather not, thank you though." 

I look back down, trying to focus on my work.

"We'll pay."

"No thanks."

"Ms. Y/l/n, you've worked here for nearly a decade, you've taken maybe two vacations. It's time for another. We're paying, you're not coming back for a month, or we'll fire you."

I look up, folding my hands. "I have no choice, do I?"


I sigh, slightly rolling my eyes "Ok"

"Great. Leave now."

"I'm still working on-"

"We'll get someone else to finish it." He says "Now go."

"Yes sir."

Leaving my office, I decided to stop by Garrett McCoy's office, my boyfriend of three and a half years, who is now my fiance.

"Hey Babe" I smile at him as he looks up

"Hey Darling, taking a break?" His green eyes meet mine as I take in his appearance.

Lab coat with the sleeves rolled up to his muscular forearms, plaid button down and worn out jeans.

His dark brown hair stands in small spikes around his head.

"More like a vacation..."  I chuckle slightly, breathing in his cologne, that I could smell from the door way.

"Oh about time, you need one" 

I gasp playfully "How rude, but I seriously gotta get going or Brent'll fire me"

"Love you" He says

"Love you too"

Before leaving the office I stop at the Secretary's desk.

"Hey Cort." I say leaning against her  desk.

Courtney McGregor, my best friend for the last five years, looks up at me in shock.

"Oh wow, are you sick, Y/n? What's wrong, why aren't you working?" She asks, pushing her straight blonde hair out of her cerulean blue eyes, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Brent said if I didn't take off of work for a month, right now, at this very second, he'd fire me." I say, sneezing after I finished as I caught a whiff of a passing by patient.

"Bless you, and aren't you higher up in this then him?"

"Actually we're equal, but he is the son of the psychiatrist who owns this practice."

She nods, understanding.

"Wow to think you're equal with someone who's been working here for twenty plus years, and you've only worked here for ten." She smiles

I return the smile, shrugging. "I should probably get going before Brent "fires" me." I put air quotes around 'fire'.

"Ok" She laughs "I'll call you later."

I nod, then walk out to the parking lot.

Getting in my car, checking the mirrors I put the car in reverse then back out and leave.

Thirty minutes later, due to heavy traffic, I pull into my driveway, parking my car, I sit in the it for a minute taking it in my house.

It's really way to big for one person, and aside from my dog and a few plants the place is empty for hours upon hours a day.

Sighing, I grab my bag and get out, walking to my mail box.

I reach in and grab the stack of envelopes.

I look through them.

"Bill, Bill, Bill, Matthews, Bil-" I mumble to myself "Wait Matthews?" 

I go back and find the one that says Matthews.

I look at it for a minute, breathing heavily.

Opening the letter carefully,  I pull it out and read it.

"Hey Y/n, I know it's been seven years since we last spoke, Cory and everyone misses you, we want you to join us for Christmas this year, it would mean so much to Riley and Auggie to finally meet their god-mother, I know it will be short notice but please at least consider it.

Looking up from the letter I head to my house.

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