20. Two years later

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"Merry Christmas Matthews" I exclaim as I walk into the Matthews apartment, holding Shawns hand.

Maya had walked in before us and was already talking up a storm with Riley as if she hadn't see her best friend in a year.

"Merry Christmas Hunters" Topanga says, hugging us individually. "Wow, it's been almost two years and I still can't believe you're finally Y/n Hunter!"

"I know, right!" I laugh "So much had happened in first month, I mean, I became a wife, and a stepmom and, just yeah"

After I married Shawn, I sold my house and brought my dog Chica up to New York, Shawn put his name on Mayas birth certificate, I became her stepmother legally, I quit my job and got one here in New York where him and I are renting a three bedroom, one bath, one half bath, with a shower, apartment a few blocks front the Matthews.

Maya uses one room when she spends the night, occasionally she brings Riley and they have a sleepover.

Then Shawn and I have one room, which leaves the third one as an office.

Well... Only for a little longer.

"I'm so glad you moved here" Cory says, walking up behind Topanga.

"I'm glad too." I hug him "Is it just us this year?"

"Yeah, Corys parents decided to go on a cruise and Josh took a trip with a friend."

"Ohhh, a friend who's a girl?" I say teasingly

"I don't know. But most likely." Topanga laughs.

I grin, shaking my head.

Cory takes his seat at the couch and Topanga walks to the kitchen as Shawn and I take off our coats.

"When are we going to tell them?" He whispers

I look at the group of people and sigh contently.

"After dinner." I say "I promise"

Shawn and I have been holding off on some very wonderful news simply because I was waiting for the right time.

Shawn pecks my lips quickly "Have I told you how much I love you?"

"You never cease on not telling me" I laugh

"Well, I'll say it again," He grins "I love you so much Y/n Hunter."

"And I love you so much more Shawn Hunter."

"No possible, not at all."

"But it is" I wink before I walk away.

The evening went by quickly and before I knew it dinner was over.

"Ok, so, Y/n," Shawn says, standing up,  walking behind me "And I, have some very important news. Ready?"

I stand up and put one arm around his waist and he puts one of his around my shoulders "We're expecting" I say "And it's twins"

The Matthews' all holler congratulations and Maya sits there with her mouth open.

"Maya?" I ask quietly

"I'm gonna be a sister?"

Shawn nods, smiling "Yep."

Maya slowly gets up from her seat, an unreadable expression on her face. "I'm gonna be a sister."

"Maya..." Riley says

"Are you ok?..." I ask

"I'm gonna be a sister!" She exclaims

She runs over to Shawn and I and hugs us.

"I thought you couldn't-" Maya asks quietly

"Well, they were wrong." I laugh

"What was Shawns reaction when you told him Y/n, and how did you tell him?" Cory asks

~ Flashback ~

"Hey, I was thinking we could go get tacobell tonight, how's that sound?" Shawn asks walking into the room from the living room.

It was Saturday night and Maya had gone over to Rileys for the night so that left just Shawn and I.

"Yeah, sure, fine with me." I say, looking up from my book to give him a small smile.

Truthfully I had been craving tacobell for a while and I just found out why today.

He walked into the bathroom talking about how his day was and how the Matthews' had been.

I would've went with him to drop Maya off but I hadn't felt well that morning so I decided to stay home.

I ended up feeling better by noon then it hit me at one, I might be pregnant.

So I had taken a test and it came back positive so I threw it away, covering it with tissues.

Later that night Shawn had ran out and got us tacobell then came back.

"So how was your day? Did you start to feel better?"

"Yeah, yeah, my day was pretty boring. I felt nauseous most of the morning then I felt like I could eat so I made a sandwich, the I took a pregnancy test, it showed I'm pregnant, then you came home an-"

"Wait, wait, wait, go back."

"I made a sandwich?"

"No after that?"

"You came home?"


"Oh yeah, I'm pregnant"

Shawn looked at me for a minute, blinking slowly before a smile spread across his face "I'm gonna be a dad again!"

"Mhmm" I smile

"And your going to be a mom!"

~End of Flashback ~

"Wow" Riley says After I tell them "That was cute, do you know the genders yet?"

"No, we want to wait till the birth" Shawn says

I nod in agreeance

"That's cool," Topanga says "I get to be the godmother right?"

"Well Duh" I laugh

"And I get to be the godfather, right?'' Cory asks eagerly

"Eh... I don't know"

Corys face falls

"I'm kidding, of course you will be"

"Yay!" He says

"How far along are you?" Maya asks

"Three months"

"Ugh, I'm so happy for you two" Topanga says

"I'm happy for us too" Shawn says looking down at me

"Me too, and I'm so glad I came to Christmas two years ago"

"You're welcome" Topanga says, grinning.

Shawn leans down and connects our lips and in that moment all I could think of is how lucky I was to reconnect with my high-school love.


Okay, so this is the last chapter of "My Highschool love" buuuuuut I do have two stories in the process of being written.

Which means, I have a question.

Would you guys rather I start publishing the sequel to this book called "Our unending love" or should I start publishing a book about the reader and Shawns brother Jack first called "I fell for you"?

Comment down below, please and thank you.

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