12. Tis The Season

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"Shawn? Y/n?" Cory whispers, causing us to start.

We jump apart, hearts racing from the sudden noise.

He gasps "Did you two make up? "

I sigh, looking between the two men.

"Yes... And no," I say "Where is everyone else?" I change the subject.

"Not up yet" Cory says "It's only two thirty." 

"And your up why?" I ask "Wait-"

"Santa" The three of us say together, laughing.

"I missed hanging out with all of you" I whisper, leaning against Shawn.

"Me too" Cory says looking down. "Promise me you two will never leave again..."

"I promise" Shawn says with no hesitation.

"I-" I sigh "I promise too..."

Cory gives a small 'Yay' before yawning "I'm going back to bed. See you two in the morning." 

"Night Cor" Shawn and I say together.

After Cory went back upstairs, Shawn and I stayed on our opposite ends of the couch.

We both open our mouths to say something, closing them to let the other go.

"Wanna watch some T.V?"

"Actually I think I'm going to go see Garrett..." 

"It's two forty... In the morning."

"Oh, he'll still be up." 

"You shouldn't be going out this late..."

I sigh, giving up. "Ok, you're right. What do you want to watch."

"Whatevers fine with me..."

I grab the remote, turning on FRIENDS.

Crossing my arms over my stomach, I settled back into my spot. Shawn scoots over and leans against me. "Shawn, this is wrong"

"How? We aren't doing anything."  He replys

"Maybe not yet..."

"Are you saying maybe we will?" He laughs

"I'm saying that this is wrong."

"If you really love me this can't be wrong."

"You know what, fine whatever."  I sigh, closing my eyes.

All I wanted was my non-complicated Highschool love life to be back.

I wish I had never met Garrett... No I wish I never met Shawn- Wait, definitely wish I had never met Garrett.


Next time I opened my eyes was to Auggie saying "It's Christmas, It's Christmas."

"Merry Christmas" Shawn mumbles in his morning voice

"Mhmm... Merry Christmas to you too.''

I grab my phone off the side table, seeing I had two unread messages from Garrett.

Garrett💗: Morning babe

Garrett💗: I'm going to be busy this morning, I'll come over later. Love you

Sighing, I turn off my phone, setting it back on the table as the Matthews and Maya walked in, then Corys mom and dad, with his brother, walked in.

"Who's ready for presents?" Cory asks, smiling like a child.

I yawn, pushing Shawn off of me playfully, mentally noting I was still in yesterday's clothes.

"I'm down, let me freshen up first" I grab my bag, rushing to the bathroom, hoping no one noticed that I hadn't changed.

Throwing on the first outfit in the bag, which was dark washed, ripped skinny jeans and a loose light gray scoop neck shirt with mid- calf height black army boots.

I toss my bag in the guest room, while brushing out my hair with my fingers, walking back to the living room.

Taking a place in-between Maya and Riley, I sit down.

Shawn frowned, faking a pout since I didn't sit by him.

I listen to the chatter of my friends and the kids, looking around the room, memories of Christmas past emblazoned in my mind.

Like the one after Shawn and Jack had met.

I spent Christmas with then because both boys though it would be awkward if they were alone, together.

At first they thought they had nothing in common, then they discovered they both loved ice skating.

It was a wonderful Christmas.

I lean back as gifts are exchanged, my thoughts returning to the present, opening gifts handed to me, thanking the person I received them from until there was only one gift left under the tree.

"Uh, Y/n... This is for you..." Shawn says, picking it up, placing it gently in my hand.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly remove the ribbon.

My High-school Love |Shawn Hunter x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now