17. A Confession

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I smooth my hands over my hips as I turn side to side, taking in the dress and my appearance.

"You look absolutely stunning Y/n" Topanga says After they left, smiling.

"Thanks..." I say quietly, not looking at her.

"What's on your mind?"

"Well... What if I made the wrong decision? About staying with Garrett instead of going back to Shawn?" I sit down beside her on the bed.

"Do you think you made the wrong decision?"  She asks

"Honestly, I don't know... I mean I have loved Shawn since... The sixth grade and I mean, I- do I even love Garrett?"

"That's something only you can answer." She says, smiling weakly.

There was a knock on the door as I let out a weary sigh "Come in."

Shawn and Cory enter, side by side.

"Wow Y/n," Shawn says "You look- good" He stops himself as if he was going to say something else.

"I think you look amazing" Cory says before leaning in "It's not too late to back out" He whispers

"Thanks you guys, and I think I'm good Cor" You say

He holds his hands up "Ok just don't say I didn't tell you so"

I manage a faint laugh, hoping it sounded normal.

"Cory let's go take our places"

"What, why?" Cory says

Topanga simply clears her throat

"This should be yours and Shawns wedding, not Yours and Garretts" Cory says, sneering at me before leaving.

I sigh as Shawn sits beside me on the end of the bed.

I lean my head on his shoulder, resting my hand on his knee.

"I wish it was me." Shawn says putting his cheek on my head.


"No, I know what you're going say, and I understand, just know that even though you don't love me, I still love you."  He looks at me. "But I honestly don't think you don't love me."

"I dont-"

"Don't or can't?"


"No, no, prove that you don't love me" 

I shoot up "Shawn, I dont-"

He shot up and held my waist gently "When I look into your eyes, I see a woman that I hurt because I was stupid, and idiotic, but still loves me. Despite all of my mistakes"

He slowly leans down till our lips were nearly touching, and as if there was some force pulling me in, I leaned in and kissed him.

I pull back out of his grasp "Fine, ok I love you, I never stopped loving you. You were and still are, my out of high-school, high-school love. But please, Just don't make this any harder then it has to be."


"No, I have to go" I turn and exit the room, seeing Cory and Topanga close by.

I roll my eyes and breeze past them taking my place.

"Y/n-" Topanga says

"I'd rather not talk" I say

I hear the music start up and one by one the wedding party walks out to their spots on the roof.

Topanga, Riley, and Maya stand beside where I would, and Cory, Josh, and Shawn stand beside Garrett and Mr. Feeny stands in the middle, as our "priest"

My cue comes up and I make my way down the aisle.

Deep breaths, Deep breaths.

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