14. Cigarette smoke

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"Oh, Hey baby."  He says enveloping me in a tight hug

"Hey" I murmured, slipping out of the hug, walking into his room.

The bed was already made, hinting that the maid had been by.

"Oh that's a cute necklace" Garrett says, eyeing it. "S&Y/f/i... The S doesn't happen to mean Shawn does it."

I take a breath, the way he said Shawn as if it was poison, I decided to play it off lightly "My, My, is the Garrett McCoy jealous?" I give a small, breathy laugh.

"No, No, not at all. I just have a bad feeling about that guy." Garrett pulls up a chair infront of me.

"That guy? That guy is my best friend-"

"Yeah, a friend who broke your heart-"

"We've all made mistakes Garrett." I say sharply. "Look, I forgot, Topanga and I had wedding plans. I have to go.''

Before he could respond I exited his room, leaving the hotel.

Since the Matthews apartment wasn't far, I decided to walk back.

Enjoying the silence, I made my way back in twenty minutes.

"Topanga," I say as I walk in. "I have five days before I am going to be married. And since this is going to be simple, we should look for some simple dresses and simple-"

"Y/n," Topanga starts, walking to me, placing her hands on my shoulders "You're rambling." 

"Oh, Sorry."  I sigh "You get the idea."

"Ok, yeah, if you're going to go through with this, then yeah, and we can also go to some boutiques tomorrow."

"Can Maya and I come?" Riley asks

"As long as Y/n is ok with it." Topanga shrugs

"Sure, why not. I'll need ya'lls input on the bridesmaids dresses."

"We get to be Bridesmaids?!" Riley says jumping up and down.

I look at Maya for her expression, seeing it looked exactly how I felt.

"Maya, I need something from the store, wanna take a walk with me?" I ask, standing up.


"She'd love to." Topanga says.

Maya glares at Topanga before reluctantly walking past me, grabbing her coat.

When we reach outside, I stop.

"What's up?" I ask her, tucking my hands into my coat pockets


"Ah come on, I know somethings up. Let me guess. You're upset I'm marrying Garrett. Right?"

"Eh, I guess." 

"Maya, you hardly know me-"

"I know you well enough to know that I like you. And you would actually care about me because even though you have known me for less than a day you care about me. And I know my mom does, but some how it seems you care more."


"No, it's ok, Marry Garrett or whatever." She turns on her heel, walking back into the building.

I sigh, leaning against the wall, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Lighting the cigarette, I take a drag, exhaling the smoke that filled my lungs.

"I never took you for a smoker." Cory says from behind me.

"Y'know, I don't need one of your lessons, Brillo head." I snap before taking a deep breath and looking at the sky "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. It's an old habit. One I picked up after I abandoned the group." I take a big drag.

He walks up beside me, putting an arm around my shoulder. "Hey, I understand, you're stressed, you don't think you know what you want from life. But I think you do. I think you want to be happy. That's all you want. So if... He... Makes you happy... You should marry him"

I exhale, throwing the cigarette down and putting it out with the heel of my shoe. "Thanks Cor" I smile at him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Now, let's go back in before we catch pneumonia and die."

I laugh and walk inside with him.

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