Chapter Six

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You and I - Leon || "Get this heavy weight off my shoulder and every stranger, I pretend they are you. They'll never hold me, never touch me like you do. Done my best to stay away. But I think I'm going crazy"

Ochaco P.O.V.

As my feet tip-toed up the steps I felt my heart begin to pound in my chest with every step. What the was I even doing? What would I say if someone caught me? It's against the rules to be on the opposite sex's side of the dorm after hours. Mr. Aizawa would throw a fit, but I kept moving. It was like my body just moved in that direction...I've snuck around these halls before for a very similar reason, but it was under lighter circumstances.

I kept replaying Bakugou's words in my head as my feet softly glided on the floor. I was now turning the corner and could see his door from where I stood. Of course, this was the moment when I froze. I mutter softly to myself, "what are you doing". As I look down at my hands. They shook uncontrollably as I dropped them to my sides. I felt my eyes fill with tears as I clench my fists pushing my doubts out of my head the best I could. I needed answers and I needed them now.

Feeling myself gain my confidence back I began walking again. In only a few seconds I heard a door to my left swing open. Jumping quickly I threw myself in one of the closets down the long hallway closing it behind me.

Hearing a yawn followed by a burp I already could have guessed it was Denki. Poking my head out a bit proved my assumption right. I watched as he waddled, eyes closed, down the hallway to the bathroom. Swinging the door open I saw him give his butt a scratch before closing it behind him. I let out a sigh quick, then waiting behind to make sure he comes back out and returns to his room.

Hearing the toilet flush I knew it wouldn't belong. His feet dragged as his body emerged. Beneath me, the floor creaked a bit and his head turned quickly. I instinctively covered my mouth holding back the giggles from his terrible sleepy face. I tensed up and hide my face quick before hearing his steps get closer, fearing I was caught. My head filled with the crazy things he was going to say, or if he would wake everyone up, what would I even use as an excuse.. ugh. before I could drown in my own thoughts I heard another door close.

Turning my head slowly around the corner I now saw an empty hallway... "Phew" I close my eyes with relief as I turn to double check if he was still there. Seeing that the coast was clear I jump back to my feet and continue tiptoeing, quicker this time. As I pass each door my worries intensify because at any moment one of these boys could open the door and see me.

Finally, I made it to the end of the hallway and stared straight at his door. The familiar scratches and cracks on the door made it obvious which one was his. Lifting my shaky hand I gave a faint knock. Nothing. Looking to the left then the right, I knocked again, this time with more force.

Behind the door, I heard some muffled grumbling and movement. As I stood in the hall my body swayed nervously back and forth. Before I could even think about changing my mind the door swung open quick. Bakugou stood with his shirt off this time and his same black sweatpants. He rubbed his eyes to focus as my eyes wandered down his whole upper body.

"Stop fucking checking me out you perv.." his voice, now a deep whisper, was raspier when he was tired but it still sent shivers down my spine. "Pfttt" I turn my head to the right sticking my nose in the air. He crossed his arms in front of me leaning against the door frame, "Suit yourself, you're the one who came to my door through" Bakugous laugh was hushed, he obviously knew the importance of not getting caught. "Why don't you just come in here?" he whispered with a harsh tone. "W-well" I half smiled nervously, putting my hands behind my back. "This was a bad idea", I look down at the ground then back up at his confused face, "I'll see you tomorrow" I quickly turn around facing the way I came, but before I can take a single step I felt his strong hand grip my arm. I looked back over my shoulder at him to see a hint of concern in his eyes before he rolled them as he yanked me into his room. His strong force causes me to crash into his chest. I felt my body press up against his thick figure and immediately hit with his familiar cologne. My eyes lowered as I looked up him, I hadn't even noticed he was staring at me.

I jumped taking a step back. My eyes darted around his room. I had been in here many times before, but I was nervous and didn't know where to look. I had Bakugou standing in front of me without a shirt on...He looked confused a bit as he slouched his toned body sticking his hands in his pockets. Letting out a big sigh he brought his eyes back to mine.

"So what is it Floaty?" He now seemed back to his annoyed self. He turned and made his way to his bed taking a seat at the end. He looked up at me as he picked at the loose strands of his blanket. "I already know where this is going, but let's hear it.."

Feeling myself jolt at his last statement I felt myself take an awkward stance. "W-well I think you owe me an explanation.." his eyebrows raised as I continued "about what you said earlier.." I felt the words pour out of me like I was vomiting all these feelings. I had run this through my head while I was walking up here, what I was going to say and how I was going to say it, but that all flew right out the window.. what is my problem... Bakugou continued picking at his blanket before letting out "pfft" His head tilted up to meet my gaze giving a half smirk, "I'll make this easy on you" his stare looked cold as I stood there in fear. "That had nothing to do with you. Don't be so pathetic Ochaco.." His heartless words shot through me like daggers as my knees locked beneath me. Was this really happening. I had never felt so confused in my life, one minute he was trying to kiss me in the stairwell and now was treating me like some trash on the street. I guess I was right about everything, this only had to do with the fact that Deku and I had started .... whatever we had started...

"Ochaco, what we had was great, but after the whole kidnapping thing ... and our previous sports festivals, I knew that this wouldn't have worked." He made a gesture with his hands at me like I was some poison to him. My throat felt swollen unable to speak as I watched him continue, "That's why we kept this whole thing a secret. I think we both needed each other then, but right now we need to just be classmates again. I need to be the best hero I can be so I can beat All Might.. It's my dream.. It's always been. I'm the reason there isn't an All Might anymore which has already messed me up enough... I cannot allow someone else to fill his spot before me.." He quickly looked away from me, averting his eyes out the window as the moon illuminated the room. "You knew all of this about me, but you still stuck around...I appreciate you for that because you know more than all of them, but for you to think that I had been in love with you... would be a waste of your time"

His eyes glanced over at me as my eyes watered. I swallowed back the tears and just stared. I did not want him to see just how much my heart was breaking... His eyes looked through me as I finally found my voice.. "If that is how you feel, then I apologize for waking you up", I gave a half-hearted smile, "silly me...I'll see you tomorrow." my voice shook as I waved slightly, turning to make my way back to the door. With each step, I hoped he would jump up and stop me, pull me in close and hold me, tell me he was lying or pulling some stupid prank on me. It wasn't far fetched with him, but I heard nothing. As my hand gripped the cold door nob, I gave it a slight turn before he spoke up.

"Goodbye Floaty" his hushed raspy voice echoed as I turned back, giving him a nod. Him saying goodbye meant a lot more than him just saying goodbye, it had a deeper meaning to it. He was saying goodbye to anything we ever were. I quickly passed through the doorway closing it behind me. As I stood there in the silence I could only hear my heartbeat pounding in my chest.

It was so loud I thought it would wake the rest of the boys up... My head hung low as I just stood there unable to move. "But for you to think that I had been in love with you... would be a waste of everyone's time" Hearing his words in my head felt like a million daggers to my soul.

Quickly I took off running back to my room. This time the tears poured from my eyes like a faucet as I raced past the kitchen, and up the stairs. Seeing my door down the hall I immediately ran in, closing the door softly behind me and making a b-line to my warm bed. Throwing myself down I felt my ody heave as I tried to cover up the sounds of my cries. Just when I thought everything was making some sense, I end up more confused than before.

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