Chapter Twelve

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First Date - Blink 182 || "When you smile, I melt inside, I'm not worthy for a minute of your time I really wish it was only me and you. I'm jealous of everybody in the room"

As Bakugous body struggled and blasted off flames in every direction, the crowd cheered. I didn't know what I was going to do next, but I needed to think of something quick, something unexpected. I could take the easy route and throw him from the arena, or I could battle it out and make some good contact attacks. I needed to show the sponsorships everything I had, a quick win would not show that. It would only show that I got lucky against a tough opponent.

I was growing weak so I decided to use an anti-gravity spin on him as I lifted his body a bit further before slamming it into the ground as hard as I could, giving a spin to his heavy frame as it crashed into the floor. I repeated the action a few more times before I felt myself grow sick.

I stumbled back unable to do anything more. A cloud of dust erupted where he landed the last time and I knew for sure this had to have left a blow. The smoke settled and Bakugou was getting up from where I dropped him. His body was scraped up, but he still looked strong and intact. How? The crowd erupted in hollers, excited and ready to see the next move. They were loving this battle, this was the goal, wasn't it?

"Not bad Floaty" He stretched his arms as he spoke causing me to tense up, not sure of what he was planning to do "But I'm better" He blasted the largest flame I've seen in my direction causing me to fly back and land roughly on the stone floor for what felt like the hundredth time this battle. Once again I rolled, but this time I felt a splitting pain in the back of my head.

Did I overdo my quirk? At this point, I felt like I could not move. My head had hit the ground hard when I fell causing me to see stars. I looked up to Bakugou as he changed from aggressive to concerned quickly.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I attempted to get up one more time, but the room spun around me. The crowds once again booed for Bakugou and I felt like I was reliving my first sports festival all over again. As my eyes closed I quickly heard the announcer yell "Bakugou wins" and I beat my shaking fist into the ground.

The tears slid down my round cheeks before feeling strong hands wrap around me and holding me close for a minute. I was too weak to open my eyes and chalked it up to someone helping me off the floor. I wanted to cry, scream, anything to relieve the pain I was feeling right then. My body was lifted from the ground like a rag doll as my head rolled into the crook of the individual's neck and my arms dropped.

I knew we were back in the tunnel exiting the arena when the crowd started to sound more distant. I assumed I was headed to Recovery Girl, and when I felt the individual slowly set me down in the bed I knew I had made it safely. Opening my eyes only a crack I was met with a familiar pair of crimson eyes.

At first glance, they looked angry but slowly softened up as mine opened more. He looked down softening his facial features resting his face into a soft smirk. Not many get to see Bakugou have any emotion other than angry, but when he showed his softer side, his mouth curls down relaxing just enough to make his cheeks look round. It was my favorite thing to see and it made me feel special that he showed this side around me.

"Thanks for bringing her all this way young Bakugou" Recovery Girl smiled up at him as she stood on a stool tending to the visible wounds. "Yeah, yeah...." He looked away returning to his consistent angry expression before speaking again, this time softer "It's not a problem I just want her safe". I felt a ping in my chest shifting in the bed a bit.

His head slowly turned back in my direction after hearing the sheets move, he let out a sigh of relief before continuing "Good match today round face" he laughed softly sitting at the other side of my bed as Recovery Girl bandaged up the rest of my wounds.

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