Chapter Twenty-Four

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Play With Fire - Vance Joy || "And I guess I knew it this whole time, but these old feelings they make me blind"

Walking up to the door I felt my heart beat quicken. I was pretty calm on my way here, but now that I was standing on the other side of their door I was growing increasingly nervous. Taking in a deep breath I pressed the doorbell and held my breath in. Within minutes the door swung open to show Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou and Katsuki standing before me.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou!" I smile as Mitsuki grabs my hand yanking me inside. "Call me Mitsuki!" she brushes off my shoulders aggressively as only Bakugous mom would "You look beautiful Ochaco! I am so thrilled you could make it tonight!" I giggle seeing Bakugou's reaction behind her. He crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes heading into the kitchen. "Here you are Mitsuki" I pulled the bundle of flowers from behind my back and handed them to her "Thank you so much for having me over again". I watch as Mitsuki's eyes widen as a big smile spreads onto her face. I laugh seeing so much of Bakugou's smile in hers. "Oh wow! Masaru come here and see what Ochaco gave me!" Mitsuki yelled behind her as Katsuki and Mr. Bakugou poked their head out from the kitchen. "Oh wow! Those are lovely!" Mr. Bakugou walked from the kitchen putting a hand on his wives shoulder watching her admire the flowers "How did you know Mitsuki's favorite color was yellow?"

I blush from the attention "Just a guess really. I-I'm happy you like them". Bakugou was now emerging from the kitchen. He didn't take many steps towards us but leaned his body against the doorway to the kitchen giving me a dirty look that caused me to laugh. "Well let's not stand here, I have spicy chicken kebabs for us all and I would hate for them to get cold" I smile but know for a fact my stomach is not going to be happy with me later. It was clear where Katsuki got his spicy taste from. Bakugou remained in the doorway as his parents walked past waiting for me. "You're such a kiss ass floaty" I stick my tongue out at him as he quickly wraps his arm around my head pulling me in to mess up my hair. "KATUSKI BAKUGOU!!! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND STOP MESSING WITH SWEET OCHACO!" Mitsuki yelled from her seat at the table "God the manners of that boy.." I laugh pushing him off me as I fix my hair before taking a seat at the table.

"So you two, how has training been.." Mr. Bakugou spoke softly but I could hear him from my seat. "Hunny! If you're going to talk, talk loud enough for everyone to hear you." Mitsuki didn't bat an eyelash as she continued to serve everyone. "No, it's ok, really." I put my hands up in defense, "I heard you" I look over at Bakugou who was shoveling food in his mouth watching me intently waiting for my response "Everything has been going great, I really feel like Bakugou has been helping me become a lot stronger. I couldn't thank him enough for the help" I look over at Bakugou and smile as he drops his silverware smiling back at me. 

"Gosh Bakugou, when will you be a man and actually take her out on a date already..." Mistuki says as Mr. Bakugou, Katsuki and I almost snap our necks turning to look at her knowing for a fact this was going to start an all-out yelling match. "SHUT THE HELL UP HAG! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BUSINESS!" Bakugou slams the table as the two of them begin yelling at each other. Mr. Bakugou looks at me and flashes a knowing look that makes me laugh. Mitsuki slaps the back of Bakugou's head as he finally shuts up taking his seat. "Don't be mad at me because I'm giving you some motherly advice you brat" Mistuki takes a sip of her water after her final statement as Bakugou grits his teeth at her.

Almost instinctively I reach under the table and rest my hand on his knee. As soon as my touch met his skin he instantly calmed down. His eyes move to my direction and softened a bit as I nodded my head at him. Before I could pull my hand away I felt his rest softly on top of mine. I felt my temperature rise quickly as his eyes remained on me. I felt frozen. I turn my gaze back to Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou who were both staring at us two like we had two heads. They could clearly see what was happening, but no one dared to say anything about it right then. I slowly pulled my hand away knowing now that all eyes were on us. 

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