Chapter Forty - Four

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Happiness - Rex Orange County || "'Cause I am the one that's waited this long and I am the one that might get it wrong and I'll be the one that will love you the way I'm supposed to, girl."


Ochaco didn't notice it, but I had been keeping a close eye on her since moment Aizawa mentioned a parent day. She tried her best to hide her frown, but she wasn't good at hiding her emotions. I knew about her family situation - hell it was the first thing she really opened up to me about. I remember that day fondly actually because it was the first day we talked and the day she piqued my interest.

It was right after we fought during the first sports festival. As I watched her hit the ground and still attempt to drag her weak body towards me I knew there was a lot more too her right then and there. As recovery girls help carried her off I noticed she had left her shirt so when everyone was distracted I walked over and grabbed it. The tattered cloth had no real purpose anymore, but I still carried it with me to return it to her. I now know that I really only did it as an excuse to talk to her. She was surprised to see me, but I had to understand why she was so headstrong.

"So Floaty, what's the fucking deal... why did you push yourself that much?" I grumbled handing over her shirt as we stood alone in her waiting room. She was shocked to see me hand over the shirt as he looked back up to me squinting her big eyes at me like she was struggling to understand why I was in the room.

"I am doing this only to become a famous and successful hero.." I grit my teeth from her response - should have guessed, "that way I could help support my family, my parents would never work themselves so hard again.."

Her response stood out to me. She wasn't in it for the money for herself, but to help out her family and that was it and here I was being a huge asshole wanting only the fame... She made me reevaluate myself - which I never fucking do. Ochaco from then had me under some magnetic pull, she fascinated me and made me want to be a better person.

Later on, that day when I listened to her open up during our walk, I couldn't help but grow frustrated. How in the world does she expect her parents to know what the fuck she thinks and that she's feeling hurt? Nothing fucking pissed me off than when Ochaco allowed for others to walk all over her because she doesn't want to speak up. She always brushed her own sadness off for the happiness of others. I mean, its why I liked her so much - but fuck. She needs to be happy too.

That's when an idea popped into my head. Once I was back in my room I scrolled through the school directory until I found the Uraraka's house number. Using a loose pen I circled the number and pulled out my cellphone.

"Yes son..."

"FUCK THATS HOW YOU GREET YOUR OWN BLOOD!" I yell, my mom was such a bitch sometimes.

"MAYBE IF YOU WERENT SUCH A BRAT THEN I WOULDNT HAVE AN ISSUE! You are only calling to yell and I'm not in the mood right now. Why can't you call and ask how your father and I are doing?"


"OH !!! How is that girl? When are you going to ask her out Katsuki I just adore her she-"

"Yeah yeah yeah she's great, but I need a favor."

"Anything for Ochaco!"

"Ok erm... I may need to barrow a bit of cash...." Radio silence on the other end of the phone.

"Your not doing something stupid... like eloping or like buying a ring right.... I love Ochaco, but that might not be good right now..."

Was she being fucking serious?! "PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!"

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