Chapter Thirty-Six

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Beyond - Leon Bridges ||"She shines me up like gold on my arm. I wanna take it slow but it's so hard... I love to see her face in daylight. It's more than just our bodies at night - I'm scared to death that she might be it"

Rolling over on my side I listened as the waves crashed on the other side of my tent. It was so peaceful to wake up to as I stretch my arms out from the covers letting a yawn escape my lungs. Feeling my bare chest peak out from the covers I remember that I am completely naked. I quickly jolt up due to the fact I was in a tent naked with Bakugou! If anyone saw us we would be finished... 

Rubbing my eyes to focus them I grab hold of clothes or anything to throw on but stop once I realize the bed was empty. Did he leave in the middle of the night? Replacing my body I stayed sitting up as I ran my fingers through my hair. Maybe he didn't want to try and wake up early to sneak out... or maybe everything was too much for him last night.

Plopping my head down on my bed I lay there imagining the worst case scenario as I always do. Within minutes I heard people moving around outside. Combing my fingers through my hair I quickly throw on my clothes from last night and make my way out of the tent. 

Kaminari, Tsu, Kirishima, Mina were sat around the now dead campfire as I rubbed my eyes adjusting to the bright sunlight. They were too busy talking about something to notice me right away as I took my seat beside Tsu. 

"Well good morning !" Kaminari yelled, "Beautiful as always Ochaco". 

I laugh and push Kaminari's shoulder as we all continue talking. Still, no sign of Bakugou as I scanned the others around. I didn't want to ask where he was for fear of suspicious looks. Kirishima looked over at me like he could already read my mind as he flashed me a toothy grin. I smiled back as I looked down at the ground. 

"Bakugou should be back any minute" Kirishima announced. 

"Where did he go anyways?" Kaminari said scratching his head. 

"How would I know, he left pretty early," Kirishima said looking to his side at me. Oh god please don't make it so obvious Kirishima. I hide my blush as I look down at the ground playing with the sand at my feet. 

"There he is!" Tsu yelled pointing off in the distance. 

My head whipped up so fast as I looked in the direction of Tsu's pointed finger. Bakugou had his clothes on from last night and a loosely fitted grey sweatshirt as he walked towards us in the morning sun. I looked away quick not wanting to make eye contact because I was a bit embarrassed thinking about the last time I saw him... 

"HEY BAKUGOU!" Sero yelled out at him waving his hand from his tent door. 

Bakugou nodded his head as he stood behind us all. I finally looked up at him and noticed he had two coffees on a travel tray. Looking down at the coffees then back up at him he returned the look with a half smile. 

"Morning Ochaco.." He beamed handing me a coffee. Did he get up early and walk into town just to get us coffees. 

"What about the rest of us?!" Kaminari yelled. 

"WHAT ABOUT YOU DUNCE FACE!" Bakugou yelled before taking a sip of his coffee, hiding his growing blush on his cheeks. Everyone looked at him then at me, clearly wondering what the heck was going on, but staying quiet about it. The only person who didn't look confused was Kirishima as he smiled up at Bakugou. 

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