Chapter Eighteen

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As You Are - The Weekend || It's just me and you, they couldn't see what I see in you. Yeah, cause I believe in you, you're the only one I choose"

Resting my face in my hand I look out the window at the rain hitting the thick glass of our classroom. I hadn't spoken to Deku other than a few texts here and there, let alone seen him since earlier this week.

I wasn't sure if he was mad at me or just was too busy. Either way, I knew I would be seeing him today at our training since All Might was going to be there... it seems like lately Deku has become more of All Might's shadow.

The bell rain in the distance snapping my head back to the front of the class and watched as everyone packed up their materials. I follow suit and throw my raincoat over my shoulders. We all were to head outside rain or shine for training and the last thing I needed was to get sick because I didn't wear a proper coat.

"Hey Ochaco !" Tsu called as Momo stood beside her smiling warmly.
"Hey, you all" I smiled back as I returned to put my things away in my backpack. I quickly check my phone hoping to see a message from Deku, but see nothing. I sigh out loud forgetting that the girls were right next to me.

"Everything alright?" Momo turned her head a bit to meet my gaze as I blushed from being caught.

"O-oh Yeah, I mean- I guess I'm just stressed is all" I shrug my shoulders and turn my gaze away because I hate to lie... I still hadn't even told Tsu about Bakugou ... it was not like I was lying ... more like withholding information.

"No need to be stressed Ochaco, its just training" she smiled and Tsu looked at me concerned "let's all walk together?"
The girls and I walked and talked about what we might be doing today. It was too wet out to really do any active training, so maybe we would be working inside.

The rain pelted against our rain coats as we rushed into the arena following the others, guess we were right. All Might was already airing for us in the arena with his shadow right next to him. Deku stood there awkwardly knowing that we all were annoyed that he got to miss classes for a bit.

"Hey kids" we all smile and return the hello and Deku walks over to stand beside me. I tensed up a bit because I lost the words I really wanted to say and remained silent.

All Might continued as we all stood, "Due to the weather, we thought it was best for you all to work indoors on your quirks. Use this as the time to find new strategies or even new ways of applying your quirk."

Collectively we all say "yes sir" and all move our separate ways, everyone but Deku and I. He turned his body to face me and I could see a smile spread on his face from the corner of my eye.

"Hey!" I look up at his beaming face, what is he so proud about... "Hey" I respond softly as I make awkward eye contact with him. I couldn't help that I was feeling frustrated with him.

Deku's face twisted a bit at my response and probably my facial expression. "Is Everything alright" he continued. I just stared back at him, was he being serious right now?

"Deku, I haven't heard from you in a few days other than a few texts here and there, a lot has been going on with me and it seems like you're never there.. how am I supposed to feel?"

Deku's eyes showed confusion but also a bit of sincerity as he put a hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry Ochaco.. I thought you would be more understanding of this situation.. I have large shoes to fill and I cannot let anyone down..." I stare back at him and scan his face and watch as his expression now turns serious.

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